Chapter 17

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"Luke I'm confused are we dating" I whined sitting in Luke's lap on Michael's basement floor. Ashton had called Maddie and she was sitting beside Ashton. I'm glad there's a girl around now for me to hang out with. Teenage boys who never put pants on,kind of get annoying. "I don't know what do you guys think" Luke says looking at everyone else. "Juke is my ship name for you two" Michael says. I broke up with him two days ago and he seems to be fine. "Ew that sounds like a type of shoe" Calum says. "Juke,in stores now" Michael says sarcastically. "Ashton what do you think" I say. "Think about what" he says. He's so clueless. "What should our ship name be" I say. "Oh juke duh I mean it sounds like it should be a type of shoe but whatever" he says. Has he literally not been listening to our conversation."Maddie what's your opinion" I say. "Oh what I wasn't listening" she says. "Do any of you people listen" I say. "Wait what are we talking about" Luke says sarcastically. "Okay let's change the subject and talk about how fabulous my new hair color looks" Michael says. Oh yeah he dyed his hair a light green color and it make him look like a piece of broccoli. "You look like a vegetable" Calum says. Good someone else thinks he looks like a vegetable it's not just me. "A very lovely vegetable" Luke says sarcastically. "It's better than purple you kind of looked like a grape" Ashton says. "Hey I like my food like hair" Michael says. "What ever suits your fancy" Calum says standing up. "Where are you going" I ask him. "You expect me to sit down here without food" he says. "Well no,I'm assuming you're going to get food" I say. "Spot on" Calum says running up the stairs. "Michael do your parents really not mind these people raiding their kitchen" Maddie says. "I don't know their so used to them being over here,so they just started buying double the food when they go shopping" Michael shrugs. "Yeah seriously,I'm pretty sure Luke ate his weight in cereal from your kitchen this morning" Ashton says to Michael. "I'm a growing boy" Luke says defending himself. "Luke if you eat anymore you would probably explode" I say. "Hey the girls got a point" Michael says. I stick my tongue out at him. "I come with gummy worms" Calum says running down the stairs. Calum sits down beside me and Luke holding a bag of sour gummy worms. "I want some" Luke says reaching into the bag. Calum slaps Luke hand and reaches into the bag and grabs a yellow and green gummy worm and hands it to Luke. "Ew these are the nasty ones" Luke pouts. "Deal with it" Calum says. Luke rips the yellow hold of the gummy worm off and hands it to me. I put it in my mouth. Luke eats the green half and smiles. "I'm bored,and I'm tired of watching Maddie and Ashton act like they aren't dating" Michael whines. "Are you two dating" I ask Ashton and Maddie. "Maybe.." They say in unison. "Are you two dating" Ashton asks me and Luke. "I don't know" I say. Luke kisses me on the cheek and smiles "we are" he says. "Yay juke is real" Michael cheers. "Eww no juke sound like puke" Calum says. "Hey you aren't aloud to choose their ship name" Maddie says to Calum. "You guys are mean" Calum says crossing his arms. "Hey at least we didn't drop out of school" Luke says. "Yes you did" Calum says. "Shut up guys,I'm getting a call" Michael says looking down at his phone. He puts his phone to his ear. "Hello" Michael says. I hear muffled voices on the phone and then Michael says " I'll tell them" excitedly. "Who was that" Luke says. "We're going on tour" Michael shouts. "When" Calum asks happily. "3 weeks" Michael says. "Oh my gosh how long is it going to last" Ashton says. "27 days so about a month" Michael says. "Can we bring Jade" Luke asks. "Duh" Michael says. "Maddie can you come" Ashton asks. "I can't miss that many days of school" Maddie says. "So I won't see you for a month" Ashton says. "I guess not" Maddie says. "Guys that's not for another 3 weeks,let's just hang out while we can" Calum says. "Fine lets go to the park and play on the swings to make kids jealous that were on the swings and they're not" Ashton says. "No Ashton that's mean" Maddie says. "then we can just hang here and watch a movie" Michael says. "Or we can watch switched at birth on Netflix" Maddie says. "No" me,Michael,Luke,Ashton,and Calum say in unison. "I'm guessing you guys aren't fans of that show" Maddie says. "I hate that show" Ashton says. "Well then we're not dating" Maddie says. "I mean I love that show its my favorite" Ashton says. Ugh he can't act. "Guys can we watch the conjuring" Michael says. "Yes" Calum and Ashton say in unison. Me,Luke,and Maddie just look at each other. "Aww little Lukey's afraid of scary movies" I say. "I am not" Luke whines. "Okay then we can watch the conjuring" Michael says.
"Jade I'm scared" Luke says hugging me watching the conjuring. "I'm scared too" I say wrapping my arms around his neck. "Ash I don't wanna watch this" Maddie whines into Ashton's shoulder. "Why couldn't we have watched if I stay like I wanted" I say. "I don't know but that hide and clap game seems fun" Calum whispers. "Aww jade's in Luke's lap" Michael says. Calum pauses the movie. "Guys can we play hide And clap on teams,so a few select people aren't scared" Calum says looking at me and Luke."I call being with Maddie" Ashton says. "Okay so Ashton and Maddie are a team,Luke and Jade are a team and me and Calum" Michael says. "Okay do you have a blind fold" I ask. "Ashton pulls a bandana off his head and says "here use this". "But we need two if it's in teams" Michael says. "Here use this" Calum says handing Michael a piece of cloth. My question is where he got it from. "And before you ask its one of my sisters headbands" he says. "Why do you have Mali's headband" I ask. "It was in my pocket,and don't ask how it got there" he says.
For the rest of the day we ran around and played hide and clap and then we watched the human centipede which I almost puked while watching and then we all fell asleep
This chapter was fun to write IDK why.

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