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When the Chain arrived to recruit me, I was only too happy to go! Especially because I got to see Captain and Masks again. I'll never understand how Masks is an adult now, but I guess we've all seen the strange and the wacky, so I won't question it. I was turning my cabin in Tetra's ship upside down gathering my most precious things in a small, beaten-up pouch. Aryll's spyglass, my boomerang, my Deku Leaf, grappling hook and my Hero's Charm. As I was fastening the pouch shut, Aryll's head poked around the door. "Big brother?" I went to her and ruffled her hair fondly. "Aryll, can you look after Boaty for me? Make sure he doesn't get lonely?" She nodded frantically and gave me a tight hug, squeezing my ribs until I was sure she'd broken them all. Then it was time to set off. I felt exhilarated by the sense of adventure I hadn't felt in so long. I'd mapped out every last rock in the Great Sea, and it got boring sailing to the same old islands over and over, especially since Boaty didn't talk to me anymore. Besides, judging from the serious conversation, it sounded like they really needed me.


 I jogged over the sands towards Grannie's house, where I could smell the beautiful aroma of my grandma's famous soup. Aryll rushed out, almost bowling me over, and said to me in a voice full of laughter "Tetra says if you don't come back alive, she'll hunt you down and kill you!" I gulped; I'd forgotten Tetra's overprotective side still existed after that one time where I was teasing her, and she almost cut my hand off. Pirates aren't known for their mercy, y'know! 


As we set off, I heard snatches of conversation from my place by Wars' side like "Pup, please!" and "Can't be trusted". I let curiosity tighten its hold on me, and I piped up. "Who can't be trusted?" Twilight looked down at me like he'd known me all my life, and winked, before returning to his sharp discussion with Time. Our path was far from peaceful, though. Legend kept sneaking up on Wars and pouring chu jelly down the back of his neck, which made me laugh. Wanting to join in on the 'Pranking Wars' fun, I got out my grappling hook, and swung it around, before letting it fly, and tugging his scarf right off, chucking it to Leg, and running. "Why you little-" Wars shouted when he realised, and we spent the rest of the day avoiding withering looks from Wars and Time. Even though they made me feel incredibly guilty, I didn't regret a thing, and Vet didn't either; especially when we gave him back his scarf, with a side of Sky's cooking poured all over it! I never thought I'd enjoy messing with the Captain as much as I did. 


As nightfall drew near, everyone but me looked a little apprehensive. "Uh, Link" Sky questioned in a pleading voice. "Can you cook?" I pretended to think about it for a second watching the hope light up in their eyes, before replying with a casual "Nah" Hyrule and Four walked past me, towards the nearest tree, and proceeding to draw their swords. "A-are they gonna fight!" I asked, excitement making my voice tremble. Time, who was sat on the dirt making a fire, replied "Well, one of the has to cook, and to be completely honest, I'd rather it be Four, since Hyrule managed to give Sky food poisoning last time." Sky confirmed that statement by nodding frantically. "We don't want a repeat of that!" Hyrule seemed cool, but he wasn't the best with a bladed weapon, and he seemed to be actively trying not to land blows on the tiny Four. That made sense, I guess, since I was pretty sure he was younger than me by at least a year. No good hero would want to hurt a child, and Hyrule seemed a pretty gentle soul. We watched with bated breath as Four stumbled, and Hyrule knocked his sword out of his hand. Legend screamed a barrage of curses so bad that Wars clamped his hands over my ears, and I watched as Time, ignoring the pink-haired hero's protests, dragged him into the depths of the woods. We could hear Time's disapproving voice from camp!

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