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Bede clenched his fist. A mix of anger and sadness could be seen on his face. You approached him, confused.

Y/n: H-Hey what are you saying? Do you really care what those idiots said?

He didn't answer,he looks away as if he doesn't dare look at you after what he said. He had just shown you one of his weaknesses for the first time. He looked ashamed of himself.

You sat right next to him and putted your hand on your boyfriend's shoulder.

Y/n: Bede listen. No matter what people can say, I love YOU. People don't know you like I do and that's maybe why they can't understand.. they don't see you like I do. They don't see the real you and I really wish I could change that..

Bede sighed and kept looking away.

Bede: But did you fall in love with me?

Bede: Well..since the beginning I always admired your way of thinking and your way of battling. Your attitude and your facial expressions have always attracted me, I can't even tell you why.. Your beauty and strength always fascinated me and all of this made me wanna know more about you..

You said slightly smiling.

Bede finally looked at you and took you in his arms.

Bede: I'm..sorry Y/n. You seem so sincere to me and you don't know how happy that makes me. I don't want you to think that I don't believe you, I love you and will always believe you. I just don't wanna loose you, I would literally do anything for you. I know there is way better boyfriends but-

You made him shush with a kiss. He blushed a lot, weren't expecting you yo do this right now.

Y/n: For me you are the best boyfriend in the world and nobody can change my mind, ok? I love you so much.

You said putting your hand on his and kissed his cheek as he slightly smiled.

Bede: And I love you more,my fairytale~

~The end~

( Hey guys that the end of that story! Tbh I didn't have much inspiration for the end but don't worry I'll come back soon with a new story about Bede and
Y/n ;) )

(I really hope you liked it and thank you very much for reading and the support,it helps me a lot <33)

(Love you all, little simps! And see you later,in another story~)

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