*sighs in gay*

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Mina had heard enough and she walked away as quietly as possible. She was hurt but she was also pissed. You pushed Cordelia away lightly before she got any closer.

"Oh..." she sat sadly as she sat up, "I love you Delia, I really do. But I'm dating someone right now. It was really nice to catch up and I still consider you my best friend. But I love her and I can't do that to her" you said sincerely.

You really did love Cordelia but you loved Wilhemina more. "I understand. Sorry I misread the situation" she responded. "It's ok. No harm done, as long as you promise not to do it again" you said seriously.

She held her pinky up and you both laughed as you linked your pinkies together. You hugged her tightly and she hugged you back tighter. "Delia if you don't loosen up you're gonna break my ribs" you said with strained breath.

You gasped as she let you go, "sorry, I just really missed you" she laughed. "I missed you too. Now let's go check on Madison, you know she needs a babysitter" you both laughed at exited the room to look for her.

You found her with Myrtle in the common room, when they saw you walk in together they looked at each other. Madison sighed and handed Myrtle 20 bucks. "What was that?" Cordelia asked as she chuckled.

"We bet on if you two would make up. I said you would and Madison being the pessimist she is said you wouldn't" Myrtle replied. You all laughed, everyone except Madison as she lit another cigarette. Myrtle winked at you and Cordelia and said she was glad you guys were friends again.

You wondered how she knew you guys weren't getting back together. You figured she just read the vibe, or your mind for that matter, she was fond of that when you knew her. You all sit for a while just talking until Mina walked in.

You got off of Cordelia's lap and went over to hug her. She seemed really stiff, "you ok baby?" You asked softly. "I'm fine y/n" she replied oh shit you thought, she's mad about something. "Well guys... me and my girlfriend gotta run. But I'll see you guys tomorrow yes?" You said to them.

They all nodded and smiled, Myrtle smiled the biggest and winked at you. You smiled just as big and waved to them as you grabbed Mina's hand and went back to the room. But as soon as you left the common room she let go of your hand.

You decided to just wait until you got back to the bedroom to talk about it.
You got in and locked the door behind you, she went in the bathroom and closed the door. You waited figuring she was doing her night routine.

She came out to change and you asked if she wanted you to help, like you do every other night. "I'm perfectly capable of putting on my own clothes" she replied coldly. It stung but you let her and did your night routine and changed.

When you came back out she was already under the covers and had her back turned to you. You laid on your back staring at the ceiling "Mina?" You asked timidly. She didn't respond but you knew she wasn't asleep.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" You asked softly. "Going to" she replied, "what?" You asked confused. "Am I going to tell you what's wrong is how you should say it. And the answer to your question is no. Because you should already know" she responded.

"Ok well for one, you've never had a problem with how I talked before. Two, how am I 'supposed to know what I did' if you don't tell me? I'm not a mind reader" you said growing more frustrated by the second.

"Maybe ask that girlfriend, sorry EX- girlfriend of yours. She knows how to read minds" she replies harshly. You sit up now, "Mina get up" you try to say calmly. She doesn't move "Mina get the fuck up. Now" you say sternly.

She turns over and sits up giving you a look full of annoyance. "So this is about Cordelia" you say, "wowww you figured out. Can I go to sleep now?" She asks. You take a deep breath trying not to get frustrated at your girlfriend for acting like a child.

"Look, I don't know what you THINK is going on but there's nothing there. You can ask me anything you wanna know and I'll tell you. I'm not trying to hide anything" you say sincerely.
She doesn't say anything and you sigh and grab her hands.

"Mina... I love you. YOU. No one else ok? Cordelia is a person from my past and she was my best friend before we dated. So naturally she wanted to apologize and makeup and that's all that happened. We talked and laughed and that was it" you say trying to reassure her.

She looked into your eyes, searching them for deception once again but you weren't lying. "Why we're you guys in the room so long?" She asked, she wanted to believe you so bad. But her trust issues just wouldn't let her and you understood that.

"We we're catching up and talking about old times. Some from when we were together and some from when were just friends. She was apologizing and we just lost track of time. And before you ask, yes, she did try to make a move. She tried to kiss me and I pushed her away before she got too close and told her..." you moved to straddle her.

"That I have... an amazing... girlfriend... who I love... more than anything" you said between kisses. You giggled and she smiled and pulled you in by your waist. You rested your forehead on hers and look her in the eyes.

"I love you" she said "I love you too" you replied, "and I'm sorry for not trusting you" she added. "It's ok. I understand how it looked especially me sitting on her lap and all. But just remember you're the only one I love. Boop!"

You said as you booped her nose, you both laughed and you moved so you were laying on her chest.

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