10- Sensory Overload

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*+*That night*+*

Madeleine is standing across from the Other.

The Other smiles, "So, how was the first day of me being in charge?"

Madeleine is covering his mouth with his hand, "You- ow- Why?"

"Well, you want to be perfect, yes? That means smiling all day."

Madeleine glares at him, "Not to the- the point of pain!"

"But it doesn't hurt."

Madeleine tries to grab him, but he's shin-deep in the floor.

The Other laughs, kicking Madeleine in the face. Madeleine's back hits the floor. The Other pushes Madeleine into the floor with his foot.

Madeleine gasps as he sinks into the floor.

The Other chuckles, "Have fun dealing with all the pain."

Madeleine sinks more. He grabs the Other's ankle, "St- Stop!"

The Other shakes Madeleine's hands off, then stomps on him.

Madeleine goes completely through the floor.

He blinks, then tries to get back out of the floor, but instead of feeling like he's moving through syrup, it feels like water.

Then it feels like air.

He screams as he falls.

There is no floor.

He wakes up. It's early morning now.

He quickly gets out of bed and runs to the door. He tries to open it, but he can't move anymore, "No no no nononono!"

Madeleine turns around and goes back to his room, "You aren't telling ANYONE ELSE!"

"I just- Please just- let me talk to Espresso!"

"NO!" He starts getting ready for the day.

Madeleine is trying to fight against Madeleine, but it's no use.

Madeleine rolls his eyes, "If I let you talk to Espresso, he could tell everyone else. I can't have that happen."


"I said no, Madeleine. If you don't shut up I will hurt you."

"Won't you hurt yourself as well?"

Madeleine laughs, "Of course not! Would you like a demonstration?"

"No- OW!" Madeleine kicks the corner of his dresser.

He finishes getting ready, ignoring Madeleine's crying in his head.

He smiles as he walks to Espresso's house. He hasn't gotten Angel yet.

He arrives right on time, but Espresso doesn't come outside immediately. Madeleine tries to move closer, "He's never late and today isn't a crash day!"

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