April 12 2015

7 0 0

Dear diary
I've been trying so hard to get out of this pit like I am in. I've tried all kinds of vitamins, i'm talking with my doctor, I'm trying to make plans and I'm trying to stop all the negative thoughts. I am on the hunt for new therapist. I've been trying to make myself get outside and get sunshine. I tried the whole be optimistic about your do you thing, the thinking positive thing. It's exhausting. I am feeling. I am just so sad. I recognize I have no good reason, but the feeling just weighs me down. Sad and anxious. I'm tired of it. I feel gross. I don't want to go out tomorrow. I've tried giving myself mental health days and it's not working. I still don't want to go to school. I have never been so unproductive and cared so little before school. I'm going to care when it all comes crashing down. Make it stop.

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