Start the day mad

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Jungkooks eyes blinked open, he hadn't closed the blinds so the sun was streaming in.he looked down seeing Jimin hug him like a koala bear. He smiled then frowned sun streaming in?
"Shit what's the time?" He looked around Jimin didn't seem to have a clock, sitting up he dislodged Jimin who sat up,
"The time you have no clock!!"
Jimin leaned over pressing a small square box," the time is 9.45 and 10 seconds"
"Damn it I'm going to be late, " he jumped out of bed dressing quickly not noticing Jimin had gone out to the kitchen, he looked in the mirror to see if he was tidy enough and moved just as Jimin came in,
"coffee to aaaargh!" Jungkook crashed into Jimin who yelped as the hot drink hit him dropping the cup
"Why didn't you look where your going," a frustrated Jungkook said before cursing at his words. He looked at the small boy who had only been trying to help the coffee had hit him his skin reddening.
"Yer why didn't I ," Jimin said quietly before feeling his way to the bathroom and going to turn the shower on cool before locking the door.
"Jimin,jimin let me help you I'm sorry I should have put an alarm on my phone it's all my fault and I shouldn't have said that, let me help you I'm worried."
"Go to work I'm fine it's not the first time it's happened, just go,"
Jungkook dithered but then left taking the lift down to the hotel area where he was due to meet staff.
Sorry I'm late "he told the manager.
"No sir your on time did you not see the email I sent to say we had to put it back a little?"
Jungkook just smiled,shit all the aggro he'd given to Jimin for nothing.
"So let's start shall we,"
The manager introduced the various staff there who explained their duties.after two hours of this Jungkook asked the question," so I know you will all miss my father but he was getting old, maybe a little out of touch, so how much modernising needs doing?"
A titter of laughter went around and Jungkook frowned," is it that bad?" He asked.
"Oh no sir, your father was, how shall I say it, brought out of the dark ages by Mr Jimin."
"Yes sir, when Mr Jimin could see he used to come and play chess with your father,your father wanted to show Jimin around the hotel.Mr Jimin was quiet and when your father asked him why he whispered I think I'm in a mausoleum it's so dark and heavy. Of course your father felt a bit affronted and Jimin apologised. After his accident your dad used to walk him around the hotel as he didn't want to go outside. To take Jimins mind of things he once asked Jimin what he would do with the hotel.
You have four floors like four seasons, one floor would be winter themed, cool silver greys and white, a hint of blue ,grey furniture, spring would be pastel greens everything coming to life and light oak furniture, summer yellows blues pinks just colour and brightness and fall, mustard and oranges deep reds dark oak."
Your father implemented the floors just as Jimin said and each floor is named after its theme,we had so many repeat requests for certain rooms after that. Your dad gave away the old furniture to anyone who wanted it.
Jimin gave this hotel a lot of revenue , so much so we turned an unused office area into a nursery play area with qualified staff as especially the musicians that stay bring family but there was nowhere for the other parent to leave the child if they wanted to go out."
Jungkook couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Can you show me all this?"
The manager nodded dismissing the staff and leading Jungkook around.he was amazed at the foresight Jimin had, each floor lived up to its name and gave off a beautiful ambience, he went down to the ground floor nursery
It had plenty of staff to care for the kids there and he was surprised to see Jimin sitting in a corner reading to a group of fascinated children.
"What's he doing?"
"Well sir he was no longer able to help at the orphanage as they felt he was a liability due to not having many staff one would always have to make sure they kept an eye on him to. Your father asked if he'd like to help here when ever he wanted, he'd learned braille so some books were brought in and stored for him, he'll only read he doesn't think he should be alone in case a child is scared of him so a staff member always sits in, the kids love him , you know we had one child who wouldn't say a word always looked scared but she always wanted to sit near Jimin, one day she tugged his hand and whispered something in his ear just as the parents came in.the mother a rather obnoxious lady screamed at him, what are you doing with my daughter.jimin calmly stuck the little girl behind him and said," madam you are not taking this child anywhere" the husband stepped forward ready to argue but then the woman started screaming and hitting Jimin but he still wouldn't let the girl go. Your dad came in and other staff to help Jimin and Jimin knelt down to Mya and said," Mya can you be a big strong girl and tell your daddy what you told me he won't be cross."
The dad knelt down to his daughter and she whispered something. Honestly if you had seen how enraged he was, he told your father to call the police the wife was still yelling and screaming the police came and the husband told them his wife was guilty of allowing men to photograph his daughter naked and if she cried about it she burnt her, apperently it was her stepdaughter and she was jealous of the attention she got. The wife called the child a liar and it was bedlam and Jimin spoke up,"Mya said she got burnt yesterday at the top of her leg and that she keeps a photograph in her handbag to troll around dirty old men."
A female police officer looked and the burn was there and the husband tipped the bag out and there was the photo. Husband is now divorced ex wife in Jail and little Mya happy. When her dad asked her why she only spoke to Jimin she said he seems lost like I felt."
Jungkook watched the male they were talking about his face seemed animated as he read the children listening intently . Once the story ended there we're cheers and some of the children hugged him, only Jungkook knew why he winced. He was surprised to see Jimin pick up a white cane,a little girl led him to the door hugging his leg then letting him go. Getting his bearings he swung the cane from side to side,
"Mr Jimin reading to our youngsters again,"
"Oh hey Mr Pakin, well it keeps me useful I suppose lots of kids today, hotel full?"
"Yes Mr Jimin as I was" jungkook put his finger to his mouth to tell him not to let him know he was there," cough, sorry as I was telling Mr Jeon earlier, since you helped with the renovations we have many guests."
"Oh I didn't help, his dad did it,"
"But you chose the colours,"
Jimin gave a depreciating laugh," I told his dad the old furniture was dismal,elegant yer but suffocating, I know he was mad, so after I lost my sight I thought of colours I'd like to see so now we have the colours in the room and I have the dark dismal suffocating in my head,ironic isn't it,"
He waved goodbye carefully moving to the lift,the doors opened and people rushed to get out being careful once they saw Jimin.
"So that's why he uses a stick down here!"
"Yes he doesn't like it but he had so many rude people push him aside because he couldn't see them that he gave in."
"Thank you Mr Pakin you are doing an excellent job I will be working from my dads old office upstairs so call me there if you need me."
The man nodded and left Jungkook at the lift. Going in he was going to press for the office floor but instead went up to the penthouse and knocked.
The door opened," Jungkook?"
"Now I know I'm in your bad books,"
"Jungkook not Kookie."
Jimin actually blushed red.
"Can I come in?"
He walked in," right take your shirt off," he demanded.
"Don't be a prude I've been worried all morning about this,"
Grabbing the others top he had it off in one swift move and saw the angry red skin.
"Jesus,Jimin that looks sore "
"Good thing I can't see it then isn't it?"
"I'm sorry for my words earlier I obviously didn't think and was so worried about making a good impression on dads staff,I was extremely rude to you,"
Jimin smiled "it's ok honestly"
"It's never ok to be rude to someone like that,"
"I think the carpet got the worst of it,"
Jungkook went and looked Jimin had obviously tried cleaning it.
"I'll replace it what colour do you want?"
"No I did it not you,"
"Jimin I'll be really hurt and disgusted at myself if you don't allow this,"
Jimin fretted then ," ok just a cheap one though"
"What colour?"
"What colour is in here ?"
"Pastel blues greys and white furniture"
"Really ? I never asked, grey then."
"Right now give me your key and put a loose top on I'm taking you to the hospital"
"No buts you can come back to work with me."
"Really ! Ok then let's go!"
"Heehee oh yer"
He put an oversized black one on and then felt Jungkook grab his hand," key?"
"On the table near the door"
Jungkook looped his hand in his and walked towards the door. Jimin stopped,"" I er, I have a cane,"
"Yer you also have me, live dangerously,"
Jimin giggled keeping his hand looped in Jimins.
They took the elevator door down to the offices .
"Seat to your left one step wait a minute will you while have a word with RM?"
Jimin nodded carefully taking a step and sitting in the seat, he kept his head down so no one would bother him and waited.
"RM emergency,I need a new carpet in Jimins room coffee is spilt on it, plush silver grey don't care how expensive, I'm taking him to the hospital now as some landed on him, here's his key,you think you can do it?"
"When have I failed you, is he ok"
"Bit sore but it's mainly my fault,"
"You haven't ? Already? God I must be losing my touch Jin barely looks at me."
The pair walked out," hey Jimin Jungkook said he burnt you and ruined your carpet never mind, I'll get it changed."
"He did? Oh er we'll just a cheap one ok?"
RM saw Jungkook shake his head.
"Well between you and me Jimin I know a few people I can do deals with or who owe me one,silver grey right?"
"Yes please," Jimin smiled and RM was struck by the males beauty.
Jungkook coughed.
"Yer right then I'll get the room measured roughly then see what I can do,"
Jungkook and Jimin left first. Going down in the lift Jimin spoke," you didn't have to tell him you did it, now he might wonder why you were in my bedroom!"
"Why you ashamed of me?"
"Don't be stupid, your a wealthy man you have a reputation to keep up, me on the other hand who cares if I tipped coffee on my carpet"
"I wish you wouldn't belittle yourself, your a great person with a kind heart and luckily for me a bit of a sexpot!"
Jimin giggled then gasped as Jungkook kissed his lips passionately. The lift stopped andJungkook held Jimins hand walking him to his waiting car and telling the driver to take them to the hospital.

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