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Aside from the giant malice pig, which clearly wasn't usually there, I recognised this Hyrule, though I didn't want to say. It was ruined and broken, much like my heart after... her. But, lonely  as I was without her, I couldn't dwell in the illusory realm of memories any longer. I had to focus on the more pressing issue. Wars swept forward like a prince, probably to make some kind of rousing war speech but was cut off by Legend sticking out a booted leg, which he then tripped over. Arms flailing, Warriors plunged towards the dirt, and grabbed on to my shoulder in a desperate attempt to catch himself. He still ended up on the ground in a bedraggled heap, which was funny. He looked furious, and I'd hate to be on the receiving end of one of Time's 'disappointment stares' since they were pretty scary.


The tiny hero on horseback was galloping around, firing off random blasts of golden light whilst a frantic female voice called out to him. I could've sworn every time she told him to hurry, he went slightly slower. It was as if he wanted to spite her, for some reason. Can't think why. Four had his eyes fixed on the fight, and he looked like he was trying to tear himself apart mentally. What goes on inside his head is his own secret, but I wished he'd tell us why he had these extreme arguments with himself. Wars was shouting advice down to the hero, seemingly not caring that he was probably wasting his voice. Sky had his eyes clamped shut, fingers in his ears, and had taken shelter behind a wide tree, with Wind begging him to come and watch. Time had his single eye glued to the speck that was the hero and he was chanting fight techniques under his breath like it would help him cope. "Spin attack, vertical swing, horizontal swing, Din's fire, Nayru's Love, Farore's Wind" The speck shot the final spot. "Now, Link! Finish him!" The unseen girl cried to him, but he yanked his horse to a stop a tad roughly, and I felt a twinge of sympathy for the poor animal. He took out a weird tablet thing, and raised up up, pressed something and a small drone came out. He struck a pose just as the beast opened its disgusting third eye and there was a barely discernible click noise. I was horrified, I assumed the voice was this hero's Princess Zelda and I couldn't imagine why any good hero would want to, out of spite, delay rescuing her. It was for the good of whatever was left of this kingdom, but then he jumped back on to his steed, leapt off immediately, backflipped and shot a burst of gold quicker than should be possible. The boar was dead.


The evil was conquered. It was over for this poor soul, the poor, poor Princess, this impudent hero, and the rest of Hyrule. However, it seemed like the rest of the Chain wanted to give this 'hero' a few choice words, and who would I be to stop them? The Princess descended from the sky, glowing like golden ice, and sucked the Death Pig's essence into oblivion. "Link!" She cried to him, and he gave no reply. "Why doesn't he answer her?" Wind asked, much louder than he needed to, and Legend gave a short response. "Relatable." Sky looked at him in horror. "You did not just say that." Legend tossed his pink tinged hair irritably, like an annoyed horse, and sassed back. "When that Din-damned annoying brat of a Princess is your older sister, you get tired of her real quick. I can't blame that hero." 


There was a moment of silence, during which everyone turned and looked at Leg. "Zelda is your sister!?!?" Wind shouted, while Wars pondered about if he could still tease Leg about outranking him when the Veteran was a literal prince. Probably not. In those precious moments of silence the Princess asked him one question that I didn't really understand. "Link... May I ask?.. Do... Do you really remember me?" And then there was silence. No answer passed his lips. Her smile faded like Ilia's memory. No words for her. No recognition. Time steered us away, towards a path that would hopefully lead to society, but I still needed answers. One burning question lingered on my tongue, this hero, what was wrong with him?

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