Lost love

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Jungkook had realised how foolish he'd been as he struggled through a business meeting his mind still on Jimin.
He knew Jimin hadn't been acting, he knew Jimin was a kind soul who didn't regard himself as good enough for anything, for gods sake he barely brought enough food to live on when all that money was in his account.
So why had he reacted like that? Was it because he felt the old pressure..., get married settle down, I'm your father I know what's good for you?
Jimin was good for him and what he had always assumed was his father sticking his nose in was just a dad wanting his son to be happy and not alone?
Once the meeting finished he booked a ticket straight back but he wouldn't arrive until early morning. It was going to be a long night , he'd rung Jimins number but nobody answered maybe he was asleep or just mad at him from earlier. Never mind he'd make it up to him as soon as he saw him.
He got back at five am. He went into the office to put a file back and saw his old office door open, it had been finished. He walked around, Jimin had excelled! He checked the bathroom loving the sleek modern look then walked back into the office checking every little detail. It was perfect especially the little photograph touches, it gave him a sense of family, he'd forgotten how his dad used to swing him around, how happy they were, his mother had loved flowers so the little touch of putting a calla Lily in a pot brought his mother to him, their wedding photo how happy they looked at the thought of spending a lifetime together. Why had he assumed he was the only one hurting at his mothers death? His father must have been devastated .
He looked around, Jimin had brought zjungkooks family back, the little puzzle games, he could remember playing them with his parents, seeing who could do it in the quickest time. He remembered Jimin asking to look at a photograph album, how he must have sat for hours getting little details like this and bringing back the memory. Jimin had wanted Jungkook to have the family memories that he'd never had.
He sat on the sofa tiredness overcoming him, he closed his eyes,just a moment , was his last thought before drifting into a deep sleep.
"Kook! Kook wake up,"
Jungkook woke to RM shaking him.
"Hi what time is it?"
"Eight thirty,staff are coming in, when did you get back?"
"About five ,"
"He did a good job didn't he?"
"More than good,"
"I'd say a labour of love," RM stated bringing the others gaze to his.
"I know, ok, I fucked up, I realised that soon after, I will make it up to him ok?"
"Kook he looked devastated yesterday."
"I'll go up and sort it out with him,"
"Looks like he left something on your desk," he handed Jungkook the envelope.
Opening it Jungkook frowned," what.......?"
He showed RM the cheque and the other for the money his father had put in the account.
"Shit that's why," RM muttered.
"What tell me?"
"He asked if it was proven he committed fraud by obtaining the apartment knowingly and with intent would that void the bit in your dads will, I said only if it was proven, he's done it."
"But this was a blank cheque I signed in case he needed to get things for the office!"
"Yes but he's cleverly written it so that it looks like he's admitted fraud and you have signed you won't prosecute, but it means legally the apartment is yours."
"But it's a lie, he didn't do it!" A sudden flashback came of him and Jimin talking about lying and Jimin saying the second kind wasn't to hurt anyone but sometimes made things better." The fool, doesn't he know I don't care about the damn apartment,I'll go see him now,"
RM looked worried," Kook I have a bad feeling......"
Jungkook saw the worry and his own face mirrored it.. dashing to the lift he went up. Getting to his own door he saw the envelope there, picking it up he opened at it staring at the contents, reading the note he whispered.., no Jimin no........
He ran to Jimins apartment opening the door, the place was silent, the bed stripped personal stuff and clothes gone. He slumped on the bed head in his hands, what had he done!
Jimins phone rang, he answered it," Jimin finally I was worried you didn't answer last night and I gave Jungkook my spare key, RM said he's on a business trip, are you ok? I got this horrible feeling you needed me?"
"Jin, it's me Jungkook, he's gone Jin, I've driven him away he's gone!!"
"What!Hobi shut the cafe right now we need to find Jimin! And you mister..., meet me in your office!"
Ten minutes later and Jungkook sat in his office multi pairs of accusing eyes on him.
"You thought Jimin, our Jimin would do that?" An angry Suga said.
"I told you I wasn't thinking properly as soon as I did I knew I was wrong and anyway why are you two here?"
"Jin was storming in as we were going to have breakfast at his shop so of course we came here!"
"Wow Jimin did this? It's great," Tae said admiring the office.
"So what are we going to do to find him?"
"I don't know, he's left his phone, he's not left a clue to where he was going....., how do we find him ?"
"I have a friend who works in the division that controls the towns ctv cameras?" Hobi offered.
"Yes!! Maybe we can  follow him on them !"
"Hobi call him" Jin begged.
Hobi did so, two of us can go there now to scan over footage."
RM told them the last time he spoke to Jimin so that they had a rough time span.
"Jungkook you and I will go"
"I'll open the cafe Jin there's not much else I can do,"
"I'll help you Hobi, Suga has a meeting, I used to work part time in a coffee shop before , Tae said. Hobi nodded and the two left.
"If you guys find anything text me,". Suga said standing and leaving.
"I'll take over your meetings Jungkook,go now you two," RM said as the two got up to go to the address Hobi had given them .
Jungkooks heart felt heavy, was Jimin ok?  What if he had a bad headache ?
"I'm sorry Jimin please be ok," he mumbled, Jin seeing despair on the others face patted his back," we will find him. "
"I hope so "

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