Seeing is believing

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Jimin stirred, he still felt tired but no headache.He felt the warmth from Jungkooks body.this was the second time he had worked his magic. Jimin wondered why the headaches and flashes had come on so quickly . He moved sitting up and opened his eyes," aaaaah!"
Jungkook woke up at the sound,
"Jimin what is it?"
"Kookie,I-I can see things,"
"It's blurry but I can make out things and colours!"
Jungkook stared at the other in surprise noticing the blank look stare was gone and it  more aware.
"We need to go to the hospital get you checked over."
"You can't waste any more time on me , you need to get to work,I can get a taxi."
"If you won't let me go I'll call Jin?"
Jimin sighed," everyone else has things too do ,I need to take control ,"
Jungkook debated but the choice was made for him when his phone buzzed.
"Hey RM,she's what? Damn, I wish she would take the hint, ok ,when's she arrive? Yer I'll be there don't worry this time I'll make sure she gets the hint."
"Ex girlfriend who doesn't like the ex part,"
"Oh dear, well looks like we both need to get a move on."
Jimin got up slightly disorientated at the blurry images, he walked to the shower then turned his head," coming?"
Jungkook got up quickly following Jimin into the water, they made out under the streaming water passion building until Jungkook lifted up the other and pushed into him as he held him against the wall, neither could get enough of each other, jimin looped his legs around the others waist his arms around his neck passionately kissing the other as Jungkook thrust into him grunting.
Jimins moans were music to Jungkooks ears he thrust harder," oh Kookie ooooooh!!" Jiminspurted strips of white between their bodies his hole clenching around Jungkooks dick.
"Fuck Jimin I'm aaaaaaaarggh!!" He thrust deeply as he came feeling himself being milked dry by the other. Panting he let Jimin down , " you make me so horny," he groaned as Jimin slid down him.
"You know I think I like you fucking me,"
Jungkook laughed," you do, do you?"
"Yer it's very fulfilling , now let's clean up," he said demandingly.
Jungkook smothered a laugh at Jimin trying to be dominating, his small stature and pouty lips just made him look cute.
They cleaned up and went into the bedroom, Jimin pulled clothes out and dressed Jungkook pulled on his sweat bottoms .
"I'll dress properly at mine,jimin will you come to the office and tell me what the doctor says?"
He saw Jimin hesitate.
"If it's those bitches that spoke yesterday putting you off don't worry about them they have been warned,"
"Oh well I suppose people would think like that with a nobody like me."
"You are not a nobody! Now do you want breakfast?"
"Is there an apple, I'm too nervous to eat properly? I wish I had sunglasses it's like a brightness forming."
"Here's your apple and come with me I have loads of glasses.
Jimin collected his key and munched on the apple. He held Jungkooks hand along the passageway and allowed Jungkook to pull him in his apartment ,
"Five minutes ok I'll phone a taxi take you down and then go to work."
Jimin nodded sitting and waiting. A little longer than five minutes and Jungkook came back.
"Try these," he slipped sunglasses onto Jimins nose.
"How do I look?"
"Adorable," his lips encompassed Jimins." You sure you won't let me come with you instead of dealing with a spoilt bitch?"
"Be brave!" Jimin giggled.
"Come on your taxi will be here."
They went down in the lift the taxi pulled up. Jungkook told the driver where he was going and told him to escort Jimin to where he needed to go and wait and bring him back" you'll be paid for all your time when you come back escort him to the managers desk and an envelope will be waiting for you?"
"Yes sir I can do that."
"Just do it Jimin it makes me feel better."
"Ok but we need to talk about this habit of yours!"
"Jeon Jungkook!" A high pitched scream came out," Jungkook baby!!"
"Oh hell she's early !"
"You better go Jungkook baby" Jimin giggled only to have his lips pecked." Don't tempt me in public now go"
The taxi drove off and Jungkook turned to face the biggest mistake of his life," Lina why are you here?"
"Jungkook haven't you got over your little hissy fit and who was that?"
"First of all its not a hissy fit and secondly none of your business."
Jungkook strode into the hotel the woman following.
"We need to talk."
Jungkook got in the lift she followed.
"Look I made allowances because your father died, but now as your staying here , I need to make plans,er.....,he left you everything right?"
The lift stopped Jungkook strode out his temper on the boil.
"I have a meeting, he waved one of the bitches over, can you take miss Lin to the waiting area get her coffee or whatever." The woman obliged eager to find out who this woman was.
Jungkook stalked into RMs office shutting the door.
"I know that look, she's got to you already."
"That bitch has come here ignoring the fact I dumped her and one of the first things she asked is did I inherit everything"
"I never understood why you went out with her,"
"Drunk then guilt,"
"So what you going to do?"
"Tell her yet again why we are not a couple,god I wish I had gone with Jimin."
"Where's he gone?"
"He started seeing things."
"What hallucinating?"
"No dumbass his sight seems to be coming back so he's gone to the hospital to get checked over."
"And you stayed here? I thought you were really into him?"
"That obvious eh?"
"Kook your a nice bloke but this is the first time I've seen you wanting to take care of someone."
"He just makes me feel that way."
"So what if he gets his sight back, will you be so caring then?"
"I.......,well I hope so, it's not like we are a couple,"
"How many times have you slept in your own bed?"
"Look I get it ok, I won't hurt him I like him a lot, now let me hide in here for a bit before I have to face her again."
The her was getting the low down on Jimin after she coyly said she was Jungkooks girlfriend , bitch 2 had joined in dishing the dirt on Jimin.
Lina started getting enraged she didn't need some poor boy getting in her way.she had been patient put up with his negligence and flown here.she was a lady who liked her way paid by others.
"So your saying this Jimin is getting near my Jungkook?"
"Well he persuaded Mr Jeon senior to give him part of the penthouse."
"He what!"
"Pretending as if it all Mr Jeons fault he is blind, I understood he lived at the orphanage Mr Jeon visited played him like a fool and got the penthouse ."
"I'm sure my Jungkook will see through his underhand ways and we will get the penthouse back! How long is this meeting it's been an hour already?"
Jimin was grinning from ear to ear," I'm going to see again,did you hear him Jackson? " he asked the taxi driver.
"I did Jimin but don't forget to put the sunglasses on he said your eyes aren't used to the light."
"I can't wait to tell Kookie!"
"Your friend will be very happy he was very concerned about you."
"Yes let's hurry back."
In no time at all they were back. Jackson walked him to the lift as he wanted to make sure he was ok,once Jimin was in Jackson made his way to the reception desk.
"I'm Jimins taxi driver?" He said uncertainly
"Oh yes, Mr Jeon rang down half an hour ago, what is the fee please?"
Jackson told him and the manager went into the office coming out with two envelopes.
"The taxi fare plus Mr Jeon would like you to have this for taking good care of his friend."
Jackson looked in shock at the money in there.
"This is too much honestly!"
"Mr Jeon said if you quibbled about the money I was to tell you no amount could be enough to keep our Jimin safe,and I thank you to sir Jimin means a lot to us."
"Please give my thanks and my card to your boss it was a pleasure Jimin is a nice person."
"He is indeed "
Jimin wished the lift would hurry he was eager to 'see' Jungkook. His vision was clearing up bit by bit.
The lift stoped and he stepped forward only to be stopped by a harsh slap.
"Lina what the hell,"
Jungkook had stepped out of RMs office finally ,in time to see Jimin get slapped.
Jimin held the side of his face and looked at the women, for some reason he didn't feel intimidated especially when Jungkook came to him to check he was ok.
"You have a problem bitch?" He asked.
"Did you hear him talking to me like that the problem is you, you moneygrabbing orphan, these ladies told me how you seduced his father and are now trying to get my Jungkook."
The two office bitches looked down at the floor when they saw an angry RM and Jungkook.
"Lady why don't you leave before you make more of a spectacle of yourself?"
"You guttersnipe can you see Jungkook what he's really like, tell him about us."
"Oh he did already said your a crazy bitch who can't take no for an answer, desperate much?"
A snort came from the two men behind him.
"What do you think you've got compared to me you,you blind imbecile?"
Gasps came from around . Jungkook went to step up but Jimin stopped him.
"Well bitch for starters I'm getting my sight back and all I see is an aging hag trying a last ditch attempt at getting a man, Kookie I thought you had better taste, and secondly he's got this sexy body whenever he wants it and lady I can tell you now he wants it a lot."
"Kookie see the bitch out I'll wait in your office and you two better pack your things up," the two office workers looked shocked.
"You heard the man," RM said gleefully he felt he'd had ringside seats at a knockdown .
Jungkook grabbed Lina," don't ever show your face to me again, as you can see I have someone much better in my life." He literally pushed her in the lift followed by the two office bitches crying and wailing how sorry they were.
He dashed down to his office locking the door once inside and clicking the privacy blinds on turning to find Jimin pacing back and forth.
"That bitch spoilt it I was so happy to tell you the news and she slapped me, I wanted to hit her, and what was all that I spouted, I'm not like that normally where did all that come from? Aaargh I'm so mad!"
Jimin found himself lifted up then straddled across Jungkooks lap as he sat them on the sofa. Lips slammed against his hands roaming down to his ass.
"I'm trying to be mad here," jimin moaned into the kiss.
"You were so hot baby telling her what for"
"She annoyed me,"
"We're you jealous about her?"
"Jealous of that, Pfft !"
"So tell me what the doctor said."
Jimin looped his arms around Jungkooks neck his bulge grinding against the others .
"He said my sight is definitely coming back that's probably why I've had the headaches he said I may get more before it's completely back, but all signs are good as I can already distinguish colours and outlines and now and then a definite image but he said also not to strain the eyes and wear the sunglasses."
"That's great baby," Jungkook just wanted to put his horny dick in the other," you know your attitude really turned me on."
"I don't need eyes to see you have a huge problem, wanna do me on that big old desk?"
He crawled of Jungkook kicking his shoes off and shimmying out of his trousers and boxers. Jungkook lifted him to the edge of the desk.
"Lay back baby while I eat you out"
He pushed Jimin flat then opened his legs wide diving into lap at the puckered hole.
"Fuck!" Jimin hissed out as the others tongue played around his hole then licked up his dick before taking him in his mouth. He fondled his balls and sucked hard knowing by the others shaking he wouldn't last, swiping across his slit Jimin exploded down his throat his arm shoved across his mouth to muffle the moans .
Before Jimin could collect himself Jungkook had loosened his trousers and pushed his large member into Jimins sensitive hole.
"This will be quick baby I've never been this horny"
He thrust hard into Jimin leaning over him kissing his mouth Jimin wrapped his legs around him encouraging him by talking dirty into his ear. Leaning down into Jimins neck he gave a drawn out moan and blasted into Jimin." Yeeeeeeees!!"
He lay panting on Jimin then got up going to the bathroom to clean himself up bringing a towel to clean Jimin and the desk.
"This room smells of sex,I'm gonna clean up in the bathroom ok?"
Jungkook nodded and switched the aircon on which freshened the room, he unlocked the door and opened the blinds,jimin was still in the bathroom.
RM knocked and came in.
"Where's Jimin,"
"Er bathroom, he felt a little upset about earlier,I think he might be having a cry."
Jimin who hadn't completely shut the door heard the words and thought he'd play the part.
"Sorry Kookie I felt a bit overwhelmed so much happened." He'd made his jumper have sweater paws and lifted the glasses as if dabbing his eyes.
Jungkook tried to keep his face straight," that's ok Jimin,I'm sure you had a lot to get out,"
Jimin knew he was playing on words meaning Jungkook had a lot of cum in him. Aha he thought.
"No it was just a little thing I don't know what all the fuss was over" he said straight faced.
"Jimin I'm sorry about those women ,can you really see?"
"RM? Yes it's coming back gradually, can I hug you again now I can sort of see you you took such good care in my room" he wrapped his arms around the embaressed guy hugging him, jimin poked his tongue out at Jungkook," wow your a big strong guy I'm glad your on Jungkooks side.
Jungkooks eyes promised retribution later.
"Have you told Jin?" RM asked.
"Oh shit no, I'll go there now,"
"RM call Tae and Suga to meet us downstairs,Jimin you want to surprise the rest,ok let's do this" he told the two what to do then they all disappeared downstairs.
They exited the lift," Jimin hold my arm," Jungkook hissed.
"Ooops!" Jimin clung on his eyes hidden behind the glasses.
"Hey guys what's up?" Suga asked.
"Sorry,I asked Jungkook if we could all go to Jins,do you mind."
"Jimin it's a pleasure how are you ."
"Good really good."
They all entered Jin's .jimin looked around for something he could put in a conversation.
"Well hello guys,Jimin my baby how are you and what do you want?"
"I'll have a caramel macchiato with cream on top in a blue cup." He knew for a fact the coffee shop mugs were white and gold or glass latte mugs.
Tae went to step in," jimin he," Jin swatted his hand angrily," caramel macchiato with cream in a blue mug coming up,he took the others orders and wandered to the counter.
Behind his glasses Jimin could see Tae raising his hands asking why Suga pointed to his eyes then to Jimin and Tae had an of course moment.
"Tae what we're you saying ?" Jimin asked.
"Erm I was going to say Jin makes great cakes too"
"Oh" Jimin nearly giggled but turned it into a cough.
Jin returned along with Hobi.
"Hey Jimin,"
"When's our next dance date?"
"Whenever you want your toes trodden on, er is Jin here still I want to say something to you all."
"He's here Jimin."
"Ok then,actually I never thought I'd have caring friends like you all have been, I've never taken for granted any care I've been given especially Jin you and Hobi. You've been there at my darkest moments....,no pun intended, I'm glad to call you all my friends." He sighed as the rest clapped," I've gotta say though Jin I'm really disappointed I didn't get my blue cup."
Jin turned to Tae, " why did you tell him" Tae was shaking his head madly and Jimin burst out laughing," you should see the look on your faces you two!"
Everyone bar Jungkook and RM who were also laughing swung to face Jimin,
"What?" Jin whispered.
"Ta da!" Jimin took his glasses off staring straight at his friend.
"Jimin you can....,oh my god!!" He swept his small friend up in a hug tears rolling down his face. Everyone was congratulating Jimin. Jin demanded answers.
"Holy shit!" Tae said excited
"Sorry if I got you in trouble Tae"Jimin apologised
"Hell who cares I'm so pleased for you!"
Jimin then had to explain what had happened and everyone started talking at once.
Jimin rubbed his eyes five minutes later and hands slipped his glasses on..Jimin thanked Jungkook
"Look I'm sorry guys but Rm and I have to get back."
"Tae and I too" Suga said.
"Jin can I stay here?"
"You wanna sleep on the office couch?"
"Is my plushie there?"
Jin nodded," bye guys," Jimin wandered into the office seeing his moochi plushie and a throw on the sofa,he lay down hugging it and covered himself, today was exhausting.
"Does he sleep here a lot?" Jungkook asked
"When things overwhelm him he likes to know people are around so yer he has slept in the office for a few hours then gone back."
Jungkook wrote his number down," when he's coming back can you call me?"
"Sure,you know Jimin seems way happy lately be good to him." Jungkook nodded.
"Come on I have a lot to do," Jungkook told RM who was staring at Jin and gave him a wink as he left getting a kiss blown at him in return.

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