Forever and a day

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Jungkook stared then without stopping picked Jimin up over his shoulder slapped his ass and carried him to his room.
He threw Jimin down and clambered over him, sucking his sweetspot on his collarbone and teasing his nipples,clamping Jimins hands above his head so he could do whatever he wanted.
"Tease me, I'll have you begging for me to fuck you!"
Jungkook rubbed his already hard member against the others.
"Mmmm Kookie please,"
Jungkook reached into a drawer lubing up his fingers and without warning pushing one in deep.
"You like it a bit rough don't you baby," Jungkook pushed another in," all these lonely nights I've imagined fucking you so hard,"
Jimin whined gasping as a third finger went in and Jungkook claimed his lips , he pushed his tongue inside mimicking the action of his fingers. Suddenly he angled his fingers differently searching and finding the bundle of nerves inside and thrusting against them. Jimin became a moaning mess, writhing on the bed wanting completion he was so turned on. Jungkook kept his fingers inside and moved to take Jimin in his mouth licking and pumping, always stopping as Jimin nearly came, " ah Kookie I need to cum please,"
"Do you baby? He started the rhythm again bringing him just to the edge and stopping.
"You motherfucker,noooooo! Please Kookie please!"
"Please what?"
"Fuck me hard you asshole!!"
"Tut tut, language! Get on all fours!"
Jimin obliged Jungkook lubed his hard dick and thrust inside In one go, breathing deeply when he felt himself balls deep.
"Aaaagh, Kookie make me cum."
He didn't need to be told twice , he angled himself so that every thrust shoved him nearer his goal," ah god Kookie so sensitive!!"
Jungkook used his hands to spread Jimins ass watching himself go into his hole, he groaned at the pleasure building in him.
"N-near Kookie don't stop!" A few thrusts more and Jimin exploded onto the sheet every nerve ending making him Jimins hole clamped around him he grunted knowing he couldn't hang on any more,"Jiminnnnnnnnn!"
He flopped against Jimins back feeling weak.
"Mmmmm oh sorry," he pulled himself up and out of Jimin carrying the small male to the bathroom where they cleaned up.
Jimin went and stripped the sticky sheets off the bed then looked around for clean ones as Jungkook came out of the bathroom," linen?"
"Hall cupboard let me get it,"
The bed was remade and the pair climbed in.
"Please be my boyfriend again."
"I...I don't know...."
Jimin sat up Jungkook following.
"I want to Kookie I really do but......, I'm scared,"
"You've been against permanence and marriage, I understand that you never lied about it, but me? I want those things,I want someone whose mine, my family,I love you....,there I admit it......, but I don't want to demand something you don't want to give,hell I don't even know how much you like me! We are good in bed certainly but what about everyday life?"
"You love me?"
"God damn it Kookie did you hear the rest?"
"I did, I really did, I want us to be together Jimin and I'm gonna try my hardest to make us work."
Jimin smiled ," ok Kookie," he whispered, what did he expect a declaration of love back?"
Jungkook pulled the other back into his arms holding him close caressing his back.
"Mmmm mr magic hands....," jimin mumbled.
Jungkook smiled, soon Jimin was asleep,
"I love you Park Jimin, forever and a day."
A month passed,Jimin basically lived at Jungkooks.
As a way to pass the time Jimin asked if he could do Jungkooks fathers old bedroom out. Jungkook agreed but said Jimin had to surprise him.
While Jungkook worked Jimin poured over magazines the internet and shops. He emptied out the wardrobes and drawers. Between them they sorted out clothes for charity shops, found a drawing his father had kept from when he was small lots of odds and ends that were either packed for charity shops , thrown out or kept.
The furniture was picked up by a charity and soon Jimin had an empty room.
He had ordered all the items he wanted got decorators and told Jungkook they would stay at his place while this was going on.
Jimin really got into it helping out and staying in there late.
"Jimin babe, come home now, it's late," Jungkook said on the phone.
"Is it, sorry I just needed to do something, I'm coming,"
""I'll run you a bath."
Jimin locked up then moved tiredly down the hall going in he was engulfed in a hug and his face peppered with kisses," bath then food ok?"
Jimin nodded going to the bathroom and stripping off easing his tired body into the bath, sighing as warm water covered him.he lay soaking for what seemed a minute but was fifteen.
"You'll be like a prune, hurry up dinners nearly ready I put your pjs out on the bed"
He left the other to finish up while he got the food ready.
Jimin came from the bathroom and a giggle burst from his lips. Jungkook hD brought him new Pjs, they were white with little yellow chicks hatching all over them a perfect match for his comfy slippers.
Dressing he walked out posing for Jungkook as he looked up.
"God I knew you would look cute in them, " he laughed, going to the other and hugging him.
"Thanks Kookie,I love them " he kissed the taller passionately.
"Ah,Jiminee don't make me hard we have to eat!"
He sat Jimin down and soon placed a meal in front of them both.
"Wow looks yummy!"
"Dig in then!"
The pair ate. Jimin moaned at the explosion of tastes on his tastebuds. When he looked across the table Jungkook was staring at his lips.
"Kookie "
"Hmm yeh? Sorry...." They carried on eating
"So much more to do?"Jungkook asked.
"Not really, day after tomorrow you can see it"
"Can't wait!"
"Don't lie about it. Tell me if you really hate it won't you?!!
Jungkook looked at his lover," Jimin I wish you had as much confidence and belief in yourself as I do."
"Aw your so sweet....Let me clean up as you cooked,"
"No we will do it together,"
They cleaned up then curled up on the sofa together until Jungkook saw Jimin was nearly asleep.
He smiled while Jimin had been busy so had he and he hoped Jimin would like it.
Carrying his lover to bed , he kissed his head watching as he sighed and fell asleep . This man had become his entire focus, he knew without a doubt he loved him and he was ready to tell him.
The next day went quickly and for once Jimin was finished early.He went down to Jungkook who seemed flustered to see him.
"Er Jimin, did you need something?"
"I just finished, did you want to see it?"
"Erm, let it air out tonight and do a grand reveal tomorrow?"
"Oh........, ok....." Jimin turned catching some workmen passing by.
"Are they decorating?"
"What.....,no fixing a leak....., let me take you for coffee,"
"Hmm ....? Ok if your not too busy."
Jungkook hurried him out and they went to the coffee shop.
"Hey you two....,no RM?"
"As if you won't be seeing him later!" Jungkook smirked.
Jin went red while Jimin looked shocked," are you and Rm......?"
"They are...," Jungkook said.
"Usual?" Jin asked his voice higher than normal as he shot of.
"Well I guess I have been busy if I didn't know that!"
"If you could would you do more of this?"
"I'd love too, even more I think I'd like to have a go at up cycling, instead of always new furniture if someone liked what they had but it was looking old and tired, I'd like to paint it, imagine how different your dads furniture would have been painted in a light colour."
"Wow that's a good idea, you would be regenerating old with a new look."
"Regenerate.....,I like that, it applies to totally new, making a room look different and also for old to different"
"Here's to regenerate "Jungkook said lifting the coffee cup that Jin had placed in front of him before hustling away ,Jimin lifted his cup too giggling.
That night they had a leisurely meal watched Tv then went to bed. Jungkook made love to his lover that night not just sex, he treated him like he was special, making Jimin feel loved and protected.
"You ok Kookie?" Jimin asked " that was, well different, it was tender."
"Jimin I, I need to tell you something,"
"What's up? Have I done something are you, are you finishing with me is that why you were so tender?" Jimin was in tears convinced he was right.
"No baby no, I'm never finishing with you"
"Y-your not?"
"Park Jimin...., I love you, I should have said it before, I love you more than words can say,I never want to stay a day apart, your my life."
"You love me? You really love me?"
Jimin jumped on his naked lover squealing in joy, hugging and kissing him," my Kookie loves me! I love you so much too!"
Jungkook rolled the other onto his back smiling down at him." Well maybe we should make it official,"
Sliding his hand under the pillow he brought out a small box.
"Park Jimin will you do me the honour of becoming my husband?" He opened the box displaying identical rings they were white gold bands with a thin line of diamonds around the centre.
Jimin cried," wow oh my god yes, yes, yes!"
Jungkook lifted out the smaller band slipping it on Jimins finger and kissing him, Jimin took the larger ring out and slipped it on Jungkooks finger kissing it after sliding it on
"I'm so happy right now,I was worried, earlier you didn't want to see the room I thought you were bored of me."
"I can't wait to see the room, but just so you know a magazine are taking pictures of it too, they have already photographed my office and I gave them the before pictures for comparison , I've also given them the before pics of dads room, you will be unveiling it at 10am tomorrow ."
"What! But it might be awful you might hate it, oh god I can't do that and why tell me this late now I'll keep awake all night!"
"Calm down, your be fine, I know it, now on your front,"
"Kookie we just...."
"Mind out of the gutter baby I'm going to massage you so you can sleep,"
"I won't I know I won't ,I.......,Um,that's nice......., yawn, mmmmm.......,"
Jungkook only had to wait five minutes for Jimin to be in a deep sleep.he turned him on his side so he could spoon against him, wrapping his arm around him entwining their ringed hands.
"My Kookie.....," Jimin mumbled in his sleep.
"Yours all yours baby,"

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