This is my building!

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Jungkook came out of the funeral home after thanking others for coming. He remembered the small male who had been there crying in the corner but he'd rushed out before Jungkook could ask his old friends about it.
"Where to now Kook?"
"Well I may as well visit my building, I told you I'm taking over dads businesses and I'll  live in the penthouse, from what I can remember it's huge"
RM his friend and business manager glanced at another friend Suga who shook his head.
" we can do the Will reading when we get there then"
"Not much point he only had me once mum passed I know I didn't see him much before I left but we clashed a lot, different ways of working, but I didn't realise how ill he was. So I get the building and whatever else he left me."
His two friends looked at each other again.
"There's something you need to know,"
At that moment they pulled up in front of a large building. Jungkook couldn't help feeling a sense of pride at the building. His father had made the bottom four floors into a luxury hotel. Four floors above were let out to recording studios, it worked well as the artists stayed sometimes in the hotel.Suga was a producer who was a friend of Jungkooks from school before he went away so he'd asked him if he wanted to join the company and he'd started three weeks ago.above that was Jungkooks fathers offices then the penthouse.
"Kook can I show you my office first and we really do need to talk to you"
"Come on then let's go why the secrecy?"
The entrance led into the hotel, staff bowed recognising the late owners son. There were lifts for hotel guests and further down lifts for the other floor which you could only go on if you had a special pass key.
"Oh that reminds me, here kook, key for the other floors and for the penthouses."
"Getting old RM it's penthouse, oh is this our floor Suga"
Getting off Suga drew them along to a door which he tapped a pass card against and they went inside. Suga had a large desk with two computers and a small studio behind for when he wanted to try out tunes.
"Nice, you happy with it Suga,"
"You know me I'd be happy with a camper van"
A knock came and Suga pressed a buzzer for whoever it was to come in.
"Oh Suga he's so sad, I've been with him but he insisted I come into work."
"Kim Taehyung ?" Jungkook asked
"Oh my goodness, Jungkook, sorry babe I didn't mean to burst in but( does he know?) "he loudly whispered.
"No babe we were about to tell him," he pulled Tae to his side pecking his lips.
"Wow you and Kim I mean Tae are a couple, I know you liked each other at school, how longs this been going on?"
"Two years"
"And he still hasn't made an honest man of me " Tae grumbled making Jungkook laugh.
"I'll go so you can all talk about well you know"
"Tae stay, it's not like I have any secrets,"
RM opened his briefcase and pulled out a will.
"Just miss out the bumph and read the rest," Jungkook said sitting down on a chair.
"Ok...last will...sound mind...., I leave to my son Jeon jungkook any monies that I currently hold in the bank minus the monthly amount as usual to Park Jimin...."
"Hold it, who the hell is park Jimin?"
"If I read on you'll know,"
"Said amount must be given to mr Park and if he refuses held in a bank account in his name.
Cars and  jewellery to be sold and given to skins hearts for children orphanage, only the diamond star necklace belonging to Jungkooks mother is to be kept by him to do with as he wishes.
An amount of XXXX to be given to my chauffeur who has been with me many years and the same amount to my housekeeper.
The building that I own part of to be given to my son Jungkook.
The proviso of this is that at no time will Jungkook try and remove Mr Park Jimin from the penthouse area he owns.he legitimately lives there and owns the deeds legally drawn up.
Should Jungkook try to take over that part of the penthouse ,the rest of the building will be sold to the highest bidder the monies being split four ways, the orphanage, Jungkook, blind children association and    A charity of his choice.
This proviso Jungkook is made in the hope you have calmed down and are not such a hothead."

"That old bastard! Who's this Park Jimin, what hold did he have over my father,RM you have to look into this!"
"It is all legal Kook, Jimins lived there three years ,"
"What?how did he and my father meet he must be some sort of gold digger!"
"They met at the orphanage, jimin lived there then worked there, he was/is very good with the kids.,your dad used to visit there after your mother died."
"He did? He never said"
"You two weren't really...close like that, he's known Jimin for years taught him chess, had talks about the government , your dad talked about you and well they got on, both a bit lonely."
"Doesn't explain how he got part of my penthouse!"
He was with your dad at the home they were sitting outside,jimin telling kids a story your dad sitting listening
The way your dad told it, Jimin was facing the front gate when a look of horror came on his face shouting to everyone to run a crash was heard and a lorry had lost it brakes.. your father was frozen on the spot and once jimin realised he shouted to the kids to stay away and ran to your father hauling him up and trying to get him to safety he knew they wouldn't make it unless he did something drastic so he pushed your dad with all his might to safety, but the lorry clipped him making him fall and bang his head.""why didn't I know any of this?"
"Your dad said not to worry you, but it's bugged me for years."
"So he gave Jimin part of the penthouse?  Why does he insist on me not buying it?"
"Jimin, well in saving your dad, he was laying on the ground with a head wound, your dad was so overcome with what he had done he rushed to help him, but Jimin  who was not knocked out just kept saying your dad should get checked over and we're all the kids fine, your dad only found out after he'd been checked out at the hospital that Jimin, well he'd lost his sight, he didn't realise your dad had been told so when your dad visited his room Jimin put a bright smile on his face he waited until your dad spoke and then asked if he was ok. When your dad asked him how he was he tried to laugh it off saying just a bump, but your dad told him he knew and Jimin got upset because he didn't want your dad to feel any guilt.
The doctors said it may come back or he may need an operation. Your dad got architects in to redesign the penthouse. Jimin has a kitchen sitting room large bedroom and en suite, the sitting room has stairs leading up to a rooftop area, all enclosed."
"Oh my god, all this and I didn't know......"
"Your dad paid Jimins hospital bills and his rehabilitation and brought him back here as part of the orphanage that got demolished was Jimins room.
He let Jimin use the new penthouse as an area to use in rehabilitation,he'd be brought there learn the set up and go back to hospital.Then your dad gave him the keys and the deeds. He argued for the first time with your dad over that but your dad said he wanted it that way and he could keep him company and it was easier because zjimin felt safe there The monthly allowance, most of its untouched but he needs something to keep the place running  and when he can't get into work because of blinding headaches he knows he'll have enough money to eat but he only takes the bare minimum."
Jungkook was stunned," so is he ok this Park Jimin?"
"You all know him?"
"Honestly Jungkook, he was so sure he'd be able to hand you back the penthouse when your dad passed he's been like a nervous wreck when he heard about the provisos in the Will,said you'd probably think he was a money grabbing orphan out to get what he could."
"Did you not see him at the funeral? Small guy probably crying,Jin drove him there."
"I did see some small guy"
"We didn't, mind you he does tend to hide,"
"Jin who's that?"
"He and Hobi own a nearby coffee shop Jimin and your dad used a lot. Jin calls Jimin his baby," RM said with a smile.
"You into this Jin?"
RM blushed and fidgeted,
"Jin tells him off because he's broken so many cups there."
"Ok well about time I saw the penthouse and my new neighbour, you guys get on"
"Jungkook you will be kind won't you he looked after your dad these last few months and is very upset he's gone"
"Yes it will be ok, don't worry ."
He stood up using the penthouse key in the lift.
He got out and walked to the front door, glancing down the passageway he saw another door.
Letting himself in he walked around the still large penthouse slightly different shape but not small by any means. He wandered into his dads office and to his surprise saw a recent photograph of himself in a frame, his dad had still kept an eye on him, another photograph was from a few years back someone had taken of his father reading a story to some kids.
He went into the kitchen and saw someone had stocked it for his arrival. The fridge was full as was the wine rack, taking a glass he tipped some red wine into it, raising it he said" to you dad I'm sorry I wasn't here."
He walked round the bedrooms, he never had liked his dads room heavy old furniture he went to a room further along and saw RM must have arranged his stuff to be delivered there. This was more his style airy good views light furnishings.
He was going to unpack but the thought of paying his neighbour a visit.Drinking down the wine he grabbed his door key and walked out.
He knocked on the other door,an intercom came on
"Hi I'm Jungkook your neighbour, I'd like to talk about my dad with you if that's ok?"
A few seconds later and he heard the locks move and the door open, he almost gasped as there in front of him stood the most gorgeous male he'd ever seen his sightless eyes were beautiful he had pouty lips and pale skin.jungkook was mesmerised by him. He held a small hand out in front of him, " hi I'm Jimin"
Jungkook took the small hand in his .
"I'm Jungkook(but call me daddy) he thought in his head as he took in the others attributes."
"Do you want to come in?"
Jungkoook nodded then realised his mistake," er yer why not."
Jimin stood aside letting Jungkook walk past him and shutting the door behind him.

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