Serious chat

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Jimin woke up opening his eyes he gasped,things were even clearer. He got up and went outside to sit at the counter as Jin and Hobi served.
"All right?" Jin still felt protective.
Jimin nodded he twisted his fingers together a habit he had when mulling things over.
"Come on spill."
Jimin sighed," I don't know what to do,we know Jungkooks dad gave me that apartment because somehow he felt guilty, he told me he's written it in the Will that Jungkook can't have it anyway without losing his part of the bequest, but it's not fair ...,he should have it all especially now I'm getting my sight back, but how do I do that?"
"Has Jungkook ever asked for it?"
"So leave things as they are."
"But it's just not fair to him, I feel terrible, we all know I'd never normally have somewhere like that ,if I could hand it back, I would try and find a place."
"Jimin not to be rude but, you could never afford around here ."
"I know, maybe....., maybe I could be a live in cleaner or something?"
"No Jimin.....,"
"But I shouldn't have this! All those people that whispered behind my back it will be the truth, how long before Jungkook starts resenting me? I like him so much even in this short time but I know it's not for keeps, he basically told me he will never marry which tells me he doesn't want permanence , can you imagine living next to each other when he's had enough of me? I can't imagine seeing him with someone else....."
Jimin put his head down sighing deeply," sorry Jin , you must be sick of babysitting me."
"Hey, don't get sad, have you said any of this to Jungkook?"
"No he's another one who's babysat me since he's known me I don't want to put him on a guilt trip, anyway I'm going now, bye"
Jimin left and frowning Jin rang Jungkook to say he was on his way back.
Jungkook was eager to see Jimin again,after Jin rang  he went straight down to the entrance to meet him.
Fifteen minutes later and he still wasn't there.
Walking outside looking around he rang Jin.
"Has he left yet?"
"Yes I told you,"
"He's not here Jin."
"Shit I knew I shouldn't have let him go alone the mood he was in,"
"What do you mean?"
"Wait there I'll come to you."
Jungkook paced back and forth until he saw Jin hurry up to him.
"What's wrong with him tell me."
Jin explained everything, " he feels guilty for going blind , guilty for getting his sight back,  he's trying to figure out a way you can have the apartment back without losing everything."
"But I don't care about it so why does he?"
"He's had whispers ever since your dad gave it too him, orphan makes good, money grabber,he hated it, he's always known where he came from and never asked for anything,when he met your dad he saw him as a friend, no more,he's always felt a burden from his parents dumping him to the orphanage letting him stay there as long as he helped but also brought money in, he did an evening food delivery job gave half his wages to the home.he's capable of so much more,Hobi said he could be a dance instructor even blind he is that good and he has a knack of putting colours together and organising,he could be one of those people you employ to decorate your home."
"Why is he so fixed on giving me back the apartment? He could use it as a home office ,I could get him contacts."
"And when the fling you two seem to be having ends?"
"Well I'm sure we could stay friends?"
"What if one of you still liked the other?"
Jungkook was quiet , he was still in the here and now and hadn't thought ahead.
"Has Jimin said he wants to stop?"
"No, maybe I shouldn't tell you but he's really fallen for you, he's worried about seeing you with someone else."
"He is!" Jungkook couldn't keep the smile of his face.
"You two,your just as bad aren't you deny as much as you want but this thing you two have looks permanent ."
"But we haven't even had a date....."
"No you both jumped right ahead DIDNT you?"
Jungkook smirked.
"Ok then can you imagine someone else doing with Jimin what you two have been doing?"
"Hell no, I'd cut their balls off!"
Jin just raised a brow.
"God I've fallen for him haven't I !"
"Now all we need to do is find him!"
"Find who?" A voice behind them said.
"Jimin! Where we're you?"
"Me? I just walked around looking at things but my head is tired now so I came home."
"Let's go upstairs, I'll give you a massage,"
Jungkook nodded to Jin who shook his head laughing.
"Why was Jin here?"
"Oh er he wanted to make sure you'd got back but came over when nobody had seen you."
The lift shot up, once at their floor Jungkook held the other to him," stay at mine, nice massage and meal included?"
"Erm,you sure you want me?"
"Of course baby, now come in you've had enough excitement for one day."
Jungkook took him in and Jimins gaze caught glimpses of things.
"Come with me we can shower and go from there"
Jimin walked into Jungkooks room, "nice big bed"
"Isn't it."
Jungkook started undressing never taking his eyes off the other. Jimin too shimmied out of his clothes watching the reaction of the other.Taking Jimins hand he took him into the large walk in shower turning the water on and stepping under with Jimin.
"Mmmm this is nice ," jimins face turned up to the shower, two hands started kneading the knots from his neck and shoulders stopping the pain from becoming more.
"Ahhh your fingers are like magic,"
"Hopefully you won't get a headache,"
"Not now the tense feeling is gone."
"Why are you tense ?"
Jimin hesitated then it all spilled out the worry about the apartment what people would say once they knew he had his sight back,how he was sure Jungkook would resent him in the future.
"Stop...,Jimin I don't want the apartment, I've got plenty of room,why don't you set a business up,you would be great at interior decorating."
"A business, me?Im not good at things like that I can imagine things but the business side I'd be terrible at and you have to have..., er...., capitol that's it to start things like that up"
"What about the monthly money I hear you haven't used much, use that."
"I can't , it's not mine, we'll it is but you know what I mean it's just for essentials ,"
"What you mean heating and electric bills and food?"
Jungkook realised his mistake when he saw the others shocked face.
"I didn't even think of it,your dad said the whole building ran as one system.....,see how stupid I am, he lied didn't he he was paying it,all this time,no wonder people whisper about me I'm an idiot, I'll get RM to back date the bill and when I find a job I'll pay it off."
Jimins head went down tears mingling with the water. Jungkook hated seeing him like that," your not stupid, you trust people and I'd dad wanted you to believe that I'm sure he sounded convincing and I mean it about interior decorating, I can be your first client.renovate my office, I'll give you a budget you find the goods in shops or online,I'll get the hotel decorators to do the manual work and you get to see how good you are. Of course I'll pay you the going rate."
Jimin looked astonished then frowned," how about, I do all that,but can I use a computer in one of your offices? I do all that but free of charge,maybe the odd fuck now and then?"
"I like your negotiating, ok you do it all in my office space, fucks are given as often as possible and we sleep together?"
"Isn't that a bit too permanent for you?" Jimin said shyly.
"Oh you just reminded me,office,lots of fucks sleep together and have date nights,"
" a real couple?"
"Yes Jimin so you gonna be my boyfriend ?"
Jimin jumped into his arms with a squeal,"you bet!!" Kissing each other deeply their passion built until moans and panting were all that could be heard.

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