To tease or not to tease that is the question

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It had been three days since Jimin got back he'd apologised profusely to zjungkooks and Hobi and made himself useful by helping out in their coffee shop..
He chatted to Suga and Tae when they came in striking up a bond with Tae who wanted to take him under his wing.
"I'm telling you you would look amazing when was the last time you had a makeover?"
"Er never? Normal people don't do that Tae?"
"They don't ?Suga is he right?"
"Babe not everyone is like you a clothes horse,"
"But you say you love what I wear?"
"I do I also love you naked!"
Jimin giggled," ok then we shop we get our hair done, I'm going to use that money and not feel guilty!"
"Yeeees!Suga can I have time off?"
"Really your actually asking instead of just going like normal "
"Thanks babe ,c'mon Jimin let's go."
The pair went laughing to the door just as RM and Jungkook came in.
"Hi Jimin how are you?"
"Fine Kookie fine, see you,"
Jungkooks eyes followed the other then he sat down by Suga with a sigh
"Still playing hard to get?" Suga asked
"I deserve it, god I just want to throw him over my shoulder and throw him on a bed and ravage him! It's driving me nuts!!"
"Tae used to blow hot and cold on me at the beginning, I played him at his own game and suddenly he was all over me."
"I can't do that he's already annoyed with me."
The two looked up to see Hobi," huh?"
"Can you dance?"
"Well yer but,"
"Let's all go to the new club down the road tonight Jin and I have been given tickets, Jimin loves dancing, show him your moves!"
Jungkook looked at Suga," where's the harm? I'll text Tae to tell Jimin we are clubbing tonight." Jungkook nodded.
Hours later and Jungkook was sitting with Jin,RM,Suga and Hobi twirling a beer in his hands,
"You sure they are coming?"he asked Suga.
"Tae said he was with Jimin changing,oh there they are."
"Holy shit! Jungkook nearly spilt his beer, casual cute little Jimin was gone, sexy fuck me Jimin walked in.
"Suga baby sorry we are late but after seeing how good Jimin looked I had to try harder."
Jimin giggled," Tae you looked amazing before just as you do now"
"Omg Jimin where's my baby boy gone, who is this sexy model type person!" Jin screamed.
"You make me feel like I was a right slob before, it's just clothes and a haircut!"
"Come on Jimin I've been waiting!" Hobi pulled Jimin onto the dance floor where the music was beating loudly, the pair were soon dancing with spectacular rhythm.
"I'm gonna die, look at him move in those trousers!"
"He does look good doesn't he, after I managed to stop him going for boring clothes he threw himself into it,he had a good eye when he bothers and he chose dark red lowlights for his hair and the cut really shows of his features." Tae said.
"You did well babe now come sit on my lap, I haven't seen you for hours,"
Jungkook looked in envy at the couple then he turned back to the dance floor watching every move Jimin made.
His ass looked amazing in the tight black trousers, his silver grey and black shirt was partly undone showing off chains around his neck and now his hair was shorter you caught a glimpse of an earring. He was hip thrusting and dancing to the beat and getting admiring looks from males and females alike.
A few songs later he came back to the table, Suga handed him a beer, tipping his neck back he gulped some down laughing when some ran down his chin and neck." Oops!"
It took all Jungkook had not to jump up and lick the trail it took.
"Aren't any of you dancing?" Jimin turned to Jungkook," coming?"
Jungkook refrained from saying ,' yer in a few minutes if you keep doing things like that!'
"Er yeah ok,"
He let Jimin lead him onto the dance floor .
Soon the pair were dancing eyes never leaving each other. A girl came near to Jungkook not hiding the fact she liked him trailing her hand down his arm, jungkook slanted a quick look at Jimin but he seemed unconcerned about someone hitting on him. Ok he thought let's up the ante, he smiled at the girl turning to dance with her.
Jimin had never felt pangs of jealousy like this he was sure Jungkook was doing it deliberately . Glancing around he saw a man on the edges ogling him, he raised a brow beckoning him and soon the pair were nearly joined at the hip dancing, sneaking a look at Jungkook he saw him staring murderously at the man. He grinned,that will teach him. He left the dance floor going back to the table where RM and Jin were chatting avidly. He felt someone come up behind him pushing him into the cubicle.
"Oh sorry, thought you were sitting down, I need a beer it's hot," Jungkook lied,jimin was now between the wall and him.
"Must be all the heat you and that girl were building up between you," Jimin said sarcastically .
"Yer she is hot isn't she?" Jungkook countered.
"Where's the others?" Jimin asked
"Suga Tae and Hobi are at the bar getting more beers,"
"So Jimin, enjoying yourself?"
"Yer, I love dancing and there are some hot guys here."
Jungkook leaned in whispering," are you deliberately trying to wind me up?"
Jimin whispered back," you mean like you did with that girl? Is it working?"
"You little shit do you know how close I am to fucking you on this table!"
"Tut tut, that's no way to behave," Jimin said rubbing his small hand against Jungkooks crotch under the table, making the other mask his groan into a cough.
Everyone else came back to the table and they all chatted sang to some of the songs while drinking beer.
"Is it just me or is anyone else hungry?"
"Take away!!"
They left the bar collecting a takeaway and going to Jungkooks place where they sat on the floor eating. As the night wore on Tae asked Jimin if he could collect his stuff from Jimins. The pair went and got it then Suga said they should go. In the end everyone departed. Hobi lived over the coffee shop so Jin and RM walked him back, RM said he would see Jin Home. Tae and Suga left, Jimin thanked Tae the other smiled and waved then they left.
"Well er goodnight Kookie,Jimin whispered."
Jungkook sighed," goodnight Jimin sleep well"
He watched Jimin go to his apartment then groaned as he shut his door," Fuck!!"
Jimin went in stripped off and showered just putting on an oversized T shirt as he put away his new clothes cleaning around his room. He couldn't settle he knew why, grabbing his key he walked out of his apartment and knocked on Jungkooks door, it opened to reveal a showered Jungkook with just a towel around his waist," Jimin?"
"I forgot something,"
Jungkook looked around not seeing anything.
"My dessert," Jimin said slipping inside and stripping his t shirt off.

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