Bundle of cuteness

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Jungkook waited as the sightless male turned around to walk into the sitting room. His movements were assured as if he had no disability.
He got to a chair sitting down like an elegant swan, everything about him was elegant.
"Please sit down"
Jungkook did so.
"I'm sorry about your dad, he was a lovely man"
"I understand you two became very close."
"We got on, he taught me chess we had lots of conversations I even got him to dress up for an Easter egg hunt for the kids at the orphanage, there's a picture on the table" he waved his hand in the general direction of the table making Jungkook look. To his surprise his dad was dressed in a rabbit suit laughing with lots of kids around him,jimin was next to him laughing too a beautiful smile on his face.
"Look I get why your here, you must be angry a complete stranger has taken some of your inheritance, I told your dad not too but he kept saying there was a reason that would become clear later." Clearly agitated Jimin stood up , his anxiety to show he wasn't a gold digger making him forget where he was and his leg caught on the table tripping him.jungkook shot up as the other fell pulling him back against his hard chest.
"Ooof....er thank you,sorry."
"You okay?"
"I forget sometimes that I can't see, I get worked up over something and am sure I'm seeing something, you wouldn't believe how many times I've crashed into things."
"There's no need to get worked up over this, dad did this a long time ago, he wanted you to have it, it would have been nice if he had told me but....well we didn't get on seemed to clash."
"He thought you were a man whore,sleeping around he wanted you to settle down didn't he?"
Going red at Jimins description jungkook spoke," he was stuck in old ways."
"Yer I told him that."
"I told him people are different if you want to play the field for a bit why not, he said I'd never understand I was too innocent," jimin giggled" I told him he was wrong on that too, I've had my share of partners but they were all male." Again a giggle.'" He was totally shocked,so I asked him if he thought differently of me now and he said no because he knew what type of person I was so I told him he shouldn't discriminate against you either,a busy young man who needed an outlet to blow off steam,sex is normal."
Jungkook looked in amazement at the small male before him," I can't believe you got my dad to talk about sex!!"
"Oh he was embaressed at first, then tried finding me a boyfriend! I told him that's called interfering so he stopped.
He kept cuttings of your achievements you know,they are in the bookshelf in your dads study,he'd tell me you had grown into a fine looking man. I'm sure you are, you must work out that's a hard chest I fell against!"
"Do you miss your sight? It must be hard not knowing what people look like?"
"Oh I can see them with my fingers"
"Come here"
Jungkook stood next to the male who raised his hands.
"Oh very tall, nice, long hair,definitely rebelling against Daddy, long distinguished nose, eyebrows hmmm, I bet you can look cute or dominating,"
Jungkook grinned.
"Hmm, thin lips charming jaw no wonder your dad called you manwhore you could totally have anyone you want. Slim neck but broad shoulders  " his hands trailed down, Jungkook found the whole procedure quite erotic," broad chest and"
Jungkook caught his hands against his chest,
"I think you've seen enough of me," he said quite gruffly as he'd been worried if Jimin went lower he'd feel how turned on the other was.
Jimin stepped back quickly ," I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable I forget my boundaries forgive me," he nervously twisted his hands together.
"Well you know, your rich good looking and knew who your parents were and I'm just an orphan who was dumped there because I wasn't wanted and we have only met because your father was kind to me, he shouldn't have done this and both of us know it. He suddenly winced his hand going to his head," I think you should go do you mind seeing yourself out I have to get something."
"Are you ok? "
"Yes sure fine."
"Ok then bye for now"
Jungkook walked away turning as he left to see a pale Jimin go to his room. He shrugged maybe he was tired.
As he entered the apartment he thought he'd call the boys,
"Rm what you doing?"
"Oh Kook I was about to go to Jins coffee shop"
"Can I come?"
"Sure Suga and Tae are going too"
They all met up in the hotel lobby and walked the short distance to the coffee shop.
Walking in Jungkook saw RM give a smile to a tall handsome guy.
"Well hello fellas and who do we have here?" He said looking at Jungkook.
"Hi I'm Jungkook,"
"Oh Jimins friends son, sorry for your loss, Jimins a sweet boy he wouldn't harm anyone he didn't know your dad would do that,"
Jungkook nodded, "I know I've spoken to him"
"You have....and it went ok?"
"It was fine except......"
"Except what?"
"Well he seemed fine then winced holding his head I asked him if he was ok and he hurried me out,"
Jin frowned.
"Jin,Jin quick it's Jimin," a gangly male came from the office thrusting a phone toward the other.
"Jimin what,no don't cry I'm coming, no it's ok I always have some with me I'm coming ok hang on,"
The handsome male became flustered," Hobi I have to go to Jimin, Damn where's my elevator and door key, oh yes his pillls,"
"What's wrong why do you need to go to him?" Jungkook said in concern.
"What, oh he gets these attacks since the accident,he usually takes a pill that stops it before it gets too bad, but he's dropped the bottle and can't find it so the pain has got worse, look I've got to go."
"I'm coming, now dads not here he's my responsibility too." Jin looked then nodded.
The pair raced to the building, Jungkook couldn't help wishing the lift would go faster. Once it arrived they rushed to Jimins door Jin using the key he'd been given, once inside they heard whimpers from the bedroom. Going in Jimin was rocking side to side holding his head in pain.
"Jimin I'm here, Jungkooks with me,"
"Sorry,sorry I dropped them and can't find them"
Jungkook couldn't believe this was the same cute self assured boy from earlier, he was pale and sweating face full of pain,
"Here Jimin a spare I keep drink it down," Jin tilted some water to Jimins mouth and he swallowed a tablet.
"It hurts so much Jinny"
"We may have to take you to the hospital we left it quite late."
"No no I hate it there, I'm trying, I'm trying Jinny"
"Why the hospital?"
"If it's got this far it lasts for ages and Jimin doesn't relax."
Jungkook nodded.
"Jimin do you mind if I try something my mum used to do with me when I got migraines."
"Lay on your tummy."
Jimin did so his head in the mattress.
"Now just relax,"
Jungkook flexed his fingers then massaged along Jimins neck then his  shoulders doing it rhythmically so even Jin watching was mesmerised.
Jungkook carried on ten minutes later," well I never he's fast asleep!"
Jungkook stopped and stared down. Jimin was indeed asleep looking less pained.
"Let's find those pills," he said
They both got on the floor looking under the bed but not seeing a container.
"Hang on what are these?"
He pulled out yellow slippers that looked like chicks and there inside was the container.
"Cute," Jungkook smiled at the slippers.
"Hmmm wouldn't believe he's a grown man would you!" Jin laughed," I suppose I should ring Hobi to close up, I should stay in case he wakes disorientated."
"It's ok I'll stay instead, I want to help,"
Jin stared from one to the other," ok but give me your phone so you can reach me if needed"
He put his number in Jungkooks phone then went to leave," oh if he wakes up he might be hungry he likes Rameon, but don't let him cook it he always burns it."
Jin left, leaving Jungkook to stare down at the other male, his neck and shoulders were so delicate when he massaged them, He wondered what the rest of him felt like, his eyes travelled down his back to his very curvaceous ass.
That would be a joy to wreck he thought,his small hands were curled on the mattress. Jungkook propped himself against the headboard next to Jimin. He closed his eyes briefly then felt movement. Jimin had sought his warmth placing his head in the others lap. Jungkook gently brushed his fingers through the others hair slowly, jimins arm came across his waist and he sighed in his sleep. Jungkook carried on slowly tangling his fingers in the movements got slower and slower until he to fell asleep.

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