Chapter 19

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The boys finished sound check and now we have to sit around and wait for the show to start. "At least they give you food here" Michael says putting a piece of watermelon in his mouth. "That's the first and last time he'll ever eat fruit" Luke mumbles in my ear. "Hey I heard that,and my mom made me eat a banana last week" Michael says. "So you were forced to eat a fruit" Calum says. "Not forced,well yeah I was forced" Michael says putting another piece of watermelon in his mouth. "Where are my drum sticks Michael" Ashton says barging into the room. "I don't have them I gave them to Calum so he could copy you" Michael says. Ashton turns his head towards Calum. "Hey I don't have them I gave them to Maddie so she would give them to you" Calum says. Ashton walks out of the room slamming the door behind him . "I still have them" Calum says smirking. Ashton walks back into the room staring at Calum. "I think he heard you Calum" Michael says with his mouth full of watermelon. "You are a.." Ashton says getting cut off by Luke. "Watch your language" Luke says. "I'm going to find Maddie" Ashton says walking out of the room with his drum sticks. "Guys do you think fans have arrived yet" Calum says. "Yeah probably" Luke says. "Do you guys want to go meet some of them" Calum says. "Yeah that sounds fun and we can pass some time" Michael says. I can't believe I hated these boys a few months ago. I pull out my phone to tweet about this.
Jade5sos-Impromptu fan meet up with Michael5sos,luke5sos,and Calum5sos
We walked outside and see tons of fans. "Jade" a chorus of voices say. Lots of fans know who I am because I'm always in the boys Instagram and Twitter posts,and I've been in a few twit cams with them,and there was a Twitter rumor that Ashton and Luke weren't talking because they both liked me but the boys cleared that up. "Where's Ashton" a girl walks up to me and asks. "Oh he's practicing but don't worry he's here" I say. "Also Jade,can I have a picture with you" the girl says. "Yeah sure" I say. The girl pulls out her phone and Luke says "let me take that for you". The girls hands him her phone in shock and stands with me. Luke takes the picture and starts acting like a photographer. "Here you go he says handing the girl her phone,and then kissing me on the cheek. "Luke we've been over this we have to pretend we're not dating around fans" I say. "Oh yeah" he says. I see the girl walk over to a group of her friends and she says "oh my gosh,Luke Hemmings just held my phone and I got a picture with Jade" she says holding up her phone to show her friends. "You know security's going to be mad because we came out here" I say to Luke. "We're not that famous they can't tell us what to do" Luke says. Whatever.
We finished meeting fans and went inside to find Ashton and Maddie. We went to the dressing room. "Guys you missed the meet up" I say walking into the dressing room. "We didn't know you were meeting fans" Maddie says. "Yeah a lot of them were asking where you two were" I say. "Especially you Ashton because of that rumor about you and Luke" I say. "Okay,I'll be sure to talk to Luke in front of the fans so they know we're talking to each other" Ashton says. "Also Jade where's all the watermelon" Maddie says. "You can talk to Michael about that" I say walking out of the room.
"We're on in five minutes" Ashton says. "Yeah,I know" Luke says. "Good luck" I say. "Also don't forget to talk to Ashton to clarify that you aren't mad at each other" I say. "Okay" Luke says. "Where's my guitar" Michael says running up to us. "Acoustic or electric" I ask. "Electric duh" Michael says. "I'm pretty sure you left it in the dressing room" Luke says. "We're on in three minutes" Ashton says. "You better run to the dressing room" I say.
It's short I know but whatever

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