Chapter 4

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I grab Jades hand and pull her off the floor. "How do we get out of here without anyone seeing us" she says. "I don't know" I say. I open the door and find the whole grade staring at us. "What's Luke doing with The girl who gets bullied"I hear people say. I see Michael standing with the group of kids smirking. What did he do? Jade has her arm tightly gripped around my arm. "You know you might get Ebola from letting her touch you" Michael says. Oh no he knows I told her about the deal. I grab jades hand and start to run down the hall. She struggles to keep up with me. "Luke where are we going" she says. "Wherever I run to" I say. But I know exactly where I'm going. I keep running dragging Jade behind me. I eventually stop at the park. "Why was that necessary" I hear Jade say breathing hard from all the running. "I don't want you to have to listen to all the horrible things people have to say about you" I say. "Well thanks Luke but running a mile to the park in the middle of the school day doesn't seem normal" she says. "Good thing I'm not normal" I say. Jade giggles a little bit. "So can you sing" I say. "A little bit but Im better at song writing" she says. "Cool I sing and play guitar" I say. "That's cool" she says smiling. I hear my phone start to ring and I look down at it and see my moms number. I click decline. "Who was that" Jade says. "My ex-girlfriend" I lie. "Okay" she says. "Luke?" She says. "Yeah" I say. "Why was everyone talking about us" she says. "Michael" I answer.
I sit in the office of Luke's school. The principal walks in. " Mrs.Hemmings So Lucas ran away from the school with a girl named Jadeyn Bates" he says. I nod my head. "And we have no idea where they went" he says. That's when I begin to panic. "Should I call him" I say. "Yes" he says. I call Luke as quickly as I can. No answer. Where is he? "Can I talk to Michael Clifford and Calum Hood" I say knowing they probably know where Luke went. "Why" he says. "Because their Luke's best friends" I say.
"So you write songs" I say. "Yeah but really for my own amusement" I say. "Could I hear one of them" I say. She sighs and begins to sing
Back at school
They all thought I was an outcast,car crash
Hopeless fool they said to me
That's a really good song,what's it's called?" I say. "Rejects" she says. "That's like really good" I say. "Whatever" she says. "We'll do you have anymore songs" I say. "Of course" she says. "We'll sing them" I say. She smiles and begins to sing
Life's a tangled web of cell phone calls
And hashtag I-don't-knows
And you you're so caught up in all the blinking lights
And dial tones
"What's that one called?" I ask. "Disconnected" she smiles."you're like really talented" I say. "No I'm just good at writing" she says. "No you're great at writing songs" I say. I see Jade look at her phone. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing just Ashton's looking for me" she says. I see her text someone. "I told him I'm T the park he should be here in a few minutes" she says. "Oh you know he'll be thrilled to see me" I say sarcastically. She gives me an evil glance. "So do you write any music" she says. "A little bit" I say thinking of my song heartbreak girl I wrote. (Idk if he wrote it or nah but just go with it ok) "let me hear" she says. I sigh and begin
You called me up
It's like a broken record
Saying that your heart hurts
And you'll never get over
Him getting over you
"That's good" she says smiling. I see Ashton walking towards us. When we make eye contact I feel nervous about what he will say about me and Jade hanging out. "Hey" Ashton says waving. He sits down on the grass next to Jade. She smiles. "Why weren't you two at school" he says acting as if he's been my friend for years. "I got sick and Luke here brought me here so I wouldn't embarrass myself by puking at school" she lies. "That's not what happened" I say. Jade glances at me. "Do you remember the deal Ashton?" I ask. "Of course why?" He says. "Well I told Jade about it and Michael overheard us talking and when we walked out of the janitors closet where we were talking the whole grade was there talking about us so I ran here with Jade so she didn't have to listen to the horrible things they had to say" I say. Ashton nods his head. "But with the deal if you're friends with Jade then it will just get worse" he says. "Don't worry I won't let anyone hurt her" I say.
Hey so longer chapter I think. Also have you guys heard the new 5sos song permanent vacation. I know a lot of people don't like it but I do. Okay onto the question.

Q-what is your favorite fanfiction
My answer-Stampy and sqaishey forgotten feelings by @Strange-Stories

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