jealousy and misunderstanding pt.2

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Bede's pov:


ede: Why did I react like this?! It know than Y/n and Hop are close but why do I feel so jealous?? And arghhh- why did I say that?? "If i liked someone I would never tell them". I didn't even fall in love before. But with Y/n.. I felt.. something. Something I never felt before..Is it how love feels like.?

He clenched his fist very hard

Bede: Well it.. hurts.

After a week ,Bede kept avoiding Y/n. Those weird feelings he felt lately about them made him question things about himself. He needee to think about what to do to solve this situation but he was too ashamed to say sorry to Y/n..

And time doesn't seem to help.He was thinking about them all the time and was so concerned about all of this than he couldn't focus on his battles,he lost his first fight with a random challenger. But for once, he couldn't care less.

Opal ,who noticed that something was bothering her successor ,decided to have a little talk with him after the match.

Opal: Young boy,I see that something is bothering you lately. Will you tell me what's wrong?

Bede a hesitated before answering,he doesn't really like to talk about his feelings but right now he felt like he really needed to.

Bede: ..Did you already fall in love, Lady Opal?

Opal: Aahh..So young love it is? I remember when I was your age I also had a lover..what good memories..But tell me who is that lucky person?

Bede sighed

Bede: who it is doesn't matter right now. Is it normal that this feeling.. hurts? Why do I feel so jealous when they're around someone else?Why do I miss them so much..? All of this drives me crazy..

Opal smiled at you and hit Bede's head with her cane.

Bede: Hey-! That wasn't-

Opal: Who it is does matter, young boy. It's the one your heart choosed and it's normal to feel jealous when they're around someone else. When you're in love you want to be near that person and kind of need they're affection.

Bede: But..what if they like... someone else..?

Opal: You can't be sure of how someone feels like if you don't ask them. Follow your heart Bede,and you will know what to do.

Opal walked away. What was that kind of answer? How would y/n love Bede anyway..? Opals answer sounds so foolish to Bede. But maybe she isn't that wrong,maybe he should try following his hear for once..

Y/n pov :

It's been now 3 weeks that you didn't talk with Bede and your feelings are still the same or maybe even stronger. More you're away from him,more you miss him and wanna spend time with him. Plus, a special day is approaching during this month of February..

You were shopping with Hop for this "party" period, trying on different outfits and asking Hop's opinion between each of them. After trying many outfit you found on very elegant.

Y/n: What about this one?

Hop turned pink looking atyou.

Hop: Wow.. you look amazing.

You smiled at him a little.

Y/n: thx Hop, you're too nice.

Hop: Your welcome! But question ,why do you need that outfit for already?I totally forgot-

He said ,scratching his head.

Y/n: Well ,like every year , Raihan organises a party for that day and all the gym leaders and master are invited. And as the master I can't really miss it-.

Hop: Oooh yeah!I remember Lee going to this party with Sonya ! Don't you have to come with someone too?

Y/n: Yes that's right and that's why you'll have to choose an outfit too!

His eyes lit up at your announcement . He looked very happy thought you two were only going as friends.

Hop choosed a beautiful dark blue suit. And as you two went back home,Hop turned to you and made you understand that he had to go. Leaving you alone to go home.

It was kinda that he wants to go now with any real reasons but being so preoccupied with your thoughts, you looked no further.

What does Hop has in mind??

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