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Twi wasn't responding, the Colours were arguing, I was struggling to keep my head in the game, and I knew that if I killed that lizard it would all stop. But, a memory sprang to mind of sparring with Shadow, and at that memory, a cry of horror burst from my lips. "Shadow!?" The black lizalfos span to glare at me, and I shrank back, holding the Foursword out in front of me. "I am not Shadow, but he is known to me. I'm sure it would weaken you greatly to know that he is no longer connected to you, Hero of the Minish" My arms trembled, and my eyes widened into a childish expression. I saw Hyrule looking at me funny, I don't think he'd ever heard of Minish. "What do you mean?" I snarled, and Dark Link decided he would give me a more forceful answer. The Goddess-forsaken creature lunged at me and pinned me against a tree with one scaly hand. "I mean that he is gone... Permanent exile, some would say, but I prefer to call it sacrifice to resurrect a demon god... He died for a noble cause..." I felt angry tears welling up in my eyes, and suddenly, Blue was in control. "Lemme go, you spineless, worthless phantom creation of Vaati! You undergrown excuse for a lizalfos, I've fought octoroks stronger than you! Lemme go!" And, with all my strength, I bit him, really hard on his unprotected thumb. He jerked backwards, and dropped me. I rolled to avoid the impact of falling, and 'Rule rushed to cover me but it was all unnecessary, as the apparition fell to his knees, a blade thrust through his chest from behind, and I could see who stabbed him. Twi. The rancher tugged his sword out of Dark Link's body, and he faded away into nothingness. I felt relieved for a second, but that relief didn't last very long.


Sky ran forwards to help Twilight stand, but he brushed the Chosen Hero's hand off his shoulder. "Let me be." Time looked especially worried as the ranchhand turned tail and sprinted into the woods. We didn't see him for the rest of the day. By the evening, Leg had built a fire, Sky and Wind were asleep in each other's arms, and I was bored as hell. Time was giving me an incredibly long lecture about biting people, and I just wanted to stand up and walk off. Blue was still in control of the body, so I did. He stared after me disapprovingly and I knew I was in for it later. Wars caught me, lifted me up, and put me on his shoulders like I was two. I raised my head, and enjoyed being tall for once, until a familiar grey wolf came charging out of the woods with a mouth full of fish. I leapt off Warriors' shoulders, and Wolfie bowled me over and nuzzled me. I laughed, and 'Rule boosted me onto his back. "Get Wind up over here! He'll enjoy this!" I said, and 'Rule shook him up, and lifted him on too, before getting on behind us all. "Whoooooooooooooooaaaaa!!!" He whooped as Wolfie charged around camp like a madwolf, everyone else just had to get pout of the way because we couldn't control him. 


After knocking Leg's fire rod out of his hands, Time made us get off before 'Rule's mentor set us on fire. Before he could, however, Wolfie came up behind Time and sprang on to his shoulders, making him stagger. Quicker than Vaati, we leapt back on and set off once again. Wars eventually resorted to chasing us shouting "Hey! Time wants you back in one piece! Slow down! Hey!" Did we pay any attention? Nope!


Once our wolf friend had had enough, he dumped us on Sky's lap and ran into the forest. Twi came striding out of the trees only a few minutes later, looking decidedly more normal. He glanced down at the fish, which were punctured where Wolfie's teeth had been, and smiled. "You've been visited by Wolfie, I'm guessing." Time nodded, and seemed to relax now that Twi was back and talking again. "I'm not sure what came over me there, sorry about that. I was thinking and-" He was interrupted by a portal literally appearing on us out of nowhere, leaving us no time to pack up camp. We lost everything except our weapons, and Leg was really angry about that. It didn't take long, though, to notice that something was seriously wrong here. A huge black and purple boar was ravaging the plains below us, as a figure on a horse galloped around its legs, firing bolts of light from a bow. I winced as a beam of withering darkness from the boar knocked them off their horse, and they landed on the sharp end of their golden bow. We could only watch as the final Link took on their darkness.


Howdy y'all! How'd ya like our first glimpse of the new Link. Breath of the Wild's Dark Beast Ganon really sucked didn't it... I was so disappointed. On a different note, thanks for reading this chapter, and thanks @Zelda story teller for resolving a small issue with me. Honestly, I'm really looking forward to the bit where I'm legally allowed to make my boys SUFFER! (Don't worry, G0ddessSw0rdF1 isn't a monster. She's Sky's sword.) Anyway, see ya in the next one! #WildChildTime!


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