The confession

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You woke up pretty late this morning,normal given the time you fell asleep. You still had your Applin in your arms,you gently woke it up, putted it on your shoulder and went to the kitchen to say hi to your mom.

Y/n: Good morning mom!

You said yawning.

Mom: It's 12:30 pm ,sweet..So good afternoon!

She said rolling her eyes before laughing.

You sat at the table, pouting a little bit.

Mom: Aw don't do that face! I'm just messing with you.


Your mom sat at the table too and you thanks her for the food she prepared for you. You started to eat and between each bite you fed your little Applin. Your mom look at the little Pokemon and grined at you.

Mom: Oooh~ I see that this party went well! Who's the person who gave you that little one~?!

She seemed really happy and excited for you.

You almost choked on your glass of water when you heard what your mom said. You had never told your mom about your situation with Bede before.

Y/n: W-Well.. it's from a boy I've known for a while now..I don't think you know him.

You said blushing and smiling as you thought about your beloved.

Mom: Well, I'd love to meet that young man very soon.

She said winking at you.

Y/n: O-Of course ! But we are nothing official yet-

Mom: Well go for it~

Y/n: M-Mom!

You blushed harder.At this moment,your mom sounded just like Sonya.

You finished eating and prepared yourself to go. You needed to go see Bede and tell him your answer.

You took a Flying Taxi to Ballonlea with still your little Applin on your shoulder.
Arrived at Ballonlea ,you nervously approached the arena when you finally saw the young fairyboy. And when he looked at you,you couldn't stop smiling, feeling butterflies in your stomach.

Bede walked towards you looking happy to see you.

Bede: I see that you opened the pokeball.

He said blushing a little.

Bede: So..what do y-you think about it?

He said as he scratched the back of his head.

Y/n: Well..I think it is nice.

You said, teasing him.

Bede: Is t-that all?! D-D'ont you know about it's si-

You hugged him tight.

Y/n: What do you think, silly? Of course I know!

Bede looked shocked,he wasn't expecting you to hug him but didn't seem to dislike it.

He hugged you back tighter.

Bede: You can't imagine how happy I am right now. I don't really have experience in relationship but I promise I'll do my best for you , I'll be the best boyfriend you could ever get! I will-

You kissed his cheek as he turned very red.

Y/n: I know you'll,my dear. But you already are the best for me. You have always been.

You said, putting your hand on his cheek while rubbing your thumb on it.

He smiled.

Y/n: And you should smile more often, your smile is very beautiful.

You said, smiling back at him.

His face was so soft and he never looked so happy and gentle with you.

Bede: Y/n.. You're my fairytale~

He mumbled in your ear.

Your heart totally skipped a beat when you heard his words. You kissed his forehead, turning very pink.

(Applin on the ground be like:what the f happened ovo)

You're my fairytale~[Bede x reader]Where stories live. Discover now