Earn my trust

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Jimin sat up on the bench he'd fallen asleep on, yesterday it seemed a good idea to get as far away as possible but that meant he literally was stuck with nowhere to go. A tiny town who seemed to shut up shop early had no hotel and very little else going for it. After wandering aimlessly he had come back to the train station sat on a bench outside and fallen asleep there. Now he'd woken with a looming headache hungry and thirsty.
"Stupid you can't even run away from home without getting it wrong!" He said out loud just to hear another voice.
"Who you talking to?" An old man was walking past.
"Sorry sir I was telling myself off."
"Got off the wrong story did you?"
"Er yes las night,"
"Thought so not much here for youngsters,"
"Can you tell me hen the next train is?"
"Oh one o'clock , they only come twice a day,"
"What!Is there a bus?"
"Just after midday, the cafe opens in... five minutes and the bus stops opposite, just down there." The old man pointed.
Jimin thanked him getting up and stretching. He got to the cafe going inside.
"Ah an early customer what would you like dear?"
"Breakfast a coffee and can I use the bathroom?"
"Just down there leave your case by your seat no one here going to take it."
Thanking her Jimin went to the bathroom and after using the fascilities washed and freshened up. He saw dark shadows under his eyes he looked....haggard. One night and he looked like this! Man up Jimin you always knew he wasn't yours!
Going out to the table he saw his food was ready and gratefully ate up. He drank his coffee then ordered another.
A few old people obviously regulars came in took seats near the window chatted to the owner as she made their order.
Jimin watched the comings and goings for a while before getting up thanking the woman and going outside.
He had two and a half hours before the bus he wandered around finding a park with pretty flowers and a small fountain. He sat in the shade sipping a bottle of water he'd got from the cafe.
Well, what now you burnt your bridges and came to who knows where for what? You should have stayed got a job and carried on , Jungkook and your paths wouldn't cross and if they did so what you know what he thinks of you so what's the worst that could happen? Jin and Hobi do they deserve you running off? Jimin argued with himself for ages always coming to the conclusion he'd made a big mistake and needed to go back.
"There look, he comes out of the building, oh there he is again, what's he, the train station? Check the time he's buying a ticket." Jin and Jungkook were huddled in a room with a helpful operator and had covered Jimins moves.
"Damn how do we find where he went to?"
"Er excuse me sir I could contact the train station get the data if I say he is a suspect we've been following on cameras?"
"Really! Great do it!"
In no time at all Jungkook had his destination .
"That's not far by car the train meanders through a lot of countryside, I'll drive there ." Jungkook announced.
"What if you find him and he won't come back?" Jin asked.
"Then I'll kidnap him!"
"Ok works for me now hurry up and go!!"
Jungkook ran to the garage where he kept his personal car. Putting in the destination he rang Rm to tell him and shot off into traffic.
Jimin knew he was in trouble as his head throbbed and his vision wavered.
"No not now!" He had to go to the bus stop it was nearly time.as he stood up a wave of nausea swept over him. Sweat poured down his face, he drank what was left of the water. Wiping his face with his shirt he squinted down the road but all he saw was a car. He stood at the bus stop telling himself not to fall over. A schreech of brakes had him looking to the side shock on his face as he saw Jungkook get out. A loud buzzing and J-I-M-I-NNNN! Seemed to come from a long way off before his tired brain shutdown.
Jungkook couldn't believe it, the person he hoped to find was there on the Main Street he screeched to a halt jumping out as Jimin turned wavered and fell to the ground.
Jungkook carefully picked the boy up looking around for somewhere to take him, a lady from the cafe beckoned him in," here bring him here,"
Rushing him over he carried him in the women closed the doors putting closed up.
"He didn't look well this morning and old Mr Kiya said he'd slept on a bench outside the station."
"Have you got a damp cloth I think he may be suffering from a bad headache he gets them now and then. The woman rushed off bringing a damp towel which he placed on Jimins neck. Jimin roused his eyes opening dully ." Kookie?"
"Let me get you both a drink you coffee and something cold for him?" Jungkook nodded.
"I hate you," Jimin mumbled but didn't move from Jungkooks arms.
"You have every right to I was a jerk a complete asshole and I knew it I came back early to apologise but you were gone."
"Ahh my head",
Jungkook stood up placing Jimin on the chair,
"Lean your head on your arms on the table. Jimin did so Jungkook set to work easing the stress.
"You have what we used to say was healing hands,"
The old lady brought the drinks through and a sandwich.
"Well I just do what my mum used to do for me when I was younger."
"Only certain people have the gift."
Jimin sighed as a lot of the pain went.
"Eat and drink up I'll leave you two for a while,"
Jimin gulped the cold drink thirstily , but pushed the sandwich away. Jungkook sat next to him sipping the coffee and eating his and Jimins sandwich.
Jimin lay his head down again and the other leisurely massaged him.
"Why here?" He asked Jimin curiously.
"Because I was bored," Jimin snapped.
"We both react without thinking don't we?"
"Maybe but I don't set out to hurt anyone."
"I know sorry isn't enough, I just I don't know when I read the letter I just got angry like before dad trying to control me and I thought you were in on it. I sat through a meeting I haven't s clue about all the time thinking, Jimins not like that, Jimin isn't fake and then I thought about the dad you'd shown me through your eyes, he wasn't pushing me he just wanted me to be happy to have someone.. I got back as quickly as I could, I saw my office it's beautiful Jimin, it's modern but filled with memories those photos and little puzzles an amazing touch."
"I'm glad you like it I tried really hard."
"I can see that,Jimin let me take you home, Everyone is worried about you"
"They are..., I didn't want to worry them."
"Jimin you left your phone nobody had anyway of getting in touch.!"
"I know alright I ran off like a stupid kid to a place that barely has transport and no hotels, I slept on a bench and was waiting for the next bus, Damn what time is it?"
He stood up looking out the window to see said bud trundling away in the distance," fuck my life!" He wailed.
"Your coming back with me,"
"I can't I've got nowhere to go,"
"About that, I ripped up both cheques,"
"You you!!"
"Jerk,asshole, wonderful boyfriend ?"
"Pfft boyfriend you told me what you thought of me, some boyfriend ! I'll come back but us there is no us!"
"Jimin please let me make it up to you I've admitted I was wrong, I want to be with you,please?"
"Look everything we did together was rushed, we never took time to properly get to know each other, for this to happen you need to earn my trust, no spare key for you, I decide if and when we meet and if we ever have sex again."
Jungkook who  had been nodding along in agreement looked flustered at the last option then.
"Ok I agree to your demands, now let's go."
Jungkook paid the woman who wished them well, then placing Jimins suitcase in the boot he made sure Jimin was strapped in before driving off. He put the radio on low because he was sure Jimin would sleep after his headache and sure enough when he glanced over jimin was curled sideways in his seat fast asleep.
He gently pulled over texting his friends,
Found he's safe on our way back
Two hours later they arrived,Jungkook stretched tiredly.Jimins eyes opened and he got out the car.
They both walked to the lift.
"I have your stuff at mine I will get it for you."
They travelled up in silence walking out Jimin stopped at Jungkooks door.
Jungkook hurried inside then came out," here your phone your lift and door key and Jins spare key he gave me, I text everyone to let them know you are ok so it's up to you what you want to say and do."
Jungkook hovered in his doorway Jimin looked at him,
"Thank you for coming to get me, you must be tired all that driving have a nap you'll feel better, bye"
He turned dragging his case then disappeared into his apartment .
"I'll feel better when your back in my arms for good " Jungkook muttered before going inside stripping off and throwing himself on the bed falling into a well earned sleep that went through til the next day.

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