Chapter 5

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Lightbulb's POV: I was talking to Fan and Test Tube,

"So you guys gonna join any clubs this year?" [Lightbulb]

"Nah, I would rather post on my blog." [Fan]

"No, I don't think I'll have the time for a club. Plus, I have a science project this week." [Test Tube]

"I was thinking about joining Cooking Club, I wanna learn how to make cookies and snacks!!" [Lightbulb]

"Since when have you been interested in baking..?" [Fan]

"Never, I just started thinking about it.- I'm also thinking about joining Art Club.." [Lightbulb]

While we were talking about clubs, Painty walked up to us-

"Hey guys-" [Paintbrush]

"Woah..! What happened..?" [Lightbulb]

Paintbrush just stared at me like I did something wrong. But did I really? I mean- people would've asked the same thing right..?

"Trophy happened, I know I was warned but, he gave me a black eye." [Paintbrush]

"Jeez, did you fight back or something?" [Fan]
"No, if I did, he'll just confront me again." [Paintbrush]

"Uh..Painty? Can I see your eye?" [Lightbulb]
"Yeah, sure..?" [Paintbrush]

Painty took off their eyepatch, their eye looked so- purple and big!

"He really did give you a good ol' punch huh?" [Lightbulb]

Paintbrush glared at me,
"Really..?" [Paintbrush]

I chuckled awkwardly.

3rd Person POV:
"I really wanna post this in my blog..-" [Fan]

"-DON'T. I don't want this, (they pointed at their eye) to get 'too much' attention." [Paintbrush]
Paintbrush put back their eyepatch.

"Fine.." [Fan]

"Well, now that you know THAT will happen. You gonna stay out of trouble, right?" [Test Tube]

"Well yeah, I don't wanna get bullied-" [Paintbrush]

"That's not how Trophy 'stops a fight', you'll need to bring some kind of money." [Fan]

Paintbrush turned to Fan.

"And you didn't tell me this SOONER?!" [Paintbrush]

"No...?" [Fan]

"Golly.." [Test Tube]

"I'm just gonna go. Y'know before the bell rings.." [Lightbulb]

Fan and Paintbrush were still arguing, Test Tube just glaring at them.

"Uh.. See ya..!"
[Lightbulb left awkwardly]

Lightbulb's POV: Jeez, I hope they know that the bell is gonna ring soon. I headed off to Science class, it's usually the strangest class. I always sit next to Suitcase and Yin-Yang, since we have assigned seats.. I can handle it! Suitcase is a sweet person, she stares off to Balloon sometimes. (ooo!)

"Hello class! Today we are gonna dismember a crab's body!" [Newspaper]

Wait crabs?! They usually do rats or frogs or- all of the sudden a tub of water was placed in the middle of the table. Inside, there's still a alive crab..!

"Uh Newspaper? Aren't the crabs supposed to be dead?" [Suitcase]

"Those little guys were too tricky, I was only able to kill some. So, you'll have to kill them!" [Newspaper]

WHAT..!? I don't wanna kill a crab! Yin-Yang grabbed the crab and shoved it in their mouth.

"Yin-Yang! Why did you do that?!"[Lightbulb]
"It wasn't my fault! Yang ate it! I'll gladly do it again!-" [Yin-Yang]

They both screamed in pain as the crab pinched inside their tongue. Suitcase flinched a bit by the sudden scream. I was able to get the crab out of their mouth. The whole class were staring at us...for a second.

"Y'know what? I wanna keep the crab!" [Lightbulb]

"But what about our grades?" [Suitcase]

"Eh, I'm already failing Science, plus I'll have a new pet! His name will be Baxter!" [Lightbulb]

"But you aren't allowed to-" [Suitcase]

"What's going on here?" [Newspaper]

"Sorry ma'am, but Lightbulb wants to keep the crab for herself. We aren't able to do the task." [Suitcase]

Newspaper looked at me, disappointed.

"Lightbulb, I'll give you a 0 for the project. (She pointed to Suitcase and Yin-Yang.) I'll get you two different crabs." [Newspaper]

Suitcase and Yin-Yang nodded as Newspaper left. Huh, do I even need to come at Science anymore? I'm already failing this one badly. Newspaper came back with two dead crabs, that was probably traumatizing for Baxter..

"You two will have to do the work at home, since you didn't finish it in class." [Newspaper]

Yin-Yang glared at me, the bell rang.

Now that I have a crab, and I don't know how to handle one- I'll ask Test Tube if she knows how!

[713 words] 😋❤️

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