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By the time I woke up, Legend, Wild and Time were already awake. Our newest hero looked better, even though his eyes were hollow and shell-shocked. Wild's hands were wrapped in damp rags, but he still winced and hissed as he tossed herbs into his pot, making what was probably our breakfast. It smelt glorious, almost like it was sent by the goddess to aid her chosen heroes. Maybe it was... Time was running over today's plan with Leg, who looked utterly bored. Come to think of it, my mentor always looked utterly bored. Obviously, Wild's injured palms were top priority as he was banned from fighting until they healed. He'd probably disobey us though, cause from what we'd seen, he was almost completely feral. When they noticed I was awake, Time came over to brief me on their concoction of fighting for us today. Wild had mentioned his Zelda knew how to heal things better than him, so we were going to a village to find her. Luckily for us, we weren't too far away. At least, that's what Wild told us. What he didn't mention was the fact that we'd probably need horses, and at least two of us couldn't ride a horse, let alone tame one! Time had it easy, one song on his blue ocarina and the darned animals were bowing and scraping to him. Wild had mentioned that he owned a steed, so we wouldn't have to worry about him. I was wondering how he would ride with no hands, but I guess he should be fine as long as his horse does nothing stupid.


After we got everybody else minus Sky up and ready to go, Four sat there, next to the Chosen Hero's head, poking him with sticks, and then the hilt of his sword, and then the tiny kid screamed in Sky's ear with frustration. Wild crouched by Sky too, trying to uncork a small bottle. Eventually, he got it open and the exotic scent of a spice filled the air. "Goron spice" Wild signed. He held the little vial under Sky's nose, waiting for a reaction. It only took two seconds for Sky to breathe in the painful chilli scent and sit up, trying his hardest to cough his lungs out. Wild just gave him a small smile of consolidation and went to join the others, who were waiting to go. After a while, we were trekking down a riverside path between two massive peaks, jagged and broken like some giant had taken a knife to them. Maybe they had, you never know! Around a dusty, neglected path led to colourful cloth shelter with a grotesque horse head modelled above it. Wild gestured for us to wait a second while he ran to a man behind a counter, signing wildly about horses and how he'd need all of them as soon as possible. "Sir Link, are you sure? A-all of them? Well I'll see what I can do... I've never had to tack up five horses at once..."


"I'm sorry did he just say 'five horses'? There's no way he has five horses!" Twilight burst out, eyes flashing. "Um, rancher..." I said, trying not to laugh. "You might want to look behind you." He did, and saw Wild holding the reins for four horses. One chestnut mare, with a plaited mane and garishly embroidered tack, one pure white stallion with a tight braid running along the crest of his neck neck with royal tack, one black gelding with a bright blue mane wearing some kind of Sheikah tech and one... Huge. Huge and grey with a fiery orange mane and tail. Time looked at the massive creature as it whickered gently to him, nuzzling into his armoured chest. "A-ah... I didn't know Ganondorf's horse was so... gentle..." Wild's long ear twitched under his hood. He put all the reins into his left hand and signed, "Horses' names are Nico, Neigh-ru, Big Mac and Ganondorf" Time pulled an exasperated face, somewhat ruined by the fact that he was stroking Ganondorf's wiry bangs. Wind had found his favourite, cuddling Big Mac as the orange horse searched the Sailor for treats. Wild must spoil his steeds, just like Twi told us not to do to any horse. Sky wandered over to Neigh-Ru, smiling and laughing when the horse licked his fluffy bangs 


Wild handed Big Mac's reins to Wars, smirking at the Captain's disgusted look, which was being directed at the horse's gear. All feathers and ribbons and beads. He passed Neigh-ru's reins to Twi and nodded to the rancher. He threw Nico's reins at Legend, who caught them deftly and then went back to studying Nico's tack with Four adding comments every now and then. Time was given Ganondorf as a mount, presumably because the horse was too big for the rest of us. How Wild was able to ride it, being as short as he was, I didn't know. The cook ran around to the back of the stable, coming back riding a brown mare with a gleaming white mane. "Epona?!?" Time, Twi, Four, Legend and Wars all yelled at once from the gathering of horses. 

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