Chapter 2

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Lightbulb's POV: I was heading towards History and I noticed Painty heading to it as well!

"Heya Painty!" [Lightbulb]

"Uh, hello Lightbulb." [Paintbrush]

"Wanna be friends?" [Lightbulb]

Painty thought about it for a second,
"I guess so, I don't really have anyone else to be with." [Paintbrush]

Me and Paintbrush went to History together. I sat down to my seat while Paintbrush has to introduce their self to the class.

"Alright class! We got a new student today, go ahead and introduce yourself!" [Globe]

I could already tell Paintbrush was nervous.

"Uhm...hi! My name is Paintbrush, I like art and I would love to make new friends year..!" [Paintbrush]

"Okay Paintbrush! Sit next to Test Tube. Test Tube, please raise your hand." [Globe]

(Test Tube raises her hand)

Paintbrush's POV: I sit down next to Test Tube. I really hate how you have to introduce yourself in front of the whole class, I never really understood why teachers do it anyway..? I really just want people to know me by actually talking to me. I just hate the attention from others... My thoughts were interrupted by Test Tube, who greeted beside me,

"Hi, I'm Test Tube! Hope you'll have a great time this school year!" [Test Tube]

"Thank you..!" [Paintbrush]

Globe handed me a history book and a binder. Today we learned about the 1890s and clothing "rules", it was really interesting to be honest..! After History, I went to my locker and got my computer for Technology. While walking back, I accidentally bumped into someone. It was some jock-like Trophy.

"Hey do you mind?!" [Trophy]

"Sorry! I didn't mean to-" [Paintbrush]

Trophy pushed me down, all of my supplies fell. He looks down at me, in a very chaotic way. He then, stomps on my computer 5 times and kicked my books around.

"Hey stop it!- It was just a simple accident!" [Paintbrush]
"Don't make me waste my time with these little 'accidents'" [Trophy]

He practically stomped away, I quickly picked up my stuff and checked the computer. It had a few small cracks but I don't have enough time to repair it. I hurried towards my next class.


3rd Person POV: It was lunch time, Paintbrush didn't have anywhere to sit at. Until they noticed Lightbulb waving at them, motioning them to come at her table. Paintbrush walked towards to them and sat down. There were only 2 people Paintbrush knew, Lightbulb and Test Tube. Other than that, there was only Fan who was playing games on his phone.

"Hey Painty! Welcome to our table!" [Lightbulb]

"Yeah, thanks for inviting me." [Paintbrush]

"No problem! Anyways, meet Test Tube and Fan. Test Tube is basically the scientist of this group. She knows science and.. random facts." [Lightbulb]

"Fan is a blogger! Though he's most likely interested in the internet, he believes everything in there.. for some reason. He doesn't really focus on what we're talking about, so don't expect him to respond immediately." [Lightbulb]

"Lastly, ME! I'm the 'leader' of the group. I love becoming friends with everyone! Test Tube and Fan have been my best friends since 6th grade!"[Lightbulb]

"I already met Test Tube during History." [Paintbrush]

"Oh, you already know Test Tube?" [Lightbulb]

"Yeah, we sat next to each other and talked for a bit. I thought you knew that.." [Paintbrush muttered that last part]

There was a awkward silence surrounding the four, unless Fan's rapid typing counts.

"I would also like to get some info about the other students, I honestly need to know them before I even get meet them- or try to avoid them." [Paintbrush]

"I'm sure Fan could help you with that! He literally blogs about everything here. It's sorta one of his hobbies.. I'm not sure.." [Lightbulb]



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