Chapter 2

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I park my car outside of Jade's house and I walk to the front door. Jade's mom answers the door. "Hey Ashton what are you doing here" she says. "I'm going to drive Jade to school" I say. "Oh okay do you want to join us for breakfast" she says. "No thank you I've already ate" I say. "Jade Ashton's here" She says. I see Jade pop out of the kitchen and grab her backpack. "Ready to go" I say to Jade. "I think so" she says. "Thanks for driving her" her mom says from the door. "Your welcome" I say walking backwards. "Ashton quit you're going to walk into the mailbox" Jade says. I turn around sighing. "Are you actually ready to go to school" I say. "Of course not but I wasn't about to say that I front of my mom" she says. "Why are you so nervous it's just another school year" I say. "No it's not a normal school year. You won't be there and I'll be by myself and won't have any friends" she says. "What about Kylie. Do you remember her?"I say. "I haven't talked to her since 9th grade she probably doesn't even remember me" she says. I dated Kylie when I was in 10th grade and her and Jade were good friends back then. "So about that dream you had last night" I say changing the subject. "I don't want to talk about it" she says. "Why?" I ask. "I just don't okay" she snaps. I close my mouth and continue driving.
"Bye are you going to pick me up from school?" I ask Ashton as I get out of the car. "Yep I'll be here" he says smiling. I wave and walk away from the car. I see Michael,Luke,and Calum standing near the entrance to the school. I won't be able to get into the school without passing them. I try to pass them without them noticing but I hear Michael say "hey Jade did you miss us". "No" I mumble. "Why didn't you miss us?" He asks. "I don't know" I say turning my back and walking away. I feel Michael grab the back of my shirt and pull me back to him. "answer my question" he says. "I didn't miss you because you're mean to me" I say. "So We're mean to you" he says sarcastically while smiling at Luke and Calum. " this is a warning but I'd keep your mouth shut next time" he says letting go of the back of my shirt. "Did you have to do that Michael?" I hear Luke say to Michael. "Trolls like her don't deserve to be treated nicely" he says. "But pretty girls like that deserved to be treated with respect" he says. I'm assuming he's pointing to some pretty girl. "Whatever" Luke sighs. I have to get to Math class.
I sit down and see the only seat available in the class is the one beside me. I wonder who will be forced to sit there. I see Ms.Collins enter the room. "Hello everybody today I'm going to give you a quiz to see how much you remember from 11th grade. I hated math class last year and trust me I will this year too. I see a tall blonde boy enter the room. "Mr.Hemmings you're late. Luke. "Yeah I noticed" he says. "Don't get smart with me. Also take a seat beside Jadeyn. Jadeyn that's my name. I look around the room hoping there's another Jadeyn in the room but no Luke sits down beside me. "Can I borrow a pencil?" He asks. That's it he's not going to grab my hair and hit my head on my desk. I hand him a pencil hesitantly. He grabs it. Ms.Collins passes out the quiz. It's only 2 pages and has 15 questions. This should be easy.
I finish the quiz and have nothing else to do so I sketch a rose in the corner of my paper. "That's a really good drawing" Luke says. Did he just compliment something I did. I guess I had never really had a conversation with him. "Thanks" I say. He smiles and continues to work his quiz. The second Luke puts his pencil down Ms.Collins begins to talk "okay everybody I want you to turn to your desk mate and tell them 5 things about yourself. Even though it has nothing to do with math I just want you to get to know each other better. Luke turns to me. "A few things about me are I play guitar,I'm an only child,I've never seen the titanic which everyone thinks is weird,I'm 17,and I love rock music" he says. "That's interesting well some things about me are my favorite movie is The hunger games,I love reading,I draw a lot,I can play piano,and I love pasta" I say. "Cool I love the hunger games too" he says. I smile weakly. The bell rings and I know it's time for Language arts.
I sit down at an empty seat and see Luke walk into the classroom. He sits down beside me without being told to. "Okay guys so today we are just going to be reading our books so we can all catch up on our reading" A teacher who I'm unfamiliar with says. I pull out my book the fault in our stars and and start to read. I see Luke start to read as well but I can't tell what book he's reading. "What are you reading?" I ask. "Oh so just because I talked to you in math class you think we're friends now" he says. I continue reading.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So yeah slightly longer chapter? Also yay 2 chapters in one day. I'm listen to disconnected by 5sos right now. I like to listen to 5sos and Shawn Mendes while I right for some reason so yeah here's my question for you guys

Q-what is your favorite song?¿
My Answer-I have a few so here you go stitches,disconnected,voodoo doll,and try hard. I also have so many other songs I love but the list of all the songs would be like a mile long so yeah

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