Chapter 20

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Performing in front of people who support you has to be the most amazing feeling in the world. But I have to admit I'm a little nervous because they're are so many people here,it has to be the biggest audience I've ever performed In front of. These past few minutes where we've been waiting to go on stage have been one big blur to me,I hope I'm not a nervous wreck on stage. At least Jade and Maddie are here that's comforting. "Luke come on" a voice says. I have no idea who it is but then all of a sudden I feel like I am going to puke,wait no I am going to puke. "Luke are you okay" the voice says. I shake my head. "Jade take him we have to start the show" the person who I realize now is Ashton says. Luke come on,what's wrong" Jade says. "I'm nervous Jade,I don't know what's going to happen out there" I mumble. "Are you sick?" She asks me. I shake my head. "Luke you look like you're about to puke,come on" she says walking me in the direction of the bathrooms. "Jade,I think I have stage fright" I say. "Oh come on Luke you've performed in front of audiences before" she says. "Yeah but those were small crowds" I say. "What about your YouTube videos" she says. "I didn't have to look into ten thousand pairs of eyes while making those" I say. "It's okay Luke" She says. What if these people don't like us live,what if they think we're terrible" I say. "Quit thinking about the what ifs and just think about what's happening right then and worry about the what ifs if they ever happen" she says. "That's a what if,like what if it happens" I say. "Luke you look horrible" she says looking up at me. "I feel a little sick" I admit.
I walk Luke to the bathrooms where he is now kneeling beside a toilet puking. "Jade make it stop" he whines. "I can't" I say although I wish I could. He's miserable. "Luke it's okay,maybe you just have a virus" I say. "No I'm nervous and if I do this before every show,just imagine that" he says. He's right he's nervous and I can't help that. I run my fingers through his now messy hair while he pukes some more. "Jade,what happened" Michael says walking into the bathroom. "Luke got nervous,shouldn't you be doing a show right now" I say. "Yeah but Ashton and Calum started talking about something stupid on stage so I said I was going to get water" he says. "Yeah,he thinks has stage fright" I say. "What lead singers can't have stage fright" Michael says. "Shut up" I mouth to Michael. He holds his hands up and walks out of the bathroom backwards. "Jade,make it stop" he says again. "Luke I can't" I say. He continues to puke. "Please" he whines. "I'm upsetting fans Jade" he says. "It's okay Luke they'll understand" I say. "No they want" he says. "Yes they will" I say. "Jade I get it you're trying to encourage me to go perform" he says. "No I'm not,I just love you Luke" I say. "You love me" he says. "Yeah of course" I say. "I love you too Jadeyn" he says. "Luke,you mean so much to me" I say. "Jade,you mean equally as much to me,maybe a little more" he says. He brushes my hair out of my face and stares at me. He may look like some punk rock person because he's six feet tall and he has a lip piercing but behind all that he's so nice. He leans in and presses his lips to mine. "Luke,you should go perform" I say. "I can't" he sighs. "Why,being scared hasn't stopped you before" I say. "Yeah but this is different" he says. "What's so different about it" I ask. "They're just so many people out there Jade" he says. "Luke having a big audience is something you've dreamed of forever" I say. "I didn't know it would be like this" he sighs. "Luke you'll just have to get over it" I say. "I can't" he says. He leans back over the toilet and continues puking. "Jade,why do you love me" he says. "Because you're you" I say. "But I put you through stuff like this" he says. "I don't mind it,that's what makes us an unusual couple" I say. "I love you Jade" he says. "I love you too Luke" I say running my hands through his hair while he keeps puking. I hope this is just a phase.
"What's wrong with Luke" Ashton and Calum say in unison to Michael as we walk off the stage. "He's sick" I say casually. "He's sick when has that stopped us before" Calum says. "I guess it stops him" I say. I'm worried about Luke,he's never been afraid to perform in front of people but now he is. "I'm going to find food" Calum says. "I'm going to find Maddie" Ashton says. I walk towards the bathrooms where I hear puking which I know is Luke. I walk in and look at Jade and Luke. "Why are you back" Jade says. She's leaning against the bathroom stall resting her head on Luke's shoulder. "We finished the show and I thought I'd check on you two" I say. "We're fine Michael" Jade says smiling weakly. I look at Luke and see that he's been crying,you can tell. "Why is he crying" I mouth to Jade. "I'll tell you later" she mouths to me. I'm glad we're both good at reading lips and Luke's not. "Luke what's wrong" I say sitting down on the cold bathroom tiles with them. He shrugs. "Luke answer me" I say. "Music,it means everything to me but maybe I just can't be a performer" Luke says. "Luke you got nervous once" Michael says. "But once could lead to every time,and then I just miss half of the show,which leads to disappointed fans" Luke says. Jade looks at me,her eyes tired and mouths "help me here". "Okay" I mouth back.
What got into Luke in this chapter
And I swear I'm not bringing Jichael back
Or am I? Jk I love writing about Luke and Jade.

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