How things became

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It was six months since that night, when they had got up the next day, Jungkook had got Jimin moving saying he wanted him down in his office.
Jimin happily went.
Going down there he was led along the corridor near Jungkooks office.
"Right you can open your eyes now," Jungkook said nervously.
Jimin opened his eyes to see a big glass wall of an office with the word 'REGENERATE' written in fancy writing. Going through a glass door he saw a small desk and chair with a computer on it, a two seater sofa opposite,a frame with before and after pictures in of Jungkooks office and a water machine, going through a second door another desk with a computer, a seating area, a drawing area with colour charts and pencils.
"You can paint it how you want I just got them to put a stone colour on to freshen it up. This is for your business, the magazine blog and photos should help, we can get you a receptionist when it gets busy, I-I just wanted to help you get up and running."
"Kookie I love it, is this why you hurried me out?"
"Yer I thought you might get nosy,"
Jimin giggled," your adorable, I'm keeping the colour too, I'll just add flashes of colour."
Jungkook nodded hugging the other to him.
They both walked out to find the magazine staff there , they took photos of Jimin by his new office then they were taken up to view the room.
Jimin unlocked the door ushering in everyone.
"Now, I hope you like it, before it looked quite heavy and dark but I've done my best to brighten it up,"
The others looked at the before pictures then Jimin opened the bedroom door.
Jungkook gasped, the room was in blues and white,
White gloss look furniture, massive bed, covered in a plump duvet in blue. The bed had cushions on in variants of the blue,the window,ruched off white curtains. It was an overall relaxing theme.
"Gosh it's like...., the sky and clouds," one reporter said.
"I'm glad you said that, it's my theme," Jimin laughed.
Jungkook loved it, every little detail was perfect. He picked Jimin up swinging him around," I love it baby your s genius!"
The article had gone out in the magazine the same week and Jimin soon had a lot of people calling with Jin offers.
Six months later
"We did it we really did it!"
Jimin stared at the official documenting his hands. They were in America, they  had gotten married there and were holding their marriage certificate .
"Hey we are here too!"
Suga,Tae RM Jin and Hobi were there with them, it had been a lovely ceremony.
They went to a restaurant Jungkook had prearranged ,Jimin got tearful as the waiters brought out a wedding cake.
"Gosh you cry at anything!"Suga grumbled
"Wait til we have kids!"
The others looked shocked," kids?"
They both nodded," we've talked about it, you know use a surrogate or adopt, we decided we will adopt when the time is right."
"Mmm, my business is doing well but I can spend time training someone else I'll then be able to cut down and be a parent, we can have our family."
Jungkook smiled at his his band lifting his hand and kissing it.
Jimin then stood up," I need to do this and I hope you accept it,these are the apartment deeds, my wedding gift to you, I want it all to be one again, it's legal isn't it RM?"
"Yes you can gift it to your husband,"
"Jimin really? Have you thought properly about it?"
"Yes, it needs to be the Jeon penthouse suite again ,we'll actually in case you said no, I arranged for the builders who changed it to come back and redo the place only one front door and more bedrooms and a playroom."
Jungkook laughed," well I accept your gift with pleasure."
They kissed each other,
"Time for the Jeon taxi! No making out in the restaurant!"
The pair laughed leaving their friends in the restaurant and grabbing a taxi to their hotel.
"Your beautiful Mr Jeon,"
"You too Mr Jeon,"
"Will you let me fuck you senseless tonight Mr Akron?"
"It will be my pleasure Mr Jeon!"
The pair burst out laughing, giving the taxi driver a huge tip they went inside, tonight was the first of many for the couple who had found their love and nurtured it, a night for caresses and kisses and promises for the future.
The end

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