Chapter 4

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Paintbrush's POV:  I was nervous after school, but of course, the day had to end soon. I got ready to pack up, until someone patted me on the back. I flinched a bit and looked behind me, turns out it was just Fan.

"Good luck, you'll definitely need it." [Fan]

"Thanks, I guess..? [Paintbrush]

As Fan and Test Tube left together, Lightbulb literally jumped right behind me. What's up with people touching me from behind?!

"See ya tomorrow, Painty!" [Lightbulb]

She waved goodbye, and I was all alone. Then, all of the sudden, I was pulled from behind the school. I recognized who took me, Trophy.

"Hey loser, remember me?" [Trophy]

"Yeah, I remember you Trophy, what do you want?" [Paintbrush]

"Nothing much, just gonna beat you up." [Trophy]

"Yeah, I expected that." [Paintbrush]

"Are you doubting me?!" [Trophy]

"No, not at all! I just knew this was going to happen." [Paintbrush]

Trophy shoved me against the concrete. There were already scratches on my elbows, they were bleeding a bit.

"Can't believe you already started to bleed, I didn't even have to try." [Trophy]

"Look, all I did was bump into you. It wasn't a big deal." [Paintbrush]

"I never let anyone bug me, even if it was 'just a accident'." [Trophy]

Trophy punched my face. Trophy was about to punch me again before some of the teachers walked out.

"I'll let you go for now." [Trophy]

Trophy walks away from me. I struggled to get up, but slowly I was able to stand up. I picked up my backpack and headed back to my home.

3rd Person POV: Once Paintbrush arrived at their house, they quickly went to the kitchen. They grabbed bandages from a drawer. They patch up the scratches from their elbow. They went to the bathroom to see if there was any other injuries. Turns out, they had a black eye..

"UGH! Why did Trophy give me a black eye?! So stupid.." [Paintbrush]

Paintbrush covered their eye with a eyepatch from the cabinet. They started doing their homework at 8:47 pm and finished at 1:09 am. They went to bed and slowly drifted off sleeping..

-The Next Morning-

Paintbrush woke up and started their normal routine. Ever since Trophy punched them, they had to wear a eyepatch. Paintbrush got their backpack and walked to school.



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