The angel is a horny devil

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Jungkook felt hands slide under his shirt caressing his hard abs.
"I know your awake your breathing has changed,"
Turning his head he saw Jimin smiling next to him.
"Do you feel better?" He asked
"Mmmm you have magic fingers,sorry about all the fuss though"
He went to pull away but Jungkook stopped him.
"Do you like touching me?"
"Well let's just say it's been a while and you have a nice body!"
"Well you do too, I've already had a boner over you,"
"Really? Me? So what do you want to do about it?"
"Well we could get naked and see where we go from there?"
"Sounds good," Jimin giggled, he raised up on his knees and pulled his shirt over his head showing a respectable pair of abs himself.
"Mmm nice," jungkook said trailing his finger down the others chest making his nipples peak.
"I-I go dancing with Hobi twice a week, he rents a private room so I can dance to my hearts content without worrying someone's watching waiting for me to fall over."
Jungkook took his own top off and brought his hands to Jimins belt buckle hearing the others sharp intake of breath. Jungkooks pushed him back on the bed and pulled his trousers down and off  leaving just his boxers that had a pronounced bulge.
"Someone is horny,"
"Just get naked will you, " the small boy.demanded.
Jungkook leaned down to Jimins ear," just to let you know I'm the dominant top!"
He got off the bed quickly stripping about to lay next to Jimin when he sat up," lube....,new in the drawer"
"Are you a boy scout or something?"
"No Jin got it as a secret Santa for me...., don't ask he has a weird sense of humour."
Jungkook laughed fetching the item ," I bet dad never saw this!!"
"Oh he did Jin thought it would be very funny to open them together on Christmas Day here  , I'd got your dad a miniature whisky ,Jin well you know what he got, Hobi got a year planner diary from your dad and Hobi got your dad a  pen."
Jungkook was laughing," you opened lube in front of my dad?haha Omg !"
"Yer but actually Jin was more embarrassed when your dad said,'in my day they didn't do flavoured lube, there was one type only next to the condoms,how do you know Jimin likes this flavour!' Hobi said Jin looked like he wanted to sink through the floor but instead he said, Jimin likes strawberries!"
Jungkook couldn't help himself he cracked up laughing, " my dad, said that! Good on you dad!"
He stared at the smiling face of the other and did something he'd been dying to do, pushing him back he leaned down to kiss his lips, Jimin kissed back passionately,soon their tongues were entwined and their bodies rubbing together.
Jungkook stopped at the sound Jimin made," what?"
"You seem.... Rather large...., can I feel you?"
"Oh god this is why I got a boner last time...., hey do your worst I'm all yours."
He lay back allowing Jimin to touch him.
Jimin started at his mouth giving sinful Kisses.jungkook went to put his hand on the back of jimins head but he pulled away," ah Ah , no touching only I'm slowed to do that right?"
"God your going to make me suffer aren't you!"
Jimin giggled then went back to his ministrations . He gently kissed an ear then his neck , moving down he felt the others nipples giving them kitten licks hearing the other groan, his fingers and tongue worked their way down the hard abs.
Jungkook moaned at the featherlight kisses feeling himself getting harder.
Jimins small hands enclosed around the eager dick,
"Wow that's a meal and a half," he said before licking the veiny length from bottom to top.
Jungkook had never wanted something as much as he wanted this. Every touch made him feel like a newbie he was so excited so when Jimin took him in his mouth he couldn't stop the long groan ,
"Oh fuck Jimin, you may look like an Angel but there's a horny devil inside you!"
Jimins laughter reverberated along his length sending pleasure the whole way, knowing he'd never take all that down Jimin licked sucked and pumped away  one hand playing with Jungkooks balls.making the other thrust up.
"Oh Jimin......yer suck harder....., oh fuck..., asaaaaaargh!!"
Jungkook shot his load into Jimins throat, jimin gave a last lick on the others sensitive tip then pulled away , only to find himself dizzily spun til he was flat on his back both his hands held in one of Jungkooks above his head.
"My turn," Jungkook growled. He passionately kissed the other tasting himself , then kissing his way down his neck to his collarbone sucking on a spot that made Jimin mewl in pleasure.
Then he attacked the others nipples sucking them to hard pebbles and tweaking them so the boy underneath him writhed in pleasure.
"Hmm what next? Do I suck this hard length waiting for me or play with your pretty little hole?"
""Yes", Jimin whined
Jungkook laughed," both it is then,"
He opened the lube rubbing it on some fingers then when he was ready he took Jimin in his mouth the same time he pushed a finger into him.
"Asaaah!" Jimin dug his heels in the mattress let his legs flop open and giving Jungkook better access.
Jungkook pushed another digit in, he scissored his fingers jimin moaning in pleasure he started to thrust up into Jungkooks mouth.
"Ah Kookie it feels so good,"
Jungkook felt himself harden and inserted another digit hooking his fingers finding the spot he wanted,
"Ah fuck I won't last long if you do that ," Jimin gasped at the masss of sensations taking over his body, jungkook pulled his fingers out," on your knees,"
Jimin hurried to do the others bidding Jungkook lubed his dick then placing himself at Jimins hole slowly pushed in..
"Aaah fuck your big!"
"And your tight!"
"Perfect fit then,"
"Yer,let's fuck!"
Jungkook was soon thrusting deep and hard finding Jimin was a bit of a shouter the nearer he got.
"Ah harder Kookie yer there oh fuck,"
Jimin loved it feeling this close to someone after so long, someone who liked sex as much as he did and wasn't scared to show it.Jungkooks hand came round to pump his dick as he slammed into Jimins ass," yes...yes...aaaaaah!fuuuuck!" Jimin exploded spurts of white covering the sheet his legs shaking at the strength of it but Jungkook wasn't finished, he loved how jimins hole clamped onto him in his release now he wanted to come in that ass.he grabbed Jimins hips thrusting back and forth into the overly sensitive boy before," shhhhhhhit! Oh fuuuuuck!" He'd never had such a hard release. He was trembling still inside the other then realised he was still gripping the others hips.
"Fuck sorry I hope you don't get bruises there," he said taking his hands off and laying down pulling Jimin to him.
"I don't care if I do that was a great fuck!"
""I can see why dad liked you,"
"Why cos I'm a good fuck?"
"No!! Cos your so straight forward no deceit,"
"There are two kinds of liars, those who just love to lie and those who lie because they think a lie won't hurt as much as the truth."
"Very profound, is this your usual after sex talk?"
"I can't remember it's been so long."
"Go and shower I'll strip the bed off"
"Wow what a house husband you are,"
"No not husband , never that, now where's the clean linen?"
"Hall cupboard,"
Jimin made his way into the shower soon lathering up his body then hair as he danced to a song he was singing unaware Jungkook was leaning in the doorway watching until he gave a round of applause.
"Shit you scared the life out of me you fucker!"
Jungkook laughed," you finished can I use your shower?"
"Sure go ahead he grabbed a towel from a nearby rail the stepped out bang into Jungkook.
"Ooof do you know how hard you are!"
"Not anymore soft as a jelly baby wanna feel?" He smirked.
"Oh you go and shower you want some boxers and a t to put on?"
"Nah I'll dress in what I had."
"Oh......, ok........of course you won't want to stay " he mumbled.
"I do but I have work in the morning,"
"It's fine honestly,"
Jimin left the bathroom leaving a frowning male behind who washed quickly before stepping out with a towel  wrapped around him.. he heard a clatter going out he found Jimin in the kitchen mumbling away.
"What are you doing?"
Jimin shrieked," god put a bell on will you!"
Jungkook came and lifted Jimin off the counter he was kneeling on while reaching up to some pots.
"Jin said you'd be hungry and also not to let you cook is that why he's put the pots....."
"Where's that conniving so called friend put them this time?"
"Er I was going to say he must have put the pots away as I can't see any," he lied looking to the very top of the cupboards where they had been placed out of reach. He quietly lifted one then said," oh here's one you nearly found it,"
"Yay I can have some Rameon ! I have got some haven't I , I haven't needed a snack in ages so I can't remember?"
Jungkook opened cupboard doors, was this all he had? Two packs of Rameon half a pack of biscuits a few tinned goods some squash and some cereal.
"Yer you have some, sit down I'll make it,"
"Despite what Jin says I can cook, we'll I could but I haven't got the hang of it since..., since the accident."
"No I'll do it,do you want a beer with it?"
Jimins face lit up the dropped "I don't have any"
"But I do, wait here,shit no clothes,"
"Are you naked in my kitchen?" Jimin said haughtily
"No I have a towel on and we both know you'd totally do it in your kitchen if you wanted to,"
"Sit here don't move I'm gonna take my clothes get some clean ones for tomorrow and some beers,"
"Your staying?"
"I'm staying, but only if you don't move!"
"Oh so dominant daddy!"
Jimin giggled at Jungkooks sigh," I won't move promise."
Jungkook grabbed his clothes and key then propped open Jimins door as he ran to his place in a towel,
Opening his door he put his clothes in the laundry room put on sweat pants and a t shirt, collected a suit and shirt and boxers he'd left his shoes at Jimins so that was ok he went to go out, beers!! He went to the fridge took out four beers then saw how stocked his fridge was ,putting the clothes down he got a bag put the beers in then some banana milkshakes, put some fruit in, cereal,then some tinned goods from the cupboard. He then carried the lot down to Jimins place.
"Kookie?" A nervous voice said.
"Of course who were you expecting?"
"Sorry but you were gone for a while,"
"Let me put these clothes in your room and I'll come back."
He hurried to do so, when he got back Jimins head turned in his direction.
"Sorry I took so long Jimin, I went to get some beers then saw how overstocked the fridge was I hope you don't mind but it will get chucked out otherwise, if you don't want it I'll bin it now."
"Oh no.., that's fine what is there?"
"Oh just some fruit,tinned food,banana milkshakes some cereal,I think dads old housekeeper was feeding a family!"
"Great sure I'll have it"
Jungkook put the stuff away then opened a beer," you want a glass,"
"Nope," he made grabby hands and Jungkook placed the can in his reach, picking it up he slurped some down." Wow missed that every time Jin takes me shopping he takes the alcohol out!"
Jungkook froze," are you not allowed it for some reason?" He went to take the can Jimin slapped his hand away," get off! I got drunk once! Once since I've been blind, I sorta lost my co-ordination a bit. Jin came round to find me wrapped in the rug with my pj jacket on my legs,easy mistake to make right!"
Jungkook laughed as he added the Rameon to the water and cut up some fruit putting the plate near Jimin .
"Fruit your two o'clock"
Jimin put the beer an down," wow spooky you sounded just like your dad , I used to eat with him sometimes and he'd say," water eleven o'clock ,rice two o'clock meat three."
Jungkook smiled,"I'm glad he was here for you."
He put the hot pot of Rameon on athe worktop then dished Jimin some up.
"Your eating too aren't you?"
Jungkook fetched himself a bowl and dished some up. Soon it was gone and the fruit eaten, Jimin finished his beer and leaned on his hands his head drooping tiredly. Jungkook cleared up quickly then checking everything was off he scooped the small boy up and carried him to the bathroom," teeth"
Jimin felt along for his toothbrush and cleaned his teeth," spare one in the cupboard "he mumbled need to pee, he felt his way around the bathroom not caring the other was there flushing and coming back to wash his hands,jungkook waited for him before carrying him to the bed," pjs or no pjs?"
"Me too"
Jimin stumbled trying to take his T shirt off so Jungkook helped him undress pulled the cover back and put him inside climbing behind him to spoon him.
"Night Kookie,"
"Night baby,"
He gently rubbed Jimins neck and shoulders amazed at how quickly he fell into a deep sleep.

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