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It was harder than you'd think, having four minds in one body. After our last adventure, when we'd finally reformed after at least 2 years of being separate, the combination of Vio's soul-shredding grief over losing Shadow, Red's need to curl up and sleep, the  dangerous, fiery mood that Blue was in and my relief that Dot was safe forced our now shared body into a sort of coma. I'd been found unconscious in the forest, slumped at the base of the Four Sword's pedestal. According to Dot, I wasn't breathing right. It wasn't long after that that we awakened and, as soon as we tried to move, forgetting we were all in one body, we fell over. We couldn't speak, couldn't make decisions without changing our minds five or six times and we definitely couldn't train. I spent most of my days talking to Red and Blue while Vio screamed himself hoarse. In our world, the conversations were all only between us, but we must've accidentally spoken out loud. And before I knew it, whispers of the Hero being insane spread through the castle, along with the muttered complaints of the guards who were forced to stand outside our room. Or, as Blue preferred to call it, our cell. Mothers tugged their children out of our way, travellers raised swords at us as we tried our hardest to relearn how to be one person again. 


I personally didn't understand why everyone was so scared of us now, but most of all, even with my brothers sharing a body with me, I felt alone. Dot's explanations didn't make it much better. "Link..." She'd say, in that sweet voice of hers and I'd look up at her, and she'd frown. "You do realise that the reason people are wary of you is because you hold entire conversations with nobody, your personality changes like a switch and some days you wake up incoherent and unable to move properly. Link, are you okay? And I want an honest answer." And we shook our head. And then we pulled ourselves to our feet, feeling the plush carpet of Dot's bedroom underneath our thin-soled boots. "Link! Don't strain yourself!! I can get whatever you need for you!" And, for once, we were all in agreement. We spun on our heel, lashing out with our fist. And, as sickening as it sounded, the crack it made when we collided with her jaw was... strangely satisfying. She had recoiled, fear in her her eyes as I ran away from her on faltering legs. She never really trusted me after that. I was a bit of a loose cannon. I did mention that it's hard having four minds in one body.


My eyes fluttered open slowly, a high-pitched ringing in my ears and a strange silence in my head. The other Colours were uncharacteristically silent. Squeezing my eyes shut again, I tried to ignore the buzzing in my ears and get my thoughts in order. I was... upside down. How odd. And then, all I could see was a young Sailor as he danced about in front of me. "Hey Four, you awake? Hellooo?? Hyrule to Four?" Wind's cheerful smile was suddenly in my face, and I squawked so loudly that Legend dropped me on my head. "Oof, that looked like it hurt." I nodded, still a bit shaky. "Is Wild back?" Time gave me a once over, seemingly happy with my seemingly good condition. "He returned before we made a decent camp, which wasn't too long ago, why?"


I marched over to the fire, to Wild, eyes burning a cold blue, freezing and deadly. The others warily watched us. Sky was teaching Hyrule to sew, and had paused, needle suspended in the air. 'Roolie was poking his hand, a silent plea for the First Hero to keep instructing him. Our newest addition looked up at me, the fire casting ominous shadows over his twisted scars. He looked evil, really evil. "Hey you!" I marched up to him, an odd anger deep in me that I didn't understand, voice a deeper, dangerous growl. He looked down at me, his blank eyes boring holes in my skull. I snarled. "You. You..." His expression melted into uneasiness, and I felt a burning satisfaction. "What in the name of the Four Sword were you doing?! I've heard Stalchildren scream less violently than that, you sounded like you were DYING!!! WHAT WAS THAT?!" I raised my palm, stepped closer and with a sound like a cut of meat hitting water, I hit him round the jaw. Instantly Twi was on me, and had dragged me back. "Let me go!" I thrashed like a snake, but Twi's stupid superstrength beat me. "You bastard, get off!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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