My gift to you

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Jungkook had been turfed out of his office for three weeks now, only Jimin had a key
True to his word he had put Jimin in an office next to the one he was currently using,a glass wall the only thing separating them.
Jimin fully had his eyesight back now and Jungkook could never have enough of staring into the smaller males eyes.his smile made his eyes almost disappear.
Jungkook looked towards the other office now,Jimin was a natural on the computer and regardless at what he thought very good at organisation . He knew his old office was totally stripped and decorating already started, Jimin at this moment was sitting cross legged on the office chair, shoes off computer on and talking into his phone. He had a large open folder next to him jotting notes down his brow furrowed.. he was pinching his nose a sign of tiredness,Jungkook looked at his watch lunchtime.hed made plans.
He turned to his desk whisking a piece of paper up and writing on it.When he saw Jimin come off the phone he tapped the glass wall and held the paper up.
I'm hungry let's go on a lunch date
Jimin giggled and nodded. He met Jungkook outside his office and they walked to the lift but instead of going down the lift went up.
"Are we eating in?"
The door opened and jungkook walked them to a door that said rooftop. They went up coming out into the sunshine.
Nearby a table was set up a picnic basket and a bucket and champagne nearby.
"Shall we?"
Giggling Jimin sat down Jungkook opposite, they took out the food enjoying it all, it was fresh and tasty, the champagne cool.
As Jimin lifted his glass a dribble ran down his throat giggling he went to wipe it away but Jungkook stood up taking his hand away and licked up Jimins neck bringing a moan forth.
"You taste delicious,"
"Ah Kookie your so mischievous ,"
"And your so enticing, we have a whole roof but no bed shall we go downstairs?"
"Hmmm, I have a better idea come with me,"
Jimin led Jungkook back towards the door but wet along the wall next to it disappearing round the corner. Surprised Jungkook followed, his eyes widened behind the wall was a room enclosed by sliding doors inside was a raised mattress a small fridge and a railing around the wall.
"Your dad built this for me when he gave the apartment, he wanted me to get out in the sun without fear this is all enclosed, I'd sit up here learning braille, I'd fall asleep here as the sun streamed in the rail helped me know where I was and right at the back is a loo, I could spend hours here and often did."
"Well I'll be damned,shall we?"
They slid the doors open letting the sun stream in. Hurriedly they undressed putting their clothes on the chair. Jungkooks arms went around the other caressing his soft skin and plump ass. He backed them up til they hit the mattress then he crawled backwards laying there.
"Ride me Jimin,"
Jimin crawled up his body kissing and nuzzling his way, loving Jungkooks groans, he took zjungkook in his mouth swirling his tongue against him revelling as his lover gripped his hair. Jungkook pulled him up," ride me now " he demanded.
Jimin straddled him rubbing his sticky tip against his hole before sliding onto him gasping at his length and width." So full " he mumbled.
"That's it baby take all of me into your tight hole how I love the feel of you clamping round me, now fuck me baby,"
Jimin moved finding a rythm and groaning as pleasure went through him. Jungkook looked up at his lover enjoying how he clenched his bottom lip in his teeth the more he got turned on. Jungkook pumped Jimins dick in his hand swiping a finger across the slit.
"Ah Kookie... more......."
Jungkook dug his heels in the mattress thrusting up hard hitting that secret bundle of nerves inside the other , Jimin wailed in pleasure," yes Kookie!!"
Jimin rocked harder his whole body waiting for release, after a few more thrust in the right spot Jimin released, white spurts hitting Jungkooks chest and Jimin screaming in pleasure, Jungkook gripped the others hips thrusting hard into his overly sensitive hole making the small boy shake with pleasure overload within minutes Jungkook released, pumping inside Jimin feeling it trickle out between them.
Jimin was panting over stimulated, he looked around an old t Shirt was up there he grabbed it wiping the stickiness off Jungkook before laying on top of him." Don't move," he groaned to the other.
Jungkook smiled,this was nice his lover laying on him while his dick was still inside him the sunlight shining through keeping them warm. He caressed Jimins back knowing when Jimin fell asleep his head nuzzled against Jungkooks neck.
Jungkook yawned, maybe just close my eyes for a bit.
A short time later Jimin woke up, he peeled himself off the sleeping man quietly and went into the bathroom. He cleaned himself up there and dried off quietly dressing. Grabbing Jungkooks phone he set an alarm for fifteen minutes wrote a text message he'd see and went out, he quickly ate some strawberries then slipped down going back to the office. RM came to find him," seen Jungkook?"
"Oh we had lunch earlier before I had to go check a mirror out?"
"Ok I'm sure he will be back soon."
Jimin nodded turning to his computer smiling.
A buzzing was going off Jungkook scrunched his nose then opened his eyes, it was his phone he turned the alarm off then read the message Jimin had left.
Hi my sleepy baby, set alarm so your not too late if anyone asks we had lunch then went out separate ways PS great date! Love you
Did Jimin know he'd written love you? Was it just a friendly love you ,or love you love you?
Standing up Jungkook made his way to the bathroom washing himself off before dressing  He looked in the fridge and grabbed a bottled water thirstily gulping it down. He sent a text down to the hotel that the picnic could be cleared up then tidied around before leaving and shutting the doors.
He got to the office RM called out to him,
"Jungkook this came today I totally forgot about it"
"What is it?"
"Your dad arranged for you to have it five weeks after the will,he said you should be ready then"
Jungkook frowned and opened the letter to see his fathers handwriting.
I know we clashed a lot but that's because we are both stubborn. I'm sorry that we could not meet before I departed this world but know I'll always be looking after you.
By now you will probably know Jimin very well, he is such a delightful male you can't help liking him, he taught me to see things differently come out of the dark ages. The more I got to know him the more I became convinced he was the one for you. I don't know how many times I told him you two should get together. This is why I left the penthouse as each owning it, it's vary hard but I knew that you and Jimin would marry as you are the perfect couple so live a long and healthy life son and make an honest man if Jimin soon.
Jungkook stared, Jimin and his father discussed this, Jimin knew his father wanted them married, all the I don't want this was a lie, he wanted it all? Blind rage filled his face.
"Hhe knew, he knew dad wanted him to marry me. All this pretence he was after the lot!"
"Kook calm down let me see..."
Rm read the note," well, it doesn't say so?"
"I told him many times?"
"Yes but,"
"I'm going to Jeju to meet a business man, I'm going now, can you do me the favour of making sure he knows I know and the games up, I can't face him write now."
"But Kook...., "
" make him go"
Jungkook disappeared getting an overnight bag and leaving the building.
Rm slowly walked to Jimins office.
"Oh hi RM found him yet?"
"Eh oh yeah.....Jimin?"
"Look I'll come right out and say it, did you know Jungkooks father wanted you two to marry?"
"What don't be silly !"
RM showed him the letter,jimin frowned," but I don't understand....?"
"You had no inkling?"
"He said at the beginning my Jungkook would like you,or you two would be great together but we laughed it off as a joke, I never took him seriously he even said it in front of Jin who said you trying to get your stubborn son with my little moochi, it was laughed off as a joke., what does Jungkook say?"
" he er..., he thinks you planned it to get everything ."
"W-what! Where is he I can explain!!"tears streamed down the small males face.
"He's gone on a business trip, he er doesn't want to see you."
Jimin froze everything he'd worried about was coming true.
"When's he back?"
"Tomorrow afternoon,"
"Ok I'll finish the office today the paints done and the carpets down, I'll get the men to bring the bits out of storage and it will be done is that ok?"
RM could see the hurt in the others eyes and cursed his stubborn friend.
"Oh RM , if he thought I knew then it would mean me squiring the apartment was fraud if I knew?"
"Well I suppose it could do but there's no proof so it's not likely anything could happen."
Jimin nodded going to his office to call on more workmen and get things moving.
His eyes drifted to a cheque Jungkook had signed but which Jimin hadn't used.
In black pen Jimin wrote
He found an envelope putting the cheque in then getting his own chequebook he checked online how much was in the bank account from Jungkooks father and wrote a cheque for the amount to Jungkook putting that too in the envelope with a note, it was just a fairy story like I said wasn't it?here's my gift to you.
He spent the remainder of the day getting the office done and when the men left he was happy with the result, in the end he'd got s grey material corner sofa grey coffe table in front red and cream cushions decorated it. A water machine stood next to it for those guests who needed refreshment . Jungkooks desk sat in front of two sets of shelving a massive silver trimmed mirror on the wall behind.
Cream Louvre blinds hung ceiling to floor at the windows. A sleek grey drinks cabinet in the space between. The shelving had filing cupboard space at the bottom of each. The shelves had photographs Jimin had copied from an album he'd been allowed to look at in Jungkooks. One was Jungkooks mother holding her to him as they knelt to some cream calla lilies. The other was of his father swinging a young Jungkook up in the air the pair laughing, showing they had got on once upon a time. The third was Jungkooks parents wedding photo, they had both looked so happy. Jimin put that on the desk on one side next to a cream calla Lily in a red pot.
Business books lined the shelf with the odd quirky puzzle to figure out.
Jimin stepped to the bathroom, grey marble and chrome fittings replaced the old look in here red towels gave the place a touch of colour. Jimin looked around and nodded for this it had been a labour of love.
"It's fantastic Jimin are you ok?"
"Yep all done,"
"Ok I'm off now is there anything you want?"
"No, nothing at all thanks for everything RM."
The other nodded frowning then left, Jimin slipped the envelope from his pocket and placed it on Jungkooks desk. He went up to the apartment found the case he'd used for hospital visits and packed his clothes the only things he truly thought were his, finding another large envelope he placed the phone Jungkooks father had got him inside then the apartment key the note was short and to the point, it's all yours now it was never really mine, slipping in the penthouse lift key he set it outside Jungkooks apartment. Got in the lift with his case and went down exiting the building as quickly as he could. He went to the train station asked for a ticket to its furthest destination and got on, eyes staring into nothingness as he felt his heart shatter around him.

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