Chapter 16

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Michael holds me tightly as he sleeps,but I can't sleep all I can think of is Luke and why he left us today at the pizza place. I'm curious to know what he said to Michael. Luke there's something about him which can make you love him no matter what even if he almost killed your best friend,which in my case did happen but I kissed Luke after it happened so I obviously wasn't mad at him. I wriggled out of Michael's grip around me and walked down the stairs. Calum and Luke had stayed over because Calum lost his keys and Ashton couldn't take them home because he had to go to some family get together. I walked into the kitchen and heard someone talking. Where was it coming from. I listened closely and realized it was coming from the basement. I pressed my ear to the basement door and heard a guitar being played quietly. I hear a voice but not another. I open the door and walk down the stairs being quiet. Luke is sitting on the floor playing his guitar talking to himself. "Luke?" I say. He turns around because I guess he hadn't heard me come down here. "What are you doing down here?" I ask. "Couldn't sleep,Calum snores really loudly" he says. Which Calum does snore really loudly. But Luke not being able to sleep didn't seem right because I know a thing or two about these boys 1.they will not put on pants to save their lives,and 2.they could sleep through the apocalypse. "Why are you down here?" He says. I got up to get some water and heard something down here so I came to investigate" I say. This is the first real conversation I've had with Luke in weeks. "Come sit" he says patting the floor beside him. I walked over to him hesitantly and sat down. "So how have you been" he says. "Good I guess,you?" I say. "I've been fine but little tired from staying at Calum's with his loud snoring" he says. I smile and laugh a little bit at what he said. "Where in this house are you and Calum sleeping anyway?" I ask. "There's a guest bedroom with two beds in it upstairs but it's a small room and I needed some peace and quiet. My original intention of coming down here was to sleep on the couch but then I saw my guitar and decided I would play,and besides even if I went to sleep now I would only get about an hour anyway" he says. "Why do you keep avoiding me?" I ask. "Because I don't know you gave me the best two months of my life no mater how drama filled and I hate seeing those months wasted because you're with another guy" he sighs. "Well first off Luke those months weren't a huge waste of time,and second Luke I know Michael's the one who made my sister move to England" I say. The sister moving to England thing wasn't on topic but whatever. "How?" He asks. "I don't know Ashton told me a few weeks ago but I don't mind" I say. He stares at the floor,there is literally no telling what that boy is thinking about. " Jade would it be weird if I asked you a question" he says. "No what I'm always open to talk" I say. "Can I kiss you?" He asks. Okay a little weirder than I expected but whatever makes him feel better. "Sure" I nodded. I look up and see a shocked look on his face. He leans in and kisses me. He pulls away and stares at something behind me. "Don't look now but there is an angry Michael Clifford behind you" Luke whispers. Oh crap. "Why are you kissing my girlfriend?" Michael asks as if it's the most normal question ever. I turn around and he stares at me. "well first off Michael it's not what it looks like and second I think we should break up" I say. "Also actually it is what it looks like" Luke says. I mentally face palm my self at what Luke said. "Can we talk Jade?" Michael asks. At least he hasn't cussed out Luke yet that's the last thing I need right now. "Sure" I say standing up. "I'll be right here if you need me" Luke whispers to me so Michael won't hear. I walk up the stairs into the kitchen with Michael. "What's this all about Jade" he says. I twirl my hair until he repeats his question. "What is this all about" he says again. "I couldn't sleep so I came downstairs to get some water and I heard something in the basement so I went down there and Luke was there so I sat and talked to him for a minute and then he asked to kiss me,please don't be mad Mikey" I say. "I'm not mad at you or Luke Jade" he says. "So I guess we're breaking up" I say. "Yeah I guess" he says. "Okay but promise this will not effect our relationship as friends" I say. "Promise" he says. "Now I'm going back to bed but five me a hug first" he says. He wraps his arms around me and I do the same to him. "Goodnight or morning considering its 3AM" I say. "Goodnight Jade" he says walking up the stairs. "I walk down to the basement. "Luke he's not mad" I say walking down the stairs. "Oh good because we're kind of in a band and when the lead singer and the guitarist get into a fight it never ends good" he laughs. I smile at him sitting down beside him. "So what's new" I say. "Oh you know nothing much just not doing school work and stuff" he says acknowledging that he dropped out of school but so did I so I'm not jealous.
Me and Ashton were walking through the park talking because we haven't hung out without the boys in awhile. A girl walked past us with long brown curly hair and Ashton says "Maddie". She turns around and looks at him. "Ashton" she squeals and jumps into his arms. "When did you move back to Australia" he asks. "About two weeks ago I was wondering when I would see you" she says. "Oh yeah this is Jade" he says looking at me. "Oh Jade you had just started going to our school when I moved" she says. "Oh yeah I remember you,you used to hang out with Ashton,Luke,Calum,and Michael" I say. "Oh how are the boys" she says. "Good but they like to sleep" Ashton says. "They always have I remember one time in 6th grade Luke fell asleep right in the middle of presenting his science fair project" she says. "Yep that's Luke Hemmings for you" Ashton says. "So are you two dating" she asks us. "Noooo" I say really exaggerating the o at the end of it. "No she's like a sister to me" Ashton says. "I'm going to go get some food I'll be right back" Ashton says walking to a hot dog stand. "So are you dating anybody" she asks me. "Oh no not at the moment but I just broke up with someone yesterday so I mean no I'm not dating anyone right now" I say. "Who'd you break up with" she asks. "Michael Clifford" I sigh. "Oh cool what's new with him?" She asks. "Not much just his hairs purple now" I say. "So are you dating anyone" I ask. "No but..don't tell any one this but I really like Ashton" she says. I stare at her in shock.
"You will never believe who we saw at the park today" Ashton says walking into Michael's basement,which seems to have become our official hang out. "Who" Calum,Luke,and Michael groan in unison. "Maddie Patterson" Ashton says. "Aww you saw your girlfriend Madison" Luke says. "Shut up" Ashton says slapping Luke. Luke pretends that Ashton's slapping him hurt. "So are you going to ask her out" Calum says. "I don't know" Ashton says. He likes her too,I wonder if she knows? "You have too" Luke says. "Yeah you've had a crush on her since 5th grade" Michael says. "Okay fine I will but it can't be cliché" he says. "Fine but isn't cliché nowadays" Michael says. "Fine I'll be as cliché a movie" Ashton says laughing.
Dang this chapter is long. Also Maddie is @glitter_is_not_gold she's my best friend and I needed a new character in the story. So yeah go check out her stories.

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