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I knew I was supposed to feel sorry for the pathetic girl mewling on the floor, but my cold stone heart really didn't crumble at her hopeless wails. Wild seemed equally as nonchalant, fiddling with his tangled bangs as she clutched at his ankles, weeping like a spoiled brat who hadn't got her way. I liked Wild, he seemed like a genuinely cool hero, unlike pretty much all of us, but this pathetic, snivelling princess made me want to scream. She reminded me of Hilda at her worst, back when she was practically an empty shell with a shock of silky purple hair and some red eyes that always glinted like she was planning a murder. I walked up to her, face carefully snarky, keeping my signature smirk plastered over my internal disgusted grimace. "Come on. It's all very tragic and your life has just fallen apart because your beloved, handsome little hero isn't attractive to you anymore but you are being a sick little rat and I think you should wake up, straighten up and GROW A BACKBONE ALREADY!" Twilight gave me an appalled look, coupled with Sky wiping away tears of laughter and Wild's shoulders shaking as he shot me an amused, approving look. Wars knelt by her and offered her his hand, which she snatched up immediately and held tightly. "Watch out, Vet!" Wind giggled as Time ruffled his hair. "You might break her!" I sniffed, trying to look like I wasn't trying not to laugh. "I think it would be a very good idea if you stopped judging purely on appearance. Am I attractive? No, not in the slightest". Hyrule gave me a strange look after that, which told me clearly that at least he didn't think I looked like a rat. "Do I have people willing to sell their souls to marry me? Yeah, I do." I gave her a withering glare, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall like I couldn't care less. "So, haul yourself up, dust yourself off and get out. Right. Now." She looked at me with wide, emerald eyes, batting her long eyelashes like that made her more convincing. "But.. But those hideous wounds were my doing! I'm such a failure of a princess!" She buried her head in her hands, almost hysterical at this point. Ugh, Hylians have such complicated emotions.


While Zelda was hyperventilating on the floor, Wild was just stood there, standing with the group but not within touching distance of any of us. He shrugged his shoulders uncaringly, looking at the Princess with a disappointed stare. "Pathetic" He signed, turning to the door at the same moment a pretty girl pushed it open. Wild fell backwards and she fell backwards and they both ended up on the floor laughing like old friends. Warriors gave the young woman an appraising look before Zelda took his other hand as well and he directed his attention to her. I rolled my eyes, watching as Impa greeted the newcomer. "Ah, Paya. May you direct these gentlemen through the village?" Paya nodded shyly, beckoning to us to follow her. Warriors extracted himself carefully from Zelda's grip and waved goodbye to her. Wind groaned, as he wanted to explore and poke around the village. I grabbed the back of his tunic and yanked him along behind me, ignoring his wriggling and explicitly worded protests. Following Paya, we made our way out of the village and up a small hill, towards a small, glowing blue structure. Wild stomped his foot against the hard surface for attention, and only I noticed. He glared at Time's back as he thought, before I saw the spark in his eyes of an idea. Before I even know he was there, Wild was hurtling towards me, aiming to knock me over. Well, it worked. I went flying, smashing into the edge of the hill with a thump. I felt the crunch of something dislocating and I guess I must've screamed because the others looked around at us. "What the hell, Wild?" I shouted, picking myself up, eyes sparking with fury. I grabbed the front of his tunic, yanking him in front of my face. At least he had the decency to look scared. I took as deep a breath as I could, while the pain from my dislocated rib throbbed miserably in the background, before screaming things in his ears that would've made Ganon go crying for his mother. I vaguely heard Paya's little voice worrying before Warriors ran over, easing me away from the newest Link, who now looked pleased that he had everyone's attention. Wild made eye contact with Time, fingers signing fluidly to us. "I'm going to do something. Stay here. If you don't, I have full reason to kill you." And with those words, he dismissed Paya and stalked off into the woods. Paya stuttered out a goodbye, wishing us luck on our quest, and then rushed back to the village, presumably to check on the whining princess. I growled slightly, glaring at Wild's retreating form. Sky gave me a worried glance, but since Four was guiding him through sword maintenance, he didn't see me snarling at him in return. I tuned out the others' noise and focused on the peaceful sound of someone playing a reed flute in the village, a pretty rustic sound, but it reminded me of home. Wherever 'home' was without me. The quiet only lasted a few moments though as a jagged scream of pure anguish split the air like a machete. Twi's head jerked up, along with Hyrule's. "Is that Wild?" He grunted, to Four's deadpan reply of "Huh." and the Rancher stood up, powerfully marching towards the woods. "If that's Wild, I'm going to get him. That sounded worse than Legend's joints on a rainy day." Time seized the back of his collar, dragging our resident cowboy back to the group. "Oh no you don't, Twilight."

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