8- Returned Home

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*+*Three days later*+*

Madeleine and Espresso snuck out without being noticed, so once they got far enough away, they started running.

They've been running for a long time now.

Madeleine slows down, "Es.. Espresso?"

Espresso stops and looks at him, "Hm?"

Madeleine sways slightly, "I.. don't... feel good..."

"Madeleine did you-"

Madeleine leans on a tree, "Too much running..."

Espresso picks him up, "You should have said something earlier!"

"But.. Have to run...?"

"I can carry you."

Madeleine stays quiet. Espresso starts running again.

Madeleine leans on Espresso, falling asleep in his arms.

After another hour of running, they reach the kingdom.

Espresso is panting, still holding Madeleine.

Espresso walks closer to the kingdom. Madeleine wakes up, "Are we home..?"

"Yeah.. We're home..."

Espresso sets Madeleine down.

Gingerbrave sees the two of them, "Espresso?!

Espresso waves, still catching his breath. Gingerbrave runs over, then looks at Madeleine, "Madeleine..?"

Madeleine nods, "Yes?"

"What happened to you two?"

"We got kidnapped."

Espresso puts a hand on Madeleine's shoulder, "A lot happened. The Cookies of Darkness are planning an attack on the kingdom."

Madeleine asks, "Have you found the fake me yet? Or the fake Espresso?"

Gingerbrave motions for them to follow, "The fake Espresso got away, but we caught the fake Madeleine."

Espresso and Madeleine follow him to the sheriff's office. Fake Madeleine looks up when they walk in.

He smiles, "Oh, good! You escaped!"

Madeleine asks, "Wait, why are you happy about that?"

"I'm glad you got away safely. Also, Madeleine.."


"How do you smile like that all the time?! I broke after less than three months!"

Madeleine smiles slightly wider, glancing away for a second, "What do you mean..?"

Espresso lightly smacks Madeleine in the back of the head, "Stop doing that."

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