9- Losing Control

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Madeleine tightens his grip on Espresso in his sleep.

He's having a nightmare.

Madeleine is standing in front of a crowd who are all cheering for him.

He looks around for any exits, but he's cornered.

He backs up more, "I- I apologize! Fre.. Friends, I'm- I-"

They stop cheering, "Madeleine? Why are you stuttering?"

"I- I'm uh- I-"

"Are you ok?"

Madeleine nods, "Yeah- Yes. No need- No need to worry!"

"Are you sure?"


The crowd parts to let someone through.

It's.. Madeleine. The fake Madeleine gasps, "Who is trying to impersonate me?!"

The crowd looks at each of them. Someone asks "Who's the real Madeleine?"

Madeleine opens his mouth to say something, but he's cut off by the Fake saying, "Clearly I'm the real one. My hair is in perfect condition and his is not."

Madeleine's head wings lower, "I- I was-"

"Look at him. He won't even smile."

Madeleine tries to smile, but his cheeks hurt. A lot.

He stops, "But- It hurts-"

The Fake turns the whole crowd against Madeleine.

Madeleine runs away, but the crowd chases him.

He cries as he tries to escape.

He trips and falls over.

The crowd drags him away. He struggles, but it's no use.

He's thrown onto the ground in the center of the crowd. He looks around.

Everyone is angry. Madeleine curls up, crying more.

People kick him, yell at him for 'impersonating Madeleine', and a few throw stuff at him.

Then.. They vanish.

Madeleine slowly opens his eyes. The Fake is the only one there.

The Fake growls, "Why did you tell them?!"

"Wh- Wha-"

"Why did you tell Espresso?!"

"Tell- what-"

The Fake kicks Madeleine in the chin, "You let him find out! You are supposed to be PERFECT!!"

Madeleine curls up more, "Sorr- rry!!"

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