Chapter 11

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3rd Person POV: Paintbrush went inside the nurse's office, just to see Fan talking to Lightbulb. Lightbulb had a bandage around the injury that Trophy made. Paintbrush's bristles faded back into its normal color.

"Hey guys, you okay..?" [Paintbrush]

"Okay? I'm more than 'okay'! You just fought with the school's most biggest bully!" [Fan]

Test Tube snapped out of her drunken-self,

"Yeah, uh.. question, why did your bristles glow..?" [Test Tube]

"Probably should've told her.." [Paintbrush thought]

"Also, Trophy ran away while you were distracted by Knife." [Test Tube]

"Honestly, I would've ran away as well, (if that happened to me..)" [Fan]

"Did you see Trophy come in while we were busy?" [Paintbrush]

"No? Why..? Did I really miss that much?" [Lightbulb]

"Oh you missed out A LOT. Good thing I recorded most of it!" [Fan]

"You did- what now..?!" [Paintbrush]

"I mean- it's Fan, what do you expect?" [Test Tube]


"You must've looked so cool! Beating up bullies like it's nothing!" [Lightbulb]

"Honestly, it felt good. But I nearly caught on fire again.." [Paintbrush]

"Oh yeah... about that, could we hang out later? Just for fun!- and also cause I need to tell you something.." [Lightbulb]

"Yeah sure, I got nothing else planned to do anyways, what time?" [Paintbrush]

"Maybe in the afternoon, like at 5 or 7 pm?" [Lightbulb]

"Alright, I'll see you later then." [Paintbrush]

Paintbrush gave her their address,

"See ya!!" [Lightbulb]

Lightbulb was extremely worried, but she had to tell them at some point before it spreads around the school..


Paintbrush's POV: I wonder what Lightbulb wanted to tell me. I mean, it had to be important cause she could've just told me right then and there. Or maybe it's something private- or a secret..? Maybe something happened between her and Pepper, she was running when she entered the cafeteria. Something must've happened..

I entered my house and took a small shower after a long day. After drying up, brushing my bristles and putting on my pjs, I lay down in my bed. I really don't have anything to do, maybe draw..? I should take a break after running nearly the entire school.- Suddenly, I got a notification on my phone.

(BFFs FOREVER! tagged on you a post.)

Huh, weird, I don't know who this 'BFFs FOREVER!' user is.. I don't even remember giving anyone my account? I clicked on the notification, and what popped was a small video that was about one minute long.

(BFFs FOREVER! posted this recently):

"Hey guys, guess what~!" [Salt]

"We have some tea to spill for you! You know that school that was recently burnt down?" [Pepper]

-she isn't talking about-

"-It's called the Inanimate Impressions High School!" [Pepper]

- oh- oh no..-

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