Masculine rivality

315 3 7

You were with Bede for over an hour and a half already when he looked at his watch.

Bede: Argh-. It's almost 2pm. I really must go now.

Y/n: Oh right. Let's pay and go then..

You said,a bit disappointed he had to leave so soon.

You both went to the counter to pay, you offered him half and half but he insisted on paying everything himself.

Bede: Don't insist Y/n, it's the least I can pay you for the meal-

You just looked at him smiling, he was so gallant.

After you both got out of the restaurant you saw a familiar face. Is it Hop??!

Hop turned around,he was now facing you and Bede. And when he noticed you were with him, he ran to you giving Bede a death stare. Bede was staring at him back, looking very mad by his presence.

Hop looked back at you and before you could say anything,he grabbed your arm to get you away from Bede.

Hop: Y/n what are you doing with that.. that guy??!

Hop looked very pissed.

Bede: How is it your business, shitty hair-?

He said firmly.

Hop: S-Shitty hair?! Says the one who as Wooloo's wool on his head?!

Bede: You little-. I don't have time for your childish attitude. Bye Y/n.

He said, looking back at you while giving you a piece of paper.

Bede walked away and you didn't try to hold him back to don't escalate the situation . Now you where alone with Hop, who was red of anger.

Hop: I don't even want to hold him back for a fight, he's so arrogant and ridiculous that I would want to-.. But hey you still didn't tell me what you were doing with HIM! It's part of your "arena inspection" ?!

You were really embarrassed,of course now your little lie wouldn't work anymore.

Y/n: W-Well-..

Hop's intense gaze putted pressure on you and you turned pink.

Y/n: Well..I got a little lost in my mission  and when I passed by the Ballonlea arena I-I saw Bede and we decided to go eat together.

Hop sighed.

Hop: Really? Ok then Y/n but please don't hang out with HIM too much..You know how he is and I don't want him to hurt you..

Hop took you into a hug, he seemed really worried about your security.

Y/n: I promise he won't..

You said , hugging him back.

Hop suddenly turned really red and letted go of you.

Hop: I-I have to go now! I was supposed to join Lee and Raihan for h-huh buh-bye!

He said, running away from you.

This situation was.. awkward but you couldn't guess that Hop would be there at the same time as you and Bede..

Speaking of Bede, you still hadn't looked at what was on the paper he gave you. You took the paper and read what was written on it. It was.. Bede's phone number! You did a little jump of joy when you saw that. Should you text him?

While walking to the train station you decided than yes you were gonna send him a little message : "Hey it's Y/n! Sorry for Hop's reaction,I didn't told him I was gonna see you..also I hope your training is doing well. Hope we'll see each other again soon!".

He answered a couple of minutes later : " It's not your fault and thanks,I hope so."

Seeing his text made you smile,you were really happy to get a little bit closer to him.

You went back home with still a big smile on your face and having the afternoon free you decided to train with your Pokemons until nighttime.

After dinner and getting ready for bed, you got a notification on your phone, it was Bede :"Hey,are you still awake?"

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