Chapter 18

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A/N Note: If ur wondering, 'why is the celebration art gone??' I just wanted this book to be more organized, but you can look back at it in my art book (if you'd like).

The next two days had passed by, it was school again. Paintbrush had been terrified, all they really had was Knife and Fan. They weren't really sure about Test Tube, they didn't really talk a lot. Paintbrush got ready, walking over to school.


The first thing they see was Lightbulb, who was casually getting her supplies. Paintbrush slowly approached their locker, avoiding to make eye contact with Lightbulb. Lightbulb caught onto this, frowning a bit. It was so awkward now, they couldn't even talk together.

"Don't be afraid to talk to me." [Lightbulb said, walking to her class.]

Paintbrush was stunned, they couldn't get a word out. They decided to talk to her later, they had class after all.


Writing. It's really a boring class. Nothing truly happened, nobody wanted to sit right next to them. Nearly all of the seats have been taken, besides the ones right next to them. All of the sudden, two people sat right beside them, OJ and Paper.

"Hi Paintbrush..! Uhm.. I know this is going to sound odd, but, thanks for hitting Salt! ...And Pepper.. I guess." [OJ]
"OJ.. You literally laughed at them! It was unnecessary.." [Paper]
"Eh, they deserved it." [OJ]

Paintbrush chuckled, "That's exactly what I said! But Trophy just had to barge in like always.. Honestly, he's really annoying." [Paintbrush]
"I'm glad you aren't as bad as people say! You seem like a nice.. paintbrush. Right, OJ?" [Paper]

OJ was caught off guard, he had been staring at Paper,

"Huh- oh yeah! You're a nice paintbrush..!" [OJ]


Paintbrush knew what was happening, they just decided not to say anything about it. Instead, they just gave him a sly smirk.

OJ blushed nervously, looking away from them. Paper looked at OJ confusedly, wondering why OJ was behaving this way. Neither of them payed attention in class, but the teacher didn't seem to care, as if it was normal. The three continued to talk until the lesson ended.

"We'll see you later!" [OJ exclaimed, waving goodbye to Paintbrush]

Paintbrush waved as well, walking to their next class.. History. They knew that both Lightbulb and Test Tube were there, it frightened them. They had this feeling.. did they hate them? Should they just skip class? They sat right next to Test Tube after all.. But they needed to catch up with studies, they couldn't miss this class. The bell rang.. their mental thoughts distracted them completely. They quickly ran to their locker, switching out their supplies and ran to History.


Globe stood in the middle of the class, getting the attendance for everyone. Paintbrush came in with a slam, everyone stared at them deeply. It gave them immediate goosebumps.

3V3RY80DY H473S Y0U.

Paintbrush ignored the thought, smiling sheepishly. They sat down next to Test Tube, which she quickly looked away from them. They noticed a crack on her cheek, they felt extremely guilty. They obviously weren't thinking when they had hit her, they were enraged at that time. Paintbrush knew why everyone was staring at them, it was the video... or was it their reputation..? It was clear Paintbrush was popular now, but it wasn't for anything good. They looked at Test Tube in concern,

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