Romantic dinner

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It was official now, you're dating Bede. It felt so unreal,you never thought you could be loved by someone like him. You always admired his strength in battle and loved his way of thinking,and now, he's your boyfriend. It was just like a dream come true.

Now you couldn't spend a day without you're beloved. Of course,you both were still very busy with your role of master and gym leader but every time you had free times,it was spent together. But even if you were almost all the time together,you remain quite discreet about it, only your relatives are aware of your relationship.

Today it was already been a month since you started dating Bede.For the occasion, Bede invited you to a pretty chic restaurant located in the heart of Wyndon.

You arrived at the restaurant wearing a beautiful outfit and as you entered you looked at your fairy boy who was wearing the same outfit he was wearing the day he declared your love to you, a mainly pink and white suit with a little bow tie except that he had a big bouquet of roses in his hands.

Seeing you Bede started smiling and looked at you with a soft gaze as he handed you the bouquet.

Bede: If I only knew you'd be wearing such a beautiful outfit, I would have bought a new suit.

You took the bouquet and laughed a little.

Y/n: Aw,no need to buy a new suit, sweet. You know how much this suit looks beautiful on you.

You said replacing a lock of his hair as he turned a bit pink.

Bede: Tsh. Stop acting so cute and let's have that romantic dinner.

You smiled and took his hand before going to your table, sitting down and ordering your meal. The prices were quite high but Bede didn't care at all, the price didn't matter to him if it was for you. But you were far from taking advantage of his money, because for you it doesn't matter if the person in front of you has more or less money, you will always love them .

Bede: So, do you like that restaurant?

Y/n: Of course I do! But you don't have to spend so much money on me.. You know the most important for me is that you're here,with me.

Bede raised an eyebrow.

Bede: Why wouldn't I spoil my little prince/princess if I have the money to?

You rolled yours eyes.

Bede: Aw ok ok.. I'll be a little more careful with my money. But don't expect me to stop spoiling you a little bit.

He said with a very serious face.

You putted you hand on his and smiled at him.

Y/n: I love you,my prince charming.

You said, blushing.

Bede: And I love you too,my fairytale.

He said,blushing back and kissed your hand.

The dinner continued very romantically. The atmosphere, the music, everything was magical. And when the dessert arrived, Bede asked you a question.

Bede: Hey,Y/n..

Y/n: Huh? What is it?

Bede: I was you.. want to stay at m-my place for tonight?

He said blushing a lot.

You blushed back very hard and when he saw you face he blushed harder.

Bede: IT'S NOT FOR WHAT YOU THINK, PERVERT ! I-it's just been a month now a-and I thought.. you c-could maybe
come over-. We c-can even have separated bed i-if you want!

You laughed after the reaction he had.

Y/n: I wasn't thinking of anything,silly! I was just surprised you'd asked now. But of course I want to.

You said smiling.

His face lit up when he heard your answer . He seemed really happy that you said yes.

After the dinner,he guided you to his house, it was your first time there and the closer you got the more nervous you felt. What are you two gonna do ? What is gonna happen.?

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