Chapter 14

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Tell me where you're hiding your voodoo doll
Cause I can't control myself
I don't wanna stay
I wanna run away
But I'm trapped under your spell
And it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest
And I'm having trouble catching by breath
"Really Michael voodoo doll" I say. "Yeh I want to sing it in this city wide contest" he says. "Like as a band?" I say. "Yeah I was hoping we could sing it as a band" he says. "Of course we can sing it as a band but what is voodoo doll about?" I ask. "It's about how I couldn't accept that I liked Jade" he says. Of course. "Also jades staying here for awhile" he says. "Why" I ask. "She dropped out of school" he says. "For what?" I ask. "I don't know" he says. "But she has nothing to do and you'll break up with her just like you do every other girl and then she'll be unsuccessful and stupid and lonely just like she's destined to be with you" I shout. "What" a voice says from the stairs. I turn around and see Jade standing there. "You didnt hear that did you?" I say. She nods and runs up the stairs. "You idiot" Michael says looking at me as he runs after Jade.
"Jade" I say walking up behind her. She stares at the ground. "Does Luke really think all that stuff about me" she says because she knows I'm standing there. "No" or does he. How would I know. "Are you sure" she says. "Yep I'm positive that he doesn't think that" I say even though I think he meant it. "Do you really break up with every girl you date" Jade says. I think of the list of girls I dated and how many of them i broke up with
Whitney Roth-I humiliated her in front of the whole school
Kylie Simpson-she cheated on me so I obviously had to break up with her. Although breaking into her house and shaving off her eyebrow was a little harsh
Bailey Bates-I may or may not have accidentally forced her to move to another country because I got a restraining order on her.
Wait bates isn't that jades last name.
"Jade what's your last name" I ask. "Bates" she says. "Do you have a sister named bailey" I ask. "Yeah but she moved to England" she sighs. "Oh look at the time it's time for band practice" I say. I Walk into the basement. No one to be seen. "Luke?" I say. No response. "Luke" I say. "Oh I'm back here" he says from behind the couch. "Why" I ask. "Ashton and Calum arrived so we're playing hide and seek" he whispers. "Luke's behind the couch" I scream. I hear Ashton and Calum's footsteps rushing down the stairs. "You're an idiot I told you he was down here" Ashton says to Calum. "I thought he had went to the kitchen" Calum argues. "Do you guys remember Bailey bates" I ask. "Yeah" Luke and Calum say in unison. But Ashton just looks clueless. "Dude you had amnesia You Dont know who I'm talking about" I say to Ashton. He nods and I continue talking. "So Bailey is jades sister who lives in England" I say. "Woah that's cool" Calum says. "How is that cool" I say. "I don't know" Calum says. "But Jade told me that when she told her mom she was dating me she flipped out and I think I know why" I say. "Why?" Luke asks. "Because I'm the one who made Bailey move to England and she remembered me" I say. "Oh" Luke says.
So now Michael's dating a girl he has a restraining order on's sister. "You know you could just tell Jade that" I say. "What no she'll hate me" Michael says. "Why I don't think she liked her sister that much anyway" I say. "Yes she did like her because when I brought her up Jade seemed sad" he says. "Oh well excuse me" I say. "And how am I supposed to tell Jade about Abby" Michael says. Abby is Michaels ex-girlfriend who thinks their still dating. "I don't knew just tell her oh I have an ex-girlfriend who thinks we're dating so if you see me and her kiss just go with it" Luke says sarcastically. "Shut up I haven't talked to Abby in forever but she thinks that now that she lives in America that were a long distance relationship" Michael says. "Okay then just tell Jade my idiot ex-girlfriend thinks I'm still dating her so I have to tell her I'm not dating her so I can be with you" I say. "That's better than Luke's idea" Michael says glancing at Luke. "Hey how do we know she still thinks you two are dating" luke says. "Because Abby texts me everyday about how much she misses me and wishes I was in America with her" Michael says. "Oh" Luke says
Yay finally a long chapter

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