Chapter 27

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The Next day
Michael left for Australia yesterday and we haven't heard from him since. "I'm so exited about our show tonight" Calum says. "Me too,I've never seen you guys live"Kayleigh says. "It kind of sucks that we're down a guitar player but whatever" Ashton says. "Yeah it does suck" Luke says hugging me,he's so cuddly. "Do you guys want to order pizza before the show" I say. "Yeah,why don't you do it right now" Calum says to me. "Okay" I say walking into the other room. I stood up to go order the pizza in the other room where it was quiet. As soon as I started typing in the number to the pizza place,mph phone started to ring. An unfamiliar number appeared on my screen. I pressed answer and put the phone up to my ear. "Is this Jaydeyn Bates" a lady on the other end of the phone says. "I'm Michael Clifford's mother,and I thought I'd inform you since you're such close friends with Michael and you're with the boys,that there was a um...terrible accident" she says and my heart sinks. "Okay" I say. "Michael's car was hit and they don't know if he'll make it" she says. "Okay,thank you for telling me" I say fighting back tears. "You're welcome" she says. "Bye" I say. "Bye" she says. I lay down on the bed and start to sob. I've been strong through everything for these boys,but this isn't something you can be strong about. I hear someone enter the room but I don't even bother to look up to see who it is. "Jade,what's wrong" Luke says. He pats my back. "It's Michael" I say. "What about him" Ashton who has now joined Luke in the room says. "He-he was in a car accident" I say. "It must be pretty terrible" Luke say his voice breaking. "Yeah" Ashton says. "Cancel the show for tonight and tomorrow" Ashton says loudly so his voice will carry to the other room. "Why" Calum says walking into the room. "Michael was in an accident and we have to go to Australia" Ashton says. By now Luke is laying beside me hugging me tightly. I cry into Luke's chest soaking his shirt with tears. "What's with all the commotion" Maddie says walking into the room with Kayleigh by her side. "Michael was in an accident and we're going back to Australia today,because he's not going to make it" Ashton says. "Are you coming to Australia with us,because this may be a bad time but I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend tonight after the show" Calum says to Kayleigh. "Oh" Kayleigh says. "But we have something more important to deal with right now" Calum says. "Okay" Maddie nods her head.
~on~the plane~
We've been on the plane for five hours,with no contact to Michael's family,he could be dead. I have my head rested on Luke's shoulder,he's asleep but me and Ashton can't sleep. Me and Ashton are best friends but we haven't talked like by ourselves in forever. "Luke" I whisper nudging him. "Huh" he mumbles. "Will you hug me" I say. He wraps his arms around me and then falls back asleep resting his head on my head. Us walking through the airport in the middle of the day without Michael has probably been questioned already. I hate fame. I have this feeling that my whole world could crash down at any moment,but also that it could get better. I close my eyes.
I'm awoken by Luke shaking me awake. "We're here" he says. I nod my head. "Row twelve may exit the plane" a voice says over an intercom. "Guys she looks really tired" Calum says. "I noticed" Ashton says. "Are you tired Jade" Luke asks wrapping his arm around me,he doesn't care if we're in public. I nod my head not wanting to talk out of fear I'll cry in front of tons of people. "I'll carry you" Luke says picking me bridal style and walking of the plane with the boys. I immediately see cameras flash from all directions when we step off the plane. The fans found out we were going to be here somehow. Luke begins to run along with Calum and Ashton. I hear many people asking where Michael is but we just keep running well Luke's running because he's holding me. I bury my face in his shoulder. The boys didn't bother bringing bags because they have stuff at their houses here. But I brought a small suitcase with essentials in it. Luke grabs my bag from the bag thingy. (I forgot what it was called). We walk out of the airport and there is a taxi there. We get into the taxi and because it's so small I have to sit on Luke's lap and Maddie has to sit on Ashton's,but Kayleigh and Calum have there own seats. We ride in silence until Calum says "no news is better than bad news". "You have a point" Ashton says. We arrive at the hospital and we get out of the taxi. Being in Australia is weird because I haven't been here in Sydney in almost two months. We enter the hospital and everyone stares at us. We walk up to the receptionist. "We're here to see Michael Clifford" Luke says. "Only two visitors at a time" she says glancing at our large group. "What's his room number" Luke asks. "12B second floor" she says. "Luke,Jade you should go first" Calum says. We nod and I hold Luke's hand tightly as we walk towards the elevator expecting the worst. Michael's parents must have went home because I do t see them anywhere. we step in the elevator and Luke presses the two button still holding my hand tightly. We stand in the elevator for what seems like hours until we stop on the second floor. Luke glances at me before walking towards Michael's room. He slowly opens the door and what I see horrifies me. I see Michael's red hair but his eyebrow piercing has been removed and they're are wires and tubes coming out of him. Luke looks at me horrified. This isn't Michael but my other friends are still those people I became best friends with,they're still the those people who have helped me through a lot,but most of all they're the people who changed me for the better.
That was the last chapter of "those people"
But don't worry there is going to be a sequel called "same people"
It should be published soon.

Those people -1st book in the people series-Where stories live. Discover now