First kiss

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The movie just ended and you were snuggling up to him. You hugged him tight while looking at him in the eyes.

Y/n: Soo,did you like the movie??

Bede: It's usually not my type of movies but it was pretty good.

Y/n: Oh, really? What's your type of movies then??

Bede: Well fantasy ones are nice. But I like almost every type of movies.

Y/n: Even romantic ones~?

Bede: I-I mean ,I guess-?

Y/n: Mmh,cute~

Bede: Shush, I'm not-

Y/n: What a big lie.

Bede: I said shush,dummy.

Y/n: Make me.

You said smirking as Bede started blushing.

Bede: W-What?

You laughed a little bit.

Bede: Hey! Don't laugh at me!

He said, looking very serious but you couldn't stop laughing. It seemed like he didn't get your kissing invitation,was he that innocent? But then his serious face got replace by a soft look and before you could say anything,he did a quick kiss on your lips.

You looked at him with big eyes as you two were becoming very red. But Bede suddenly looked away and got up.

Bede: I-I should go t-to the shower now-

He said, running to the bathroom.

This..was your first kiss with Bede. You were glad he took the initiative to kiss you first and thought it was very cute how he just ran away after kissing you. He looks so confident all the time but when it's about his feelings,he seems like a totally different liked the way he shows his feelings.

It was already been a tenth of minutes that he was in th bathroom. You decided to get up and visit his house since you still didn't have the occasion to see the other rooms. As you walked by the bathroom door you noticed that it wasn't totally close and through you could see Bede, finishing to dress up. He was shirtless.

You blushed seeing his naked chest. He was very thin and even if he wasn't very muscular, his abs were quite well drawn. And even though you liked that view you looked away and walked back to the living room. You don't want him to think that you are some kind of pervert.

After 2 minutes, your boyfriend came out of the bathroom only wearing a t-shirt and underwear. You blushed and went to the bathroom yourself, hopefully you always have a change of clothes on you so you could put on clean clothes after your shower. Once washed and dressed, you joined Bede in his room,he had a big bed.

Bede: S-So huh want to sleep t-together  or??? Because I can sleep on the couch if you want-.

He siad, looking away.

Y/n: No no! It's fine!

He blushed and layed on a side of the bed. You did the same and you were both back to back. You were both very nervous but you decided to do the first move this time. You took Bede in spoon position,he jumped a little bit and kissed your hand before turning around and taking you in his arms. And after a soft little kiss you two fell asleep.

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