Love teasing

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The next day you woke up, still in your boyfriend's arms. You looked at him smiling and gently caressed his face, trying to not wake him up. But passing your hand on his cheek you felt Bede's hand on yours as he opened his eyes.

Bede: W-what are you doing?

He said yawning.

Y/n: Sorry I didn't want to wake you up but you're so beautiful and your skin is so soft..

He looked at you and raised an eyebrow .

Bede: Says the most beautiful person in the world.

He said, kissing your forehead. You hid  your face in a pillow, blushing very hard.

Y/n: Mmmmmmh nwot twue

Bede laughed.

Bede: Embarrassed, darling~?

You lifted your head slightly from behind the cushion, enough to be able to see your boyfriend. Looking at him seriously as he continued to laugh. And before he could do anything you jumped on him and putted the pillow on his face. You were now on top of him.

Y/n: Your time to shush,hehe.

You said, smirking.

Bede throwed the pillow off his face and quickly grabbed your wrists,blushing seeing you on him.

Bede: Tsh. What do you think you're doing?

He said before pulling you against him.

You blushed, looking at Bede's lips and kissed him.

Y/n: W-Well I was doing this~.

He let go of your wrists, looking at you with wide eyes. He didn't expect you to do this. You lifted yourself off him and got off the bed as Bede hid under the blanket. You grabbed your bag and took clothes out of it.

Y/n: Hey, Ima get dressed. So don't look, ok?

He answered you with a little "mmh", still under the blanket. He didn't even glance at you while you were changing, he respects you too much to look at you in that kind of outfit without your consent. And that's something you really like about him. You finished dressing up and told him he could watch now.
You were wearing the off-white sweater he usually wears.

Bede: Hey! T-That's mine-!

He said blushing a little.

Y/n: Yup! I'm gonna steal it from you for today,hehe! You have nooooo choice.

You said, looking at him with a malicious look.

He sighed but his actually happy that you're wearing his clothes.

Bede: Fine but don't stain it! You know I love that sweater.

Y/n: Don't worry! I'll take good care of it..

You said smirking.

Y/n: I'm gonna prepare breakfast, you can get ready during this time.

Bede: Y-You don't have to-. You're my guest , I should be the one cooking for you-.

You smiled and kissed his cheek.

Y/n: Nahh it makes me happy to do it! So don't worry about the host and guest thing. I'm your partner after all!

Bede: R-Right.

He said blushing.

You got out of the room and went to the kitchen to prepare a typical British breakfast.

After preparing breakfast and serving it,your little fairyboy got out of the room as well, wearing his gym leader outfit but of course without his sweater under it.

You both sat down and started eating what you cooked.

Bede: Mmh, it's not that bad.

He said, smiling as you raised an eyebrow.

Bede: Don't worry, I'm just teasing. It's very good.

Y/n: I prefer that!

You said, smiling back at him. You were very proud that he liked your food.

Y/n: Oh and soon there will be a competition at the Wyndon's stadium. Are you gonna participate?

Bede: What kind of question is that-? Of course I'm going to be there! I would never miss an occasion to battle you.

You laughed a little.

Y/n: Right and maybe this time you'll be able to beat me~

You said laughing again.

Bede: Don't underestimate me. I've been training a lot since our last fight. You'll be surprised when you'll see how much me and my Pokemons improved.

He said, looking very serious.

You looked at him and smiled.

Y/n: Well we'll see,my dear.

You finished eating and after picking up your stuffs, you left Bede's. Both of you had a lot of work to do and you had to leave early.But just before leaving each one on your side, Bede gave you the double keys of his house saying that you could come whenever you want. You took it and kissed his cheek before you both walked away.

(And here's a little drawing of Bede I've drawn bc why not <3)

(And here's a little drawing of Bede I've drawn bc why not <3)

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You're my fairytale~[Bede x reader]Where stories live. Discover now