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I wasn't quite sure what to make of Twilight, after all, he had attacked us. But he was a hero, a reincarnation of me, so he had to come along. I still wished I knew who told him about us, but some things are better left unsaid. We'd been travelling for about four hours, and we still hadn't made any major progress. We'd reached what Twilight said was the 'Fishing Grotto', which was not too far from Castle Town. I was excited to see what had become of the small settlements on the surface. However, the sun was setting, so we made a camp. I offered to cook, so Twilight handed me some herbs and other edible plants, and I lit a fire with Time's flints. Can I just point out now, it was SUPPOSED to be a stew. At least I tried, but honestly, I never really learnt how to cook at the knight academy, nor was it a skill I particularly focussed on during my journey. It was brownish, mushy, and it stank like a dead bokoblin, but we forced it down anyway, and I just passed out. Twilight took first watch. 


Dawn arrived swiftly, and Twilight offered to guide us to Castle Town, and I was curious to see what the tiny settlements on the Surface had become after hundreds of years. It did not disappoint, I have never seen so many people in one place. To be honest, it was a little claustrophobic. And the Castle... Wow! I was very surprised that we didn't get lost in the crowds. Time looked a little tense as we navigated around the various streets and Hylians. Twilight seemed fine, however. "Sorry!" Time said gruffly "I'm not much of a people person, and this was just a surprising amount of Hylians in one place" Twilight nodded. "Right, there's a shop somewhere that sells things that could be useful to us, so if you could find what you need, I'll pay" Time nodded, and was rapidly engaged in bartering for three bedrolls of questionable quality. We ended up with said bedrolls, and Time seemed pleased with his abrupt decreasing of the price. Twenty-four rupees we paid for the lot. Not bad.


On the way back to Faron Woods, Twilight halted us. "Bokoblins" He declared, drawing his sword. Time tried to do the same, but winced in pain. I'd forgotten he broke his ribs. "You need rest, let us handle this." I said. "Can you try and let yourself heal?" He grumbled, clearly not liking the fact that his boys were putting themselves in danger and he couldn't do anything about it. But he gave in, and leant against a tree while we discussed strategy. "All right, on three!" Twilight said. "One, Two Thr-" He was interrupted by five disgusting Bokoblins charging at us. 


They charged. We charged. Time ignored our orders, and charged. The portal got there first.


Twilight skidded to a halt, and gawped at the swirling, unholy portal that Hylia created for us, until Time grabbed him by the pelt, and dragged him in. I grasped Time's shoulder, and we ran from the Bokoblins, into the vortex. As a team. Together.


...It was the worst portal journey so far. Time stumbled, but managed to stay upright. Twi fell over, and literally ate dirt. I think he managed to knock himself out on the cold hard earth, but I'm not sure. As for how I fared, well. I nearly threw up all over myself, but luckily for my stained, torn Skyloftian clothes, I restrained myself. I staggered a few steps, feet twisting in odd directions, before my legs gave way and I closed my eyes. Anything to stop the ringing in my ears and the swimming of my vision. I curled up into a ball. As I said, worst portal experience so far. However, it would have been so much worse if the Bokos had been transported with us. Thank the merciful Goddess Nayru that they were still stuck in Twilight's Hyrule, no doubt wondering where their prey had gone.

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