Unexpected reunion

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You took your phone to check the time,11am, Bede must be at his arena at this time.You were about to go to Ballonlea when you thought about something, if you go with your master outfit you risk attracting a little too much attention. So you went home and put on an outfit consisting of hoodie and shorts to go a little more incognito.

After taking a Flying Taxi to Ballonlea,you went to the arena and nobody seems to notice you.Your ploy to be discreet seems to work. A battle was about to start,so you sneaked into the stands and sat down to watch the fight.

That's it, the battle is about to begin. The challenger enters the field with a familiar person,it was the boy you came for ,Bede  the Fairy Type gym leader.

The fight is very eventful, we can see that the two fighters give their all !But despite the beauty of this fight, you couldn't take your eyes off the handsome fairy boy.

Y/n: Wow he really improved! And he's even prettier than before..wait w-what am i thinking-?!

You said in your head

The fight was over fairly quickly and Bede won easily. But before the contestants exit the arena you notice a stern look on you. Did Bede noticed you were here?? Nah it's impossible than out of all the people in the audience  he saw you.Right?

You came out of the bleachers and went in the hall of the arena and as you wished Bede was here signing autographs. But before you could do anything you noticed the same stern looks than you saw before. Is Bede staring at you???

An awkward silence settled in the hall until the young gym leader came to you with an angry look.

Bede: I knew it was you..What are YOU doing here?!

He said,in a threatening tone while coming even closer

Y/n: H-hum well I just came to watch your battle and talk to you a little.

The way he looked at you stressed you out but you couldn't help but look at him in the eyes. Were they already so beautiful before ??

Bede: After two months you come back for that-? Are you making fun of me?!

Y/n: N-No,not that I know haha-

This was more awkward than you thought it'll be..

Bede: Tsh- Well talking will have to wait . Because before you'll have to battle with me.

He said looking very serious

You accepted the battle and as always you won.After what should we expect from a Pokemon master ?

Bede sighed

Bede: I can see you've gotten even better. But don't get me wrong, I'll beat you next time-

Y/n: You wished!

You said smirking

Bede: Stop trying to mess with me and follow me, since you wanna "talk"

He grabbed your arm and led you to a kind of rest room where he poured you a cup of tea.

Y/n: Since when are a good host?

You said, laughing a little

Bede: Shush. Lady Opal  just told me to be "nicer " with people, so you better appreciate it-.

You smiled and took a sip of tea feeling Bede's stare on you

Bede: So? What do you wanted to talk about-?

You're my fairytale~[Bede x reader]Where stories live. Discover now