Feed me

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Jimin sat on the edge of the bed as a nurse dressed his wound. The doctor spoke to Jungkook.
"This cream will help it heal quickly, don't go in the sun and any Duden fever come back"
"Er doctor excuse me?"
The doctor turned to Jimin," yes Mr Park?"
"I'm blind not deaf you can actually talk to me I'm not a simpleton."
Jungkook snorted at the fiesty male.
"I apologise it was rude of me."
"Apology accepted, can I go I'm hungry,"
"The nurse is nearly done I could get some food brought in?"
"No offence doc but hospital food is pretty grim,"
The nurse giggled.
"There you go Mr Park I'm finished, do you want help with your top?"
"If you hand it to me and it's not inside out I can manage thank you lovely lady," Jimin said flirtily.
The nurse giggled again and passed the top,jimin shrugged it on then asked," will I do?"
"You look great Mr Park," she said and Jimin gave her a beaming smile.
Jungkook coughed cutting short the flirting.
"So this cream and dressings right?"
"Yes and cool not hot showers or baths."
"Thanks doctor and nurse," Jimin hopped off the bed," Kookie?"
"Right here," he went to Jimin who placed a hand on his shoulder and they left after Jungkook thanked the staff.
"Where's the desk we pay at ?" Jimin said getting his wallet.
"I did that earlier ,"
"Ok then take me to a cash machine so I can repay you."
"Look I can pay my way you know,"
"I know but it was my choice,"
"Just like your dad!"
"Is that a compliment?"
Jimin sighed," actually yes because I loved your dad,"
Jungkook could here the sincerity in the others voice.
"So hungry eh?"
"Yes,please feed me, I mean take us somewhere not expensive that is delicious."
"Ok," he took Jimin to the car where the driver was waiting, Jiin slid in while Jungkook conversed with the driver then he too got in.
The car drive off, Jimin opened the window feeling the sun on his face, he was smiling like an excited child and Jungkook thought how cute he looked.
"Are we going away from town it smells fresher?"
"Good guess, yes the driver recommended a place by the river."
"Great!" Jimin sat back then asked a question .
"Why did you say you'd never be a husband?"
"That's out of the blue...., probably because I can't imagine being responsible for one person for ever."
"I think you'd be good at it."
"What about you?"
"Me,no I don't think I'm much of a catch even before I lost my sight,can you imagine how annoying it would be to be around me full time."
Jimin turned his face to the window but Jungkook saw the sadness he tried to hide.
The car stopped and the pair got out, jimin stood looking lost until Jungkooks warm hand came into his.
"Do you want me to describe it Jimin?"
Jimin nodded.
"So we are walking to a floating restaurant, the building is moored on the river it has a veranda all around, there are birds on the river and the pathway has pink and yellow flowers bordering it"
"Kookie,this sounds expensive" Jimin whispered.
"No it's fine, our driver is eating here too," jungkook refrained from saying he had told the driver to find a place Jimin wouldn't be stared at and that he too was to sit at a table and order what he wanted.he had made The driver walk ahead to get the two tables while he slowly walked Jimin in.
They were given a table on the veranda next to the balustrade.sitting down Jimin heard small chirps
"Are there chicks here?"
"Yes a mother duck and five babies swimming along"
Jimin leaned over the balustrade as if he could see.
A waiter came to take the order.
"Jimin what do you want?"
"Anything that doesn't make me look like a sloppy idiot."
Jungkook ordered rapidly Jimin not really listening too busy listening to the chicks.
The food came and Jungkook took Jimins plate.
"Ok steak between 1 & 3, noodles 3 & 6 and the other half of the plate are spicy vegetables."
Jimin looked eager to try," are there lots of people around?" He whispered.
"No about six tables away,"
Jimin dug in with gusto," Omg , this is so delicious ," he moaned in appreciation. Jungkooks breath hitched, didn't the other realise how erotic he sounded?
"Phew spicy indeed!" Jimins hand tentively felt around for a glass of water.jungkook passed it to him and he gulped it down.
"Want to try some red wine I got?"
"Sure why not"
Jungkook placed a glass in his hand and he sipped it, it's nice but strong,Jimin fanned his face then dug into his meal again. He finished up with a satisfied grin.
"Did I make much mess?"
"None,here finish your wine,"
Jimin tilted his head back as the sun burst out from behind a cloud.
"Don't laugh but I could have sworn I saw a bright light,"
"What just then?"
"Yer,it's usually dark shady but it suddenly went light....., it's gone now though,"
"You feel ok though?"
"Yer,just ignore me....Shall we go?"
"Of course," Jungkook gestured the waiter over seeing confusion on Jimins face.
The waiter came and Jungkook paid the bill for them and the driver. Driving back Jimin was quiet they got in the lift and it stopped at the office floor.
"Should I go on up?" Jimin asked
"No come with me you have to earn your lunch"
He placed Jimins hand on his arm and walked in staff looked up whispering,Jimins hand tightened and he looked down.
Jungkook walked them both to his office and closed the door spinning Jimin against the wall he plundered his lips until he got a response from the other.
"Don't let me see you hide from others again."
"I'm sorry I just......"
"Just what?"
"I feel like I'm an alien living in an alternate universe, this shouldn't be my life, you shouldn't have to accommodate the orphaned blind boy,we would never have met in normal circumstances ,"
"Do I make you feel like your a nuisance?"
"No you've been nothing but kind, I make myself feel like a nuisance, I'm aware your father felt guilty but it's just fate, our paths may have crossed in the future purely by meeting at Jins coffee shop but I would probably have been your waiter you wouldn't even have noticed."
"Jimin , who knows what would have happened,but for now your this cute and amazing boy I met so can we focus on that?"
"Mmmm you forgot sexy,"
"Oh very sexy," he claimed Jimins lips again.
A knock sounded and Jungkook quickly sat Jimin on a sofa while he leaned on the edge of his desk.
"Come in."
"Hey Kook, Jimin, it's all done and don't worry Jimin furniture is placed back in exactly the same spot I personally measured so you won't bump into anything out of place."
"Wow RM thank you so much for realising oh could you come here a minute?"
RM walked over and sat next to Jimin who leaned in to hug him.
"I hope your friends got a good discount and thank you for all your hard work."
RM gave the small boy a hug back," your very welcome oh and here's your key."
RM left the room,Jungkook would be lying if he wasn't a little jealous of the hug.
"So why am I here?"
"Well as you know dad liked old heavy furniture, this is his old office I want it to look different so if I explain how it looks..."
Jimin held up a hand," two seater green chesterfield sofa I was sitting on with dark mahogany coffee table in front. He stepped to the side counting his steps, large actually over large mahogany desk with green chesterfield office chair ,behind that dark mahogany shelving. The windows have dark wooden blinds there's a large copper pot with a green plant against the wall next to your bathroom which has avocado green tiles in it and an old gilt edged mirror."
"Wow,when did you see all that?"
"Six months before my accident,"
"Now why couldn't you have got dad to redo here I noticed the outside offices were brought up to scratch."
"Because your dad felt comfortable here, it was his thing."
"So can you make it my thing?"
"No green no dark wood, I like reds,greys I've actually seen a desk in grey I like,so maybe shelves the same?"
"Yer but not the whole wall just either end and a large round mirror that projects space and where the big sofa is a two seater grey cloth one and one armchair with red cushions on them to make them pop.and a grey coffee table, grey flecks carpet and off white long Louvre blinds at both windows,you could always put a modern drinks cabinet in for your clients!oh on the shelves here and there something in red sort of co ordinated!" Jimins voice was full of enthusiasm.
"And the bathroom?"
"Light grey marble of course,"
"Of course," Jungkook laughed,"I like your style.
Jungkooks desk phone rang and he picked it up," oh hi yer, er hang on," Jimin I have to take this call,"
"That's ok I know my way out and I want to feel my carpet,"
"You sure?"
Jimin nodded leaving the office and steeling himself against the comments.
"He had old Mr Jeon wrapped around his finger now he's trying it on with the younger"
"Makes him look more pathetic than he already is"
"Such a leech"
Jimin was praying for the lift to come he wasn't aware that anyone else had heard he hurried in the lift doors closing.
"You two in my office now,!"the two women turned to see a very angry RM calling them in..
Jimin walked out quickly feeling along the wall and using his key then closing the door and sinking down to the floor." I'm not a leech I'm not," he whispered to himself.
He stood up just as a flash of light hit his eyes giving him pain what was happening?Tablets he needed to take his tablets. Rushing barefoot into his bedroom he became aware of the deep plush carpet but he needed to get his tablets . He found the bottle easily and gulped them down with water he got undressed and lay on his bed as his phone rang, finding it he answered," Hi Jin, yes I do feel tired another headache has started no I've taken tablets and will sleep,I forgot to take Jungkooks number he was going to come and check something but I really need to sleep, he is can you get him to text him thanks no I'm fine really bye," jimin put the phone down and lay closing his eyes but the womens hateful words came and the headache worsened.
Jungkook had finished his call and was about to leave when his phone pinged a message,
Kook it's Suga Jimin just rang Jin as he didn't have your number apparently he's really tired and is sleeping so whatever you were going to check can you leave it.
Jungkook frowned was Jimin really tired or was it an excuse? He wandered along to RMs office,
"Wanna go get a coffee at Jins?"
"Sure I could do with one right now,"
His friends usual easy going nature seemed different, he seemed mad.
"Tell daddy all about it over coffee."
They got to the coffee shop Suga and Tae were just leaving they chatted quickly and went in.
Hobi came and served them, seeing RMs enquiring gaze Hobi yelled out," Jin lover boy is here!" RM blushed and Hobi ran off to make the coffees. Jin came nonchalantly out as Hobi brought the coffees over ." Oh hi you guys nice to see you"
Hobi snickered," he's been waiting all day RM for you to come in!"
Jin blushed and so did Rm, jungkook sipped his coffee," mmmm no wonder everyone likes coming here it's so tasty."
"You got my message about Jimin then, it's worrying he doesn't usually have headaches this close."
"I thought he was just tired?"
"He is but has a headache he said he was fine but needed to sleep."
"He seemed fine earlier?"
"Oh excuse me I need to help Hobi,"
Jungkook frowned," he did seem fine thought,"
"It was probably those bitches that gave him a headache."
"That's what made me mad, Jimin was waiting for the lift and two women from the office spoke, they didn't care that he heard them!"
"What did they say?"
RM told him," yes I was angry too, I called them in asked them what they thought they were doing, they had the nerve to smirk and said they were only saying what everyone thought and it wasn't the first time he'd heard it.I'm sorry Kook but I told them they were on three month probation and if I heard talk like that again they would be straight out the door,I know I should have asked you first but their behaviour really angered me,as if he doesn't have enough to cope with."
"Those bitches!! They got off easy!"
Jin wandered back over ," coffee ok?"
"It's great, Jin I need your spare key, I want to check on Jimin."
Jin looked at him consideringly," wait I have an extra copy I think you might be using it more than me."
He went and fetched the key giving it to Jungkook who stood up to go.
"Oh Jin can you make sure my friend here stays and has another coffee,  he did so much for Jimin today he deserves it."
"He did? Of course let me get you another RM on the house."
Jungkook winked at his friend then left. He took the lift up to his floor going into his apartment to quickly shower and dress in lounge wear, grabbing a bag of fruit and snacks to put in Jimins. He unlocked the door whispering," Jimin?"
No response came so he quickly put the stuff in the kitchen and walked to Jimins room, the bed looked ransacked and he could hear moans from the bathroom not sure what he'd find he marched over and opened the door to see Jimin laying on the cool tile floor a pillow wrapped around his head rocking back and forth.
Jungkook knelt down picking the small boy up,
"It won't go tell it to go I can't take anymore tablets !"
Jungkook carried him to the bedroom," jimin sit on this chair a minute while I make the bed."
He sat Jimin down then shook the bedding quickly making it," lay down on your front baby,"
Whimpering Jimin did so. Jungkook went and got a damp flannel placing it at the base of Jimins skull then he started the massaging, Jimins crying stopped just the odd sniff here and there, it took twenty minutes this time but Jimin eventually fell into a deep sleep. Jimin lay on top of the bed but Jungkook left him like that as he felt quite warm. He stood up feeling the plush carpet under his feet, he went to the kitchen and drank some water then took the damp cloth and rinsed it out he took a towel with him, Jimin had turned onto his back, he wiped his hot sweating face and neck then dried him then saw the dressing that should be changed. He found the stuff carefully removed the dressing and put fresh cream and dressing on. Jimin barely moved. Taking the stuff into the bathroom he used the fasciitis's washed his hands and cleaned his teeth with the brush from yesterday then went and crawled onto the bed with Jimin.almost as if he could sense the other one there Jimin lay on his front head on Jungkooks chest arm across him one leg entwined.
Jungkook wrapped his arms around the small male keeping him close and both staying like that til morning.

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