Chapter 21

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1 week later
"Luke you can't give up music because you got nervous once" I say. Luke hasn't performed at one of the boys shows since the tour started. "Jade give it up,I'm done" Luke says. "Luke,you don't get it,do you?" I ask. "No,I guess I don't I don't" Luke sighs. "Luke,get up you're performing tonight" Michael says barging into the boys dressing room. "I'm good" Luke says. "Luke,yes you are" Michael says. "No I'm not" Luke argues. "Fine,but the songs sound really horrible without a lead guitarist" Michael sighs walking out of the dressing room. "Why do you guys want me to perform so bad" Luke asks. "Because it's your dream,Luke" I say. "It was my dream" Luke says. "No your dream is to perform with your best friends and become famous" I say almost shouting. "No,I'm pretty sure it's to become the employee of the month at the local super market" he says sarcastically. "Luke,I'm not joking,just listen to me" I say. "I'm going to listen to you,but only because I'm not a jerk" he says. "Luke,you don't get it,you got nervous once and you need to get back out there" I say. "Why" he says. "Because you're not only disappointing your fans you're disappointing your best friends" I say. "So let them be disappointed" he says. "Luke,you're not even you without music" I say. "Maybe,this is me" he says. "But it's not you" I say almost shouting again. "How do you know you hardly even know me" Luke says. "I know you well enough to know music means everything to you" I say. "Not anymore" he says standing up walking towards the door. "Where are you going?" I ask. "Out" he says walking out of the door. "Jade have you seen my....what's wrong" Michael says walking into the room. "Luke just left,do you know where he's going" I ask. "He likes to take walks to get his mind off of things" Michael says. "Also why'd he leave" Michael asks. "We had a fight" I sigh. "It's okay" Michael say running his hands through my hair. "No it's not" I say. "Why is it not okay,Jade" Michael says. "Because,Luke just isn't himself without music" I say. "So,maybe you can find him somewhere inside him without music" Michael says. "Thanks,Mikey" I say wrapping my arms around him. "He'll be back" Michael whispers in my ear. "What's wrong with Luke" Ashton says walking into the room. "Him and Jade had a fight" Michael says. "Oh so he doesn't want a music career or a girlfriend" Ashton says. "Too soon" Ashton adds. "yeah,Ashton you're not allowed to tell Jokes anymore" Michael says patting Ashton's shoulder. "Luke just pushed down a fan who asked for his autograph" Maddie says rushing into the room. "Where is he" Ashton says. "I don't know he just left" Maddie says. "We have to go find him" I say. "Just leave him he'll be back" Michael says. Okay I trust Michael,Luke will be back. "Guys we need to cancel the show,Luke is going to get us all arrested" Calum says barging into the room. "Why?" Michael asks. "Because he's an idiot" Calum says falling onto the couch. "We can't cancel the show an hour before it starts" Michael says. "Yeah we can we just say the shows delayed until tomorrow" Calum says. "Okay you has a point Calum" Michael says. Okay but seriously,what did Luke do" Maddie asks. "He punched a security guard that wouldn't let him out" Calum says. "Wow he's really mad,isn't he" Michael says. "At what" Ashton says. "Life" I say. "He just isn't Luke" I add. "You do know he has anger issues,Jade" Calum says. "I didn't know that" I say. "Yeah,he hasn't been angry once since he became friends with you,we asked him why he hasn't been getting angry and he said he doesn't want to hurt you" Michael says. "I mean he takes medicine for it and...oh crap" Calum says. "You don't think he did again do you" Michael says. "I do" Calum says putting his head in his hands. "What are you talking about" I say. "In tenth grade,Luke took to much of his medicine and it made him go practically crazy" Michael says. "What do you mean crazy" Maddie says. "I mean like he got arrested,and it was crazy" Michael says. "What did he get arrested for" I ask. "Like vandalism or something like that" Calum says. "Why would he do it again though" Michael says. "Stage fright" Calum says. "Guys this isn't good,we need to find him" Maddie says. "You're right but we don't know our way around this city" I say. "Neither does Luke,ugh he's going to get killed in this shady town" Michael says. "You think" Calum says.
"Where would he have gone" I say walking into the warm outside air. "I don't know maybe,a bar" Michael suggests. "He's 17 that's under age" I say. Me and Michael had went out to find Luke while Ashton,Calum,and Maddie stayed to stall fans. "You have a point" Michael says. "I just miss the old Luke" I say. "I know so do I" Michael says putting his arm around me. "We might want to take the back roads,we don't any rumors that were back together" I say. "Okay,but how do you walk on a backroad" he says. "We're walking in the dark,and it's cold" I say. He takes of his flannel and wraps it around me. "Okay not cold but still dark" I say. "Deal with it,we have a depressed Luke to find" he says. That snaps me back to reality. "Okay,I hope he doesn't hurt himself" I say. "It's to late for that" Michael says. "What do you mean" I say. ",he self harms" Michael says. "Why" I say on the verge of tears. "Because he always felt so bad about bullying you but we were mean to him" Michael says. "Is that why he wears so many bracelets" I say. "Yeah" Michael says. "I've tried to get him to stop so many times but he doesn't" he says. "When was the last time he did it" I say. "Last night,I walked in on him doing it and got really angry at him and told him to quit that he's hurting himself" he sighs. "He just always seems so happy and now he just doesn't" I say. "Jade,do you see that" Michael says looking at something in the distance. I see a figure with messy hair leaning against a building. "Luke" I say running towards him. "Go away" he says his words slurring. "Are you drunk" Michael says looking down at him. "Noo,I always talk like this,of course I'm drunk,what are you doing" he says. "Idiot" Michael mumbles. I help Luke up and we walk him back to the venue,going through the back door so no one see's us.
~authors note~
So Luke got drunk,that's fun

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