Chapter 1

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"Are you exited about senior year" Ashton asks. "No I don't won't to go back to that stupid school" I say. "It's them isn't it" he says referring to Luke, Michael, and Calum. "A little bit" I say. "Don't listen to them they did the exact same thing to me and I got over it" he says. "Okay" I say weakly smiling. I'm not Ashton I can't get over little things. "I think I'm gonna go home" I say. "Already you just got here" Ashton says. "I have school tomorrow and you have your first day of college tomorrow" I say. "Okay do you want me to drive you home" he asks. "No I'll call my mom" I say. "Nope I'm driving you" Ashton says grabbing his keys. I follow him out the door and we walk to his car.
"Bye" Ashton says as I get out of the car. I wave as I walk to my front door. "You're home early" my mom says. "Yeah I'm really tired" I say. "Okay" my mom says looking at me suspiciously. I've never told my parents about my issue with Calum, Luke, and Michael and I don't know if I ever will. "Do you want dinner" my mom says. "No I ate at Ashton's" I say walking up the stairs. I walk into my bedroom and pick out my outfit for tomorrow. I pick out a plain black shirt with a galaxy pocket,Galaxy leggings,and black vans. I smile at the outcome of the outfit.
I lay in my bed and stare at the roof. I hope they don't bother me this year. Their so mean to me and I've never understood why. Ashton used to be friends with them until he met me when I was in eighth grade and he was in ninth grade. They didn't like me because they were Ashton's best friends. I understand that I kind of stole him from them but he chose me over him so it's a fair deal. It all kind of sounds like 3rd grade play ground drama to me but whatever. I pull my blanket over me and close my eyes.
I walk down the empty hallways of the school. It's awkwardly empty in here."about time you came" a voice says from behind me. I turn around and see a tall boy with unnatural bright red hair staring at me. "Michael" I whisper to myself. "Yep that's my name" he says. He must have heard me. "I'm not afraid of you" I say turning my back. "I'm sorry but did you forget the deal" he says. "I'd turn back to him if I were you" a voice says from the floor. I look down and see Luke sitting on the floor staring at me. His eyes are red. I turn around and face Michael. "Good you turned around now we don't have to kill your little friend" Michael says stepping away. I see Calum standing there with a knife held to Ashton's neck. Ashton's unconscious. "What makes you think you can control me" I say. "Excuse me" Michaels says. "Nothing" I say. "I heard you. Say goodbye to your little friend"Michael says in an evil voice. I see the knife go into Ashton's neck.
"ASHTON" I scream. I open my eyes and realize I'm in my bedroom. I look around the room for signs of Calum,Michael,and Luke. Was that all just a dream. I look at my clock it reads 3:47. Great it's only 4am no ones awake. I walk to my bathroom and stare at myself. Ashton. I need to text Ashton. I walk into my bedroom and text Ashton.
J-hey Ashton sorry to wake you I just need someone to talk to
A-what's wrong?
J-I had a bad dream
A-what happened in the dream
J-I don't want to talk about it
A-I'm going back to sleep but do you want me to drive you to school today
J-sure I guess
I guess I'll feel a little better if Ashton drives me to school. I just hope "they" don't mess with him. I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep. I lay there for what seems like forever then I look at my clock. It reads 5:54 now. My parents should be awake soon. I stand up and walk to my bathroom and start to put on eyeliner,mascara and a little bit of foundation. I brush my long brown hair. I smile as I walk out of the bathroom. "Maybe this school year will be better" I whisper to myself. I look at my clock it reads 6:24 now. Yep mom and dad are definitely awake.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To I just loved writing this chapter and I just have so many ideas that I can't wait to use. The other chapters might be a little bit longer. Also sorry I deleted some of my other stories I just have so many stories I'm writing and I can't keep track of them all. I think I'm going to ask you a question after every chapter so here's the first question

Q-Do you guys know any other languages and if so what language?¿
My answer-I know some ASL but I'm not fluent. I guess ASL is kind of a language.

Those people -1st book in the people series-Where stories live. Discover now