Chapter 25

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We just arrived in the U.S. And we are currently in LA which is where the boys U.S. tour starts. Me,Maddie,Kayleigh,Luke,and Calum are in the hotel room chilling. Michael and Ashton went to get pizza. "So is this really all you do" Kayleigh asks. "Yep pretty much,we sit around and eat pizza" I say. "How are you guys not fat" Kayleigh says. "Well we work it off by performing and jumping around on stage,I don't know how Jade and Maddie aren't fat" Calum says. I slap his arm and he slaps mine back. "Okay quit hitting my girlfriend" Luke say pulling me into his lap. "Hey,so Kayleigh where were you born" Calum asks. "I was born in Florida but when I was very young my family moved to London" she says. "How did you not pick up on the British accent" Calum says. "I don't know" Kayleigh says. "So what's you're favorite song of ours" Calum ask Kayleigh. He seems very interested in her. "I don't know,long way home maybe" Kayleigh says. "Oh i love that song" Maddie says looking up from her phone for the first time in like an hour. "I mean I don't like my boyfriends band" Maddie says trying to hide the fact she likes their music. "Also Kayleigh who's your favorite band member" Calum says. "That's like picking a favorite child" Kayleigh says. "It's obviously me" Calum says. "Oh okay" Kayleigh says sarcastically. "You're sarcastic" Calum says. "I didn't notice" Kayleigh says you guessed it sarcastically. "Oh okay we get it Kayleigh sarcastic,I'm here to" I say. "Also Kayleigh what's your favorite food" Calum asks Kayleigh. "You ask a lot of questions don't you" Kayleigh says. "Yeah. Wait do I" Calum asks. "Yeah and you don't shut up" I say. "Hey Jade you ask a lot of questions to" Calum says. "Because I'm curious you're just annoying" I say. "Hey,I'm not that annoying,right Luke" Calum says. "Well your accent is kind of annoying" Luke says jokingly. "Hey,I like my accent" Calum says.
I hear a knock on my hotel room door. Well it's me,Maddie,and Kayleigh's hotel room but they went to get Starbucks. "Who's there" I say approaching the door. I open the door and see Luke standing there smiling. "Hello mr.hemmings" I say. "Well hello to you as well ms.bates" he says trying to sound as much like a gentleman as he can. "What brings you here" I say. "Do you want to come to the park with me?" He asks. "Don't you think it's a little late" I say. "I want to look at the stars" he says. "Okay let me put on my shoes" I giggle. I sit on a bed and pull on my uggs because it's night time and it's a little bit chilly. "Uggs in the middle of spring" Luke says as I walk to the door. "It's the beginning of spring and yes" I say smiling.
The parks really empty at night. "So why are we here anyway" I say sitting on a swing. "I don't know the boys were being loud and I Needed to get out of there" he says. "What were the boys doing" I ask. "Making keeks and being annoying" Luke sighs. "Luke why do we go together so well" I sigh staring at the stars. "I don't know maybe because we're just both two messed up kids in a messed up world" Luke sighs. "Agreed,I'll always agree with you" I say. Then there was an awkward silence until Luke broke the silence by saying "do you remember when we hated each other" he says. "Yeah I bet then we never thought in a million years would we be in a park in California together" I say. "I still feel bad about what I did to Ashton" Luke says. "That was so long ago" I say even though it was only a few months ago but it seems like it was fifty years ago. "I'm still mad at Michael about it too" Luke says. "But you're his friend still" I say. "Yeah and I know he's changed but...I don't know" Luke says. "Luke,can I ask you a question" I say. "Yeah sure" Luke sighs. "When did you start cutting and why" I ask. "How do you know about that" he says. "Michael told me" I say. "Okay fine, I was fifteen and I was so tired of Michael and Calum just using me and if I had to hurt you,I thought I should hurt myself too" he sighs. "But I can stop now because I have you and won't ever hurt you" he says. "You know it's really cold" I say breaking the awkwardness. "Here" he says taking off his flannel and putting it on my shoulders. "You know now that you gave me this,I'm keeping it" I smile. "Hey then give it back" he says. "No" I say standing up running. "Hey come back" he laughs. "No" I yell back at him laughing. I run faster and faster until he catches up to me. He trips me and I fall into the grass. I trip him and he falls and lands right beside me. "You know it's really pretty out here" I say. "So are you" he says. I turn my head and he leans in and kisses me. "You're so cliché" I say when we finish kissing. "I like cliché" he says.
Well that chapter was all over the place.

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