Old Feelings, New Hurt

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Ya'lllll I forgot where this story was going because I wrote it a while ago and I'm surprised so I can't even imagine what you guys will think about it lol
Everyone went down for breakfast the next day, afterwards going separate ways. You, Mina, and the witches all went to the library to talk. You looked for a new book as you spoke over the bookshelves every now and then.

As you sat back down with your book Cordelia was just finishing up an embarrassing story. "... she was so scared she peed. So I figured it'd be best to not teleport with her anymore" she says cracking up.

You glare at her "in my defense you didn't just teleport anywhere. I blinked and we were on the top of the fucking Eiffel Tower, that shit would scare anyone" you say pouting with your arms crossed.

Mina internally feels bad, because she can never do things like that with you. The teleporting because she wasn't a witch obviously, even though some would disagree. She also couldn't take you to places like France because of the apocalypse.

She was broken out of her thoughts by your hand on her thigh. You looked up at her lovingly and gave her a peck on the lips. You turn back to the group and she watches in pure adoration. How you manage to make everyone around you feel so loved.

Yet you always had extra for her, it never failed to amaze her. "Oh no" Cordelia says sarcastically as she puts her hand to her forehead. Myrtle laughs to herself after blowing the smoke from her vape out.

Madison as usual is confused but so are you and Mina. "What?" You speak up, she points to the book in your hand. You instantly realize "Delia, stop. I swear to god if you make a joke..." you start.

She puts her hands up in surrender, "just one? Please? It's too hard to resist" she asks giving you puppy dog eyes. Mina is still extremely confused when you look over to her. You put up your finger to Cordelia basically putting her on hold, she huffs but waits.

"Have you ever read this?" You ask holding up the book, she nods hesitantly. "Well look at that, then you'll agree with me that this is an incredible work of literature" you say proudly. Even Mina chuckles at you bit, you giving her a playful 'death stare' and she stops.

"Y/n be honest... you only like it for the steamy parts not the plot" Cordelia says. Myrtle is still quietly cracking up while Madison is trying to catch up. "That's not true, plus the book isn't even steamy. The movie is where you see all the sexual tension... so if that was the reason I'd just watch the movie all the time" you say.

"Well..." Cordelia starts, "Cordelia Goode..." you say with a warning tone basically telling her to fuck off. "But you said I could make a joke" she counters, Mina is trying her hardest not to laugh right now.

"Ugh fine" you say giving in, "well it's more a fact than a joke truly... I will admit the book is good there's no denying it. The movie is excellent as well but the amount of times you watched THAT scene is ungodly. I guess it's not that graphic which makes it a little better. But uhhh Cate Blanchett is quite the competition, I was constantly fighting for my life" she tries to remain serious but busts out laughing.

"I'm so sorry, god that was funny" she says calming down. Pretty much everyone was laughing hysterically. "Yeah ok hahaha are we done?" You ask playfully but truly you're embarrassed. Cordelia walks over and sits next to you pulling your head into her chest and stroking it playfully.

"Awww poor baby I'm sorry..." she says in a mocking tone. You bite her arm lightly, making her let go and you lean your head back into Mina's lap. Your feet resting on Cordelia's, and start reading while everyone talks.

Delia what are you doing? I can tell she's in my mind, I had to learn cause those witches are sneaky.


just tell me d there's no point in hiding it

Just- what are you thinking

If you wanted to know you could've just asked but I'm thinking how good this book is haha

Oh ok...

What's wrong Delia?


I know you... something is wrong

Can we talk later? Privately...

Of course, after dinner sound good?

Maybe after lunch?

Ok whatever you need...

And just like that she emerged and went right back to her conversation. I however was so confused as to what was going on. I decided to just lay comfortably in Mina's lap and just sleep for a bit.

Mina wakes me up just before lunch and I stretch on her lap before sitting up. Everyone else is gone, it's just me and her, "hi sweetie" well that's new. "Hey" I sat sleepily, "you wanna go to lunch?" She asks sweetly.

Don't get me wrong I'm loving this, but it is weird seeing her being this... nice? "Yeah I'm kinda hungry" I say lying because who is ever hungry for those damn cubes? She stands up with the help of her cane, and me of course, and I follow.

We enter the dining room and everyone is surprisingly quiet. I'm getting a really weird vibe but I just dismiss it and finish my food. After we all finish Mina says she's going to the room and I let her know I'll meet her there.

Cordelia and I go to the library to talk, she sits down on the couch with a sigh. I'm instantly worried because I can feel her nervous energy. "What is it Delia?" I ask cautiously, I didn't want to force her to talk. But my worry was increasing by the second.

"I'm gonna say this because I need to get it off my chest. I don't expect you to do anything about it and I won't either if that's not what you want..." she started. I looked at her confused, just hoping she wasn't going to say what I thought she would.

"I love you. I never stopped loving you. I know you're with Wilhemina now and all I want is for you to be happy. So I would never jeopardize that for you, I've already done enough to hurt you. But I just really needed you to know that I'm still in love with you. I just never want it to be uncomfortable between us if we stay friends" she said.

I sat there, looking at my lap, taking deep breaths just trying to process. I slowly nodded as I took it all in to let her know I heard her. "Ok... I need time to ummm think about this" I replied.

I know I love Wilhemina, more than I currently loved Cordelia. Because those old hurt feelings still resides in me a little. Cordelia understood and said she'd give me space, she gave me a small smile and went to bed.

I sat for a little longer before I slowly walked back to my shared room with Mina. If I was being honest with myself, I loved Delia more than I loved Mina. At least at the peak of our relationship I did, but I had also been with her for years.

I mean I was fully ready to spend the rest of my life with her. I needed time to think about what I was going to do, but I'd probably choose Mina. I knew I had the capacity to love her more than I loved Delia and choosing D was just the 'easy way'.

But in reality it wasn't easy because hurting Wilhemina would not be easy. I know Delia can take it cause she's probably already processing the fact that I might decline her. But Mina is oblivious to anything going on.

I look over at her as I settle into bed and she turns over and wraps her arms around my waist. I sigh deeply as I contemplate my options and I feel bad for even thinking about it in the first place.

I come to the conclusion that I need advice so I just settle on talking to Myrtle tomorrow.

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